Trips decides what I do with this piss bottle

Trips decides what I do with this piss bottle

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Before you do anything with the bottle drink some more water my nigga.

Drink in front of father

drink it

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I simply do not believe that is a piss bottle. No one's pee looks like that, unless of course, you are a dirty homosexual faggot and have all penis std's then it comes out looking like that. So, OP is that a piss bottle, or are you a liar?

throw it in front of the closest restaurant you find

Shit in the cup, mix and drink it

Gurgle it and spray it on the mirror

Honestly I agree

It looks way to clear to be piss but it is I assure you

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Glug glug glug glugGlug glug glug glugGlug glug glug glugGlug glug glug glug

Put back in cock

FUUUUUUUCK put back in asshole

So close, and this one would have been easy aswell

masturbate with it, original

throw it as high in the air as you can

pee pee in poo poo now

Vomit in it, get some period blood, pour it in, add diarrhea and spit bust 2 nuts inside of it, record everything and drink in a public place while screaming ''Society, you'll never own me''

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funnel it into your ass

rerolling. if not, please take shower in it and don't wash for 2 days

drink it on camera

Drink it. CHECK 'EM!!!

Piss in it even more

Drink it, buddy

pour it down the toilet, flush, and never use one again
(with pics for proof of course)

Pour it in your shoes and go for a jog around the block, then drink it from your socks

Flush it down the toilet.
Please, I beg of you.

slip some into someone's drink

Use it as lube and masturbate

add it to your next drink

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Very close again

If this post is trips ill shall pour the piss down the toilet


Butt chug it origi

drink it on stream

Wash your hair with it

Give it to mommy

make it into a milk shake and have someone besides you taste it

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drink it
op is always a faggot though and won't delivar

splash it on someone

mix it with strong alcohol and drink it

drink it dummy afdfc

>not a single peeballoons post
you know what must be done user

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Op is still here and will very much still deliver

poo in it but really do it

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Mail it to me, but change the media. Evaporate most of the moisture until a gooey paste is left, and use it to seal empty envelopes to send to me.

Pour it down the toilet and flush it away.
Clean out the bottle and recycle it

Drat, I suppose I best think of something for OP to do on the off chance I get trips.

Is this a sign op should stop and pour it down the toilet?

Come on i was so close! this would have been fucking gold...

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Schwing and a miss

Drink the piss boyo

Drink it you wont

Here come the 5's hope youre thirsty, drink the piss

piss nachos

dont drink it please u will dieeee

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Butt chug it

Rerolling to have OP fill his foreskin with the pee before sewing it shut.

If OP is circumcised he has 24 hours to find and attach a foreskin

bathe in it, do it faggot

Throw it out like a normal human being

stand on a street corner in a large city and offer it to homeless men. and liveleak it.

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Golden. Shower user

Fuck yes daddy just gib recipe for pischos

use it as shampoo

Pour some bleach in it

stand on a street corner in a large city and offer it to homeless men. and liveleak it.

but this time I will get 555

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Make Trump drink it

piss balloon. throw it as hard as you can indoors

serious q

do any femanons use piss bottles?

and a fairly decent idea too

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RRREEEEEEEE rererolling to have OP get subdermal tattoos created with piss resin

this isnt even that bad, im disappointed

you better post the webm faggot OP

Write an original song about the piss bottle. Record and post it. Then pour it down your kitchen sink.


Real talk, at summer camp I pissed in a kids shampoo bottle and watched him shower in it for the rest of the week

Ok guys Ill be a minute

are you retarded? nobody showers in a shampoo bottle, they wouldn't fit.

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S-s-stop it, you know what I meant

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On the surface seems like a great prank. The problem is the kid was taking a shower anyway and thus the peepee would immediately be dispeled anyway.

Supposedly piss being yellow indicates dehydration but I don't even know what's true any more. All through my teens and 20s I believed you keep yourself hydrated enough for clear water coloured piss. Now I'm nearly 30 and I've begun to question this after reading a bunch of sources saying most people are actually over hydrated and your piss should be a sort of golden colour. Why is there so much conflicting information on literally everything?

Anal vore it.

>the peepee would immediately be dispeled anyway
sure, by the shampoo. laced with said peepee.

pour it down your asshole

The Jews probably
Very originally original post

Clear piss is healthy and hydrated piss, yellow is dehydrated and unhealthy. That is a fact.

When is OP going to shower with the piss?

he said hed be a min almlost 20 mins ago

If he isn't pissed on then I'll be pissed off.

Yeah that's what I've believed for the last 2 decades, just recently I've begun to read other information saying it's a misconception and you're just making all your organs do more work glugging loads of fluids, while dark yellow is also unhealthy I read somewhere a light gold is the ideal colour

That was really cringy desu....

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So you're a newfag uh? Get back to plebbit nigger

tie a rope to it and carry it arround as your pet piss bottle

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not even close fuck, rerolll

funnel it into your asshole

Heat it up and drink it.

you wish im just not into fucking chinese cartoons

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>I'll be a minute.
He says 45 minutes ago.

Give us the shampoo webm we were promised, OP. If not I'm calling you a faggot next time

bumping because i really wanna see some piss

another day
another OP being a fag

>roll for trips
Spray it on people

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