Just diagnosed bpd (male, worst of all)

Just diagnosed bpd (male, worst of all)
Should I kill myself?

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C'mon, I think you already know the answer

And the answer is... Yes? I guess

i have BPD too (male) and i've managed it for 25 years, still alive, still alone, still want to die mostly but you can still find some joy if you know how to fill the void

>suicide baiting for attention
Checks out.

My dad has a bpd, so I know living decently with that illness is possible. You just really need to take meds and go to therapy. Please at least consider it.

> Still want to die MOSTLY
> But you can still find joy

Yeah, no need to lie... Off to buy some btc tomorrow for the fentanyl


fucking useless and a waste of time

i'm not gonna beg you not to kill yourself fag, i live with the shit too and i have the balls to stay alive

I had one cousin with bpd :) We were always together and best friends
He was in therapy and on meds for five years.
Attempted suicide dozens of times and ended up in a psych ward three times... Now he's dead.

I don't want that life.

Oh don't mind me... I just wanted to share.

No, they need at least few weeks to properly work. I am sorry if you had bad experience with them in the past, but a combination of meds + therapy really works wonders. Please consider it op.

DBT is all that's proven effective for BPD. there are no meds that treat BPD specifically.

Have fun having the balls
I suffered enough and already made my decision
Just wanted to see some replies before

do it in the woods so there's no chance of anyone resuscitating

I have already a place, an antiemetic and the diazepam. Need fentanyl and I'll be ready to do it safely.

Nowadays the standard of therapy is really good. When I was young my dad would constantly threaten suicide, over the smallest things (like when I didn't hug him properly or forgot to send a smiley with my message), be really jealous, constantly gaslight me and cry all the time. Meds helped him in few months, he learned new thought mechanisms in few years. It was really time consuming and tough for him, but he is like a different person now. I am really sorry about your cousin - I know how bad it feels, and I know you are probably heartbroken right now, but please give it a try. It will be tough but you will make it.

Yeah, they just treat some symptoms, not bpd specifically, but in combination with therapy I think it's really effective.

all they do is induce dependence, the therapy should be more than enough.

antidepressants are not healthy i dont care what anyone says

My borderline type is not like this.. I'm impulsive, lack of fear when taking a risky decision, make the same error without chance of changing, can't take a single decision, my emotions aren't graduated, can't have any relationship, have hypersexuality, struggle with ending tasks because or how I feel and often even eating... I can't hold a job, I can't live alone. This is too much to handle and I risk everyday to harm myself or others and I'm being a leech to people's life, it's a thing that I've always hated. Finally I got the answers and finally can decide for my fate.

lol you have the same type of BPD as me, it's not that hard to deal with really, im 25 and eventually you mellow out a little, the most impulsive thing ive done recently was shave my head bald, when i was younger i used to meet up with dudes on craigslist and break into houses and shit, eventually you do mellow out

You can still learn to control yourself and those thought patterns in a therapy. Don't give up just yet, try the therapy for a couple of years.

>Schizoaffective and BPD
>Because of psychosis, only fear is death
>Have never attempted suicide but really wish to not exist in the way I currently do
>Every friendship or social interaction turns into a desperate attempt to get them to like me enough to date me
>Every crush I get I am too anxious to make a move
>Anything that I end up keeping for friendship (literally only my brother) is fighting and then intense friendship over and over again

Someone end me, lobotomize me, fucking please something, I need help, I need my meds back

Well no because even if you fall into a deep depression, you'll probably have a manic episode afterward where you're happy.

I did really bad things, trust me.. I'm not a sociopath but I'm scared about myself and I decided that it's enough (therapy, at least here where I live is ridiculous btw)

i used to dissociate and kill animals, i buried a cat alive behind my garage because i split when it attacked me while i was petting it, i think i know what you mean

I'm a monster and there should be an euthanasia plan for people like me
I really hope I won't get into a coma or paralyzed

Use it to make women fall in love with you dumb ass

Hey thats what I used. Minus the anti emetic plus a few drinks. A friend found me and off to hospital I had to go

what have you done dude?

Already did, many girls fell for my sick way of doing, my seductive side and so forth.. But then I exploded with them and in past even hurt myself. It's not funny, I can guarantee that.
I also destroyed the only romantic relationship I had with the perfect girl I wanted to marry... All because I exaggerate when I'm frustrated /disappointed or anything else.. She used to tell me she loved me forever and would show that.. Then she told be she was terrorized by me.
Everything has an end.

Ahahah I'm so ashamed (or rather afraid/conscious) about what I did that I wouldn't tell even doctors (to them I told everything, even about sex and drugs)

Oh right, I'm usually the serious guy about things like protected sex and so on...I even spent 120$ on good condoms and usually am firm about using them (even not doing drugs and drive etc)

Guess what... Had unprotected sex with my sex buddy six days ago and now I'm dying in anxiety... Why. Why. Why.
I feel so stupid, why can't I just follow what I believe in.

Even when my parents ask we if I want to eat (I'm skinny, I need to eat) I know the answer is YES and I ALWAYS REPLY NO.

If I can't be my own.
I'd feel better dead.

Are personality disorders really as long term as they say? I got diagnosed with 2 last month and it makes me wonder if my problems are eternal