How big of a difference does weight make in a fight?
How big of a difference does weight make in a fight?
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None, weight classes in combat sports are useless
I mean I once seen Rey Mysterio beat big show so I am guessing fuck all.
This only height matters
Brainlet, force = weight * acceleration
Weight is much more significant than just height in combat
But what if manlets get fat the get put back in their place
Never get tired of looking at this picture.
Training than size than strength
Shut up manlet, I could whop your ass any day.
I do bjj and size is huge. Training obviously matters more but 20lbs of muscle can equalize a year of training pretty fucking quickly.
depends if the skill level is even the bigger fighter should win, Think mma fly weight vs heavy and the heavy is gonna destroy him.
untrained fighters then its usually whoever sucker punches the other guy but the bigger guy should still have the advantage.
But take a trained fly weight vs an untrained big guy and the small guy should win if the big guy doesnt just grab him and sit on him... its like the gif of thor vs conor mcgregor, I think thor would probably still win but would take some major damage in the process
Size is a big one, but skill and speed are more important since you can't really build muscle on the side of your head. I saw a 5'4 130 lb guy who really knew how to fight knock out a 230 6'2er with 3 straight rights to the head after ducking under the big guy's first swing.
according to some cops I know, 10 extra pounds (of useful mass, not gut) is like a belt level of martial arts experience. you can overcome a weight class difference, but it takes a lot of skill to do it.
It's a massive deal, between two trained fighters height/weight is really important. A smaller guy who's a good fighter can beat a bigger guy, but if both guys know how to fight the big guy will almost always win. Like Bruce Lee vs Muhammad Ali, they were both good fighters but Lee was like 5'9" 140lbs and Ali was 6'3" 210lbs, someone once asked Lee who would win and he said that Ali would kick his ass because he's twice his size.
Weight classes exist for a reason.
Basically this, training wins out against all except the extreme cases where there is a 200lb weight 1ft height difference
My main Jits coach once said to me that for every 20-30lbs pounds your opponent Jason you, you need to be another belt higher to manhandle them.
Most street betas end up in close contact anyway, thus giving advantage for heavier (stronger) dude. Slamming manlets to the ground has always been a signature of fun fight.
Something like 30lbs you have to be twice as good, 50lbs four times as good etc. That being said I've done judo and boxed people with 40-50 lbs on me and won and I don't think I was 4 times better than them, so I dunno.
Protip tho if the other dudes untrained it takes like 3 months of training to be twice as good them.
>Bruce Lee was a good fighter
Is Jackie Chan a good fighter too?