I'm eleven, nice meeting you. I'm here to help you help yourself

I'm eleven, nice meeting you. I'm here to help you help yourself.
are having a good one?
likely not. Right?

I'm offering tarot reads. If this goes well I'll be back tomorrow.
To play, give me a name you identify with, a color, a number and three words that describe your appearance. Then ask your question.

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>I'm eleven
Underage b&

May i offer you a cup of my own semen to consume?

chubby tall balding
>Where will I be in life one year from now?

Colin, Red, 11, chubby, unfashionable, dirty

Will I ever find my life partner?

It seems a year from now you will have found yourself released from immense burdens that currently aflict you, perhaps you are currently in a complex financial situation, maybe there is poverty around you.
One year from now, you will have release from this oppressing environment, and you will be holding on to the gains you've achieved, ensuring the situation remains stable.
Godspeed Edgar.

yes you will.
however it seems to me as though there are some problems regarding wanting to preserve nostalgia, there is almost an oppression of purity, and you keep wanting to hold on to this sense of nostalgia of a better time.
But without a doubt, you'll find your partner

Oliver, pink, 13, tall brunette stoic. will I ever learn how 2 just chill the fuck out tho

Spike, black, 7, long curly hair

Anya, yellow -- 5 pale, sick, and tired

fuck i'm retarded and forgot the question.
>what does my future look like?

Fucking farse. Tarot does not predict your future.

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Oh lord forgot the question,
Is he/she gonna be existent?

Messy, Pale, Tired
When will I find my partner?

Hollow, Cyan, 4, tall, blonde and quiet. I have a lot of friends and am well-liked, but I feel lonely all the time, how do you stop feeling so lonely?

Ainya, grey, 425, pale, lanky, long hair
>when will I find my forever partner?

Oliver, it is an absolute certainty that you will learn how to "chill the fuck out man".
Change is going to come one day and you're going to leave behind all of the struggles, it seems your anxieties come from a turbulent circumstance of arguments, fights, deep desire to generate money, and a sense of lack of stability.
Let go of attachment to material things, this will help you calm down.

Is she going to be existent?
Yes, most definitely, and it will be the beginning of a beautiful new love.

Do you have struggles with your parents?
It seems the situation is mostly imaginary, you don't have to suffer, in fact it appears that whatever is coming your way will make you feel victimized, but it won't be real. You can release yourself from this situation at any time. You already know this in your heart.

Your partner is waiting for you to stop victimizing yourself, you need to tame the part of you that cultivates a sense of need for a partner, you need to learn balance, learn to tame your desire for a partner, and who you are in spite of this desire.
Your partner will appear after your learn this lesson.

You are a generous person and therefore people want to be around you, but within you there is terror and nightmares. Fear.
Giving people expect often times double in return, maybe they work so hard to give to others that they fail to recognize that through not communicating how much you care, others never manage to truly understand it.
It looks like it comes natural to you. So others can't know.
Let go of the burden, stop overworking yourself for the sake of others, it's not that you are lonely, it's that you have to learn to love yourself and enjoy your own presence.

Thanks fren, put a smile on my face.

You still here?
Short, skinny, awkward
>Will my journey to getting boobs end soon?

It seems that either you already are with your forever partner, or that you will meet them in December.

Yes, it will. Your dream will come true. Don't overly stress yourself with this situation, it is definitely happening, no need to feel like a victim here.

scrappy, fat, drunk

how long will it take?

Dark Green.
Tall, Pale, Skinny.
What is my destiny?

>Do you have struggles with your parents?
sometimes. we have had mostly good relations but i worry that they don't push me enough in place of my lack of motivation. how do i change this?

Cooper, purple, 3, how say above average in one word, eccentric, irresponsible
When will i find a reason to contribute to this god forsaked cumsock of a world?

Light Yellow
Short, Sweaty, Curly hair
Will i ever become a successful astronaut/ somebody in the aerospace engineering field?

It seems it will take 10 years, could also take 10 months if you gather the willpower. Is this a divorce? Good luck.

It seems many choices presented themselves to you. Among these options you left behind the most incredible of them all, and you are currently holding your ground on your decision even though you are miserable.
Your egotism will prevent you from changing.
Soon you will find that this will begin consuming you and you will begin looking within, there you'll find a wonderful new love, a new passion. Maybe a person, maybe a passion for volunteer work, overall, it seems you may end up trying to fix your egotism through charity work.

Your parents can't fix that for you. You don't lack motivation, you lack inspiration, find out what inspires you, what makes life worth living, and indulge in it in a healthy measure everyday.
This situation is mostly a problem of perspective.

there is a disaster that is being delayed in your life at the moment, come january it will pass, likely something to do with a relationship.
You'll then find a reason amidst the disaster to contribute.

Yeah sure, I'll play


Spike (different one, this name was my choice too whoops)
Tall, tired, kinda detached
Am I going to ever lose my debilitating fear of what others think

Yea, you will, and it will be absolutely amazing, celebration is coming! Your dream will come true.

Insane, Spiteful, Charismatic

Will I help Western Canada separate?

spike from like a post ago here my number is 42 forgot 2 add that :?

slim, unimposing, pale
Will I find drive?

Will she consider me or will I always be just another random guy she talks to from time to time?

Mostly "stuck" in my own world

How long will it roughly take for me to find meaning for my life? By that I mean like maybe an event or a turning point from where it goes "uphill".

Egotism? I don't discuss myself with others. I have low self-esteem and regard myself rather poorly. I asked what my destiny was because I want to find my place in this world, because there seems to be little purpose to my existence. Likewise, haven't made any decisions recently to hold my ground on.

Emerald Green
Short, Pale, Sickly

Will there be a cataclysmic event in the near future?


Hello 011 from ST

i'm pretty sure I know who you are eleven you talked about how you liked to make threads like this to me before

If you are not seeking professional help yet, please do. It will fix you right up apparently.

You left no question so i asked no question.
But your answer is, quickly, get out of whatever bad situation it is you appear to be in.

Fight for what you believe in wild child. It may just work out.

things look gloomy here, not going to lie to you scott.
It seems that is a group, maybe a workplace that you are in that is draining away your energy.
You need courage, you need to be bold and have the courage to exit your stalemate. Make a choice, make the right choice.
Be brave.

oh yea, but you should communicate your true intentions with her in order for that to happen, in a positive and bold way. have confidence.

March. In a workplace. This will be the turning point.

Oh yea, the energies have been building up, we're reaching boiling point.

Maybe it was a person you decided you didn't need in your life. Maybe you treated someone very poorly when they offered you something incredibly valuable, maybe you are someone who focused only on material things and his everyday things, you ignored something that could have made you incredibly happy.
Now you are suffering as a result of this. Your egotism shows in your inability to look within and question your actions. So sure are you that you are pure and without fault, in your habits of never talking of yourself. But, after all, this shows self-absorption, a certain pride in your sanctity and righteousness.
This is why you feel this way.

As for the purpose of your existence...
To experience grief and heartbreak.
Sorry, at least for now it is so, depending on your age, things may improve, if you are around 27~30 you are perhaps experiencing a Saturn return and therefore paying your dues through suffering.

Never done this before.

Not me but can be me. I am but air, shapeless.

Pale, small, tired
Will I ever become socially competent

Yep, but this is something you will have to work for. You need to actively nurture this skill, learn materialism, learn sexuality, nurture this in secrecy, maybe practice it online, and you will indeed manage to overcome you incompetence.
It's just a task.

Bulky, Distant, Hermit.
What's my future love life looking like, or more specifically how long until I can find the one?
Thanks in advanced.

Abundant apparently, but you are the one who must take initiative and have the courage to initiate it. It seems to me like you're prone to having high expectations? Perhaps you expect others to put in the work, but you're the one who should be doing the work.

bye for now

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Royal Purple
Short White Female
My boyfriend is in a tough spot. What can I do to help him?

>tall, skinny, aryan
Will I ever stop being a useless piece of shit in life?

Heyyyy same name, almost

>I'm offering tarot reads
>skinny, dead eyes, i have a small scar near the left eye

i forgot the question, will my dream get to become true?

So you're a Japanese person?

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Frail, Stoic, Short
>what is my future gonna be and will I ever live a meaningful, fulfilling life with a partner?

>tall, thin, prettyboy

Should I continue to pursue her?

Tall, fat, beard

Forgot the question like a tard. If I apply for a job I've been wanting to for the past half year, would I get it? And would I be happy?