Why do redditor newfags think that social outcast who hate the society they live in are the perfect candidates to shill nationalism to? Never understood this idea.
Why do redditor newfags think that social outcast who hate the society they live in are the perfect candidates to shill...
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social isolation causes vulnerability which makes people more receptive to being controlled. Also good to play into us v them narratives. Look at how cults operate.
Because the majority of this site consist of redditors now. They come here to shill their shit and then other redditors approve of it, which makes them think that we approve of it. They're too retarded to notice that its them circlejerking amongst themselves all along
This. Instead of good memes all I see is old men in their 20s whining about their social justice warrior shit and gender wars. Like fuck we get it your a virgin boomer go blog somewhere else
based post and based digits
Every explanation posted so far is wrong. It's very simple, really: Yes, we hate society. But many of the meek souls and autists here hate it because we find it unnecessarily harsh and unfair. We are exactly the type of people who would want to attempt to "fix" society. Our rage and unused energy also makes us suitable for this exact application.
>Every explanation posted so far is wrong
This, who let the overconfident retards in?
>We are exactly the type of people who would want to attempt to "fix" society.
So as he said, the most susceptible to being controlled and used to achieve someone elses goals.
this to be quite honest desufamilia
at least conservative ideologies ostensibly wish to abandon feminism and therefore implicitly promise you a wife. i feel the ones that are really losing it are the leftists who come here to shill. they have very little to nothing to offer us. at least the far right wished to reign in promiscuity and hypergamy. leftists simply offer the status quo when it comes to this aspect.
the sort of person who has no positive traits or accomplishments of their own is more likely to try to claim intrinsic superiority. Commonly, this plays out as being due to the race or nation into which you were born
We lack meaning/purpose. What better group to enslave to yet another political ideology
FPBP. I once heard someone say "nothing unites people stronger than hate" or something like that.
Robots might be less likely to base their opinions on what's socially acceptable. They might consider arguments rather than treating politics like rooting for a sports team where you just pick "your" team and can't consider anything else.
The primary reason is probably that the nationalists go here anyway and discuss politics in the place they normally go to
Tbf, if I was white, I'd definitely see why I'd be prone to feeling superior to other races. White people pretty much invented everything and every other culture and race takes influence from them. The universal beauty standard is the average European person, for example.
So you want a board full of teenagers who complain that they're short fat and lonely? Or just fuckin traps?
If nationalism got shilled here a lot, you would at least know what it is.
now that's just shitposting, have a (you) regardless
No he wants every board to be s4s. He wants this to just be a place for memes.
Just because you don't have an argument doesn't mean I'm shitposting.
It took quite long for them to arrive this time. I still have hope, OP.
Time to stop posting. You got (you) posted
The poster in really doesn't have a clue what nationalism is
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Try again, dipshits.
Le ebin baste rart detecc
Being an isolated sad sack of shit and nationalism walk hand in hand actually, see the whole romanticism movement in the 19th century.
I think the greater problem is that people who spend entire threads raging about shills have no problem unironically shilling their own ideology. If you follow this to its inevitable conclusion, then the entire board consists only of shills accusing each other of being shills. I don't browse Jow Forums but I assume that this is what it's like over there. I might be wrong, but nothing I have seen on this board has given me any desire to find out anything more about that shithole or what the people who post there think and feel.
>Being an isolated sad sack of shit
That's plain wrong, my man
plz don't tell me that ur a hue
Nope, The Sorrows of Young Werther pretty much kickstarted the later dramatic romanticism.
I ain't even debating you sweaty get (you) posted
>I ain't even debating you
Of course you aren't. You're not capable of that.
Calm down bud, not everybody is out to get you.
Jow Forums scapegoats immigrants. robots hate normies equally.
Thats what this board is though. This is the problem with redditors like yourself. You go to post on different places on the internet exactly because they are different, but then you try to change those places to become the same exact place you came from. And then you complain about immigrants. You do the exact same thing you blame others of doing. Infact, this is a pattern with redditors/poltards. Almost everything you accuse other people of doing is something you do but cant accept that you do it. Its all one big projection
Exactly. A robot would rather team up with another autist regardless of race, a Jow Forumsack would suck Chads dick if it ment not having to interact with nonwhites. They are two completely different worldviews. The only thing they have in common is that CURRENTLY (and i emphasize that word) Jow Forums views are taboo. However, there were times they were the popular, and there will be such times again in the future. The zeitgeist changes from left to right, fascist to libertarian, etc. But robots always remain robots. There has never been a time when social outcats were popular, because by definition they cant. To be a robot is to inherently exist on the fringes of society, where as for Jow Forumsacks its just a disease of the times.
I have never even been on plebbit you nigger
said every redditor
Whatever you say bud.
Oreganoli oreganoli show me the niggeroli