How does a self hating spic find a self hating hapa gf?

How does a self hating spic find a self hating hapa gf?

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I don't know dawg I feel the same. I'm a white passing spic faggot who just wants a cute hapa gf

Why would you soawn in such filth? Your offspring would only grow to resent you for birthing them into this cruel world.

Nah my kids would be more white

Theyd be 26% white.

Chin up lads. I believe in you.

i actually thought about this and i dont think i should reproduce... is that fucked...?

Hapa pussy belongs to WHITE Chads only.
Begone spic. Go fuck some disgusting 300 pound mutt beast.

Attached: AToast.jpg (334x334, 88K)

The one girl I stalk on Instagram is hapa. She's a goddamn 10/10. I swear to fucking god she's my soulmate. Not an eceleb or thot btw

idk ive seen a lot of spics girls with both parents that are spics that kinda pass as asians. can someone explain this?

North American natives are fairly closely related to East Asians so it's not surprising some Mexicans or natives would sometimes look Asian. It's especially noticeable among the Inuit in Canada.

im not having kids
mutts dont have a tribe to call their own, they dont belong to any specific race
no mutt should ever reproduce.
What you should do is adopt some pure amerindian, inuit, mongol or turkic mongoloid children and get them to have lots of children so that we can make the americas mongoloid again

Andean natives looks like asians too

Attached: peru girl.jpg (864x1390, 159K)

you don't. stop being a self hating faggot and find a cute spic gf

There are like a billion Mexicans south of the USA who more or less make up there own mutt-race.
Maybe, it's not impossible to be in a situation where you really shouldn't have kdis, but being anti-natalism is so fashionable these days I would say you're probably making a mistake if that's what you think. Most of the people who think that are just sensitive people with doubts about themselves, but that's something you can overcome. Don't give up user, there are enough people out there who breed like rabbits without giving a second thought to the quality of life of their children, I'm sure you'd be a better parent than them.

Every fucking spic on Jow Forums says they look White and have "fair" skin or some other delusional shit like that. You don't look White just because you haven't gone outside for a month. Im sorry(not sorry) to say this but you look like a spic(Southern eurpean sandnigger at best) and your child Will look like a spic.

hi gabu how are you

There's some truth to this. There's a spectrum of whiteness in greater-Mexico and mutts on the whiter end tend to label as white, but that's only relative tot he environment. If they went somewhere actually white (eg, Europe) and they'd stand out like a shit in a toilet bowl.

My, how based!

So many mexicans these days actually have white features these days tho.

But yeah I think it's probably like this t. white fair skinned spic

Fair Skinned is just another spic color. The mexican Side is too dominant. Probably only mexicans see you as partly white every other race just sees another spic. Also these "White features" are probably not so white in Europe or another place that hasn't been spicked.

You don't get it though I look like a Spaniard

there is no unity between spics because we arent all the sane type of mutt
whos that?
I hate the spic ethos so no

Sure you do :) This hasn't been said by arabs and spics on Soc for years. Spaniards are also just muts and barely classifies as white.

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I guess I'm med if anything. Not Germanic or Nordnigger

Who's gabu
Is it a she and is she cute