If you are not seeking professional help yet, please do. It will fix you right up apparently.
You left no question so i asked no question.
But your answer is, quickly, get out of whatever bad situation it is you appear to be in.
Fight for what you believe in wild child. It may just work out.
things look gloomy here, not going to lie to you scott.
It seems that is a group, maybe a workplace that you are in that is draining away your energy.
You need courage, you need to be bold and have the courage to exit your stalemate. Make a choice, make the right choice.
Be brave.
oh yea, but you should communicate your true intentions with her in order for that to happen, in a positive and bold way. have confidence.
March. In a workplace. This will be the turning point.
Oh yea, the energies have been building up, we're reaching boiling point.
Maybe it was a person you decided you didn't need in your life. Maybe you treated someone very poorly when they offered you something incredibly valuable, maybe you are someone who focused only on material things and his everyday things, you ignored something that could have made you incredibly happy.
Now you are suffering as a result of this. Your egotism shows in your inability to look within and question your actions. So sure are you that you are pure and without fault, in your habits of never talking of yourself. But, after all, this shows self-absorption, a certain pride in your sanctity and righteousness.
This is why you feel this way.
As for the purpose of your existence...
To experience grief and heartbreak.
Sorry, at least for now it is so, depending on your age, things may improve, if you are around 27~30 you are perhaps experiencing a Saturn return and therefore paying your dues through suffering.
Never done this before.
Not me but can be me. I am but air, shapeless.