This destroys the white roasties self esteem

This destroys the white roasties self esteem

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> Tfw no cute Asian women to sing happy birthday for you.

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Why does asian girls destroy withe roasties ?

By showing that even a common asian woman is better looking than her.

In my biology class our professor said men consistently rate Asian females as being the most attractive when shown various women in studies. Also Eastern European and Finnish women are generally seen as more attractive because they have more Asiatic admixture.

I don't get why yellow fever fags are so obsessed with making white women angry. Oh wait, yes I do.

an average white woman who takes care of herself and is moderately wealthy is usually just as cute. poor, jap women that dont take care o themselves are ugly. self care, hygiene, and wealth are the primary determinants of attractiveness.

So you agree that most white women suffer from pretty princess syndrome?glad we agree.

damn they fucking sexy and not even trying
white women btfo

It's cause all Asian women pull their weight. Tons of women from other ethnic groups are obese, but Asian women are almost always thin. Basically, the best you'll get is a standard issue asian girl with a cute face, the worst you'll get is one that looks chinky as fuck

>even men who say they prefer Asians can't helo fixating on white women


Only improvement is the diet really, take a picture of not fat white girls from the same distance, they would look better than this.

yeah it does a little bit...they're all so pretty........why do white guys want asian girls so much? Is it just their looks or personalities? Traditional qualities?

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Personally,its because uve bern treated better by asian girls. Been on 3 dates with one and all of them went really well compares to the 5 i went on with white girls.

white women are retards

They may look cuter, but they are just as whorish as white women. Remember that, my son.

bros i love asian women what do, when will they start hating white men

>soulless black-eyed insect people

>hurrrrr muh eyes
Why are white knights so pathetic?

Yes, in the other hand the beautiful grey eyes won't mean much when you get home and find you wife in the living room fucking 2 guys and she gets pissy because you started shouting at her.

Her body her choice.

Asian women look like the retarded children of grey aliens and Neanderthals, they're more bitchy and materialistic than white women too. All women are shit.

>common asian woman
You know these are models, right? Have you ever been to Japan for any significant amount of time? I think nip girls are the most attractive by far, but you're delusional if you think these girls aren't at the top end of things.

Yeah I have to agree with this, as much as I like japs when I went there I felt the gaps in looks are pretty big between generic (which was the majority) and top tier looks. Nonetheless the mixed girls are the best.

Look at them
They have no soul

its a shame about the sideways vaginas though

Honestly asian woman would be objectively more attractive if they naturally had blue/green eyes and red/blonde hair. However I am only interested in them because white women seem to all be masculinized unrepentant sluts.

White people who are like the Richie Rich kids of society are incredibly fragile when something threatens their perceptions.

Of course they're pretty, they're idols. Not the regular type of girl you see on the streets.

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I should have used a different photo. Whoops.

>females who act like females
>female who barely resemble females and have nothing feminine character wise

Don't fool yourself, most asians are also ugly as fuck.

I mean not really. They are cute but they all look the same. Would be easy to confuse your gf for her great grandmother. Would rather have a woman than a girl

Asians are more wholesome and actually care about the familial unit somewhat unlike in America where its hypergamy

I had my yellow fever curved from living in tokyo (still do)
the average asian chick is not attractive

>all these stupid weebs

asian bugwomen are literally the most materialistic turboparasite whores. if you thought white girl bought into groupthink asian thots take it to another purely brainless parasite level

>asian bugwomen are literally the most materialistic turboparasite whores. if you thought white girl bought into groupthink asian thots take it to another purely brainless parasite level

this, asian women literally have no personality and will drop you in a second for someone that can buy them more things. they are materialism personified, and the sex is terrible as well

There's something about basic white girls that's much more annoying than Asian girls. Like when I see a bunch of white girls together who all kind of dress the same and order the same pumpkin spice drinks at Starbucks, I can't help but think much more poorly of them. Asian girls also have some stereotypical patterns and trends, but it doesn't come off as bad. Maybe it's also because most of these white girls that I see are much more vapid and aren't as smart. When it comes to weight, the majority of Americans are overweight or obese (two-thirds), although it isn't as bad for college students. But white women also let themselves go much earlier in life, and Asian women tend to stay thin the majority of their lives.

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Can confirm that. I worked in Japan and had heaps of Japanese friends. They would always complain. Too short, too hairy, took her to the same restaurant they went to 4 months ago, talked to his mother for too long, didnt buy her a gift after two days of dating

>very cute
>goes to the top university in Korea and is highly intelligent
>tries to help you out even though she's not confident in English
>selflessly takes time out of her to help

The majority of white girls could never compete

I want to be a Japanese school girl. Just like my animes

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So no different than white women other than they age better, got it.

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Your anecdotes are interesting. But i doubt they account for every single asian woman out there. Maybe a few but not alot.

agp nigger gtfo this thread
the straight men are talking

>Watch show with white gf
>She comments on how the girls are pretty, and how stylish Japanese women often are
>Also says she wishes she could be that petite
>Literally the next day she's talking about how Asian women are soulless and evil
The memes are real.


White girls: *Listens to Kpop groups like Twice*
Also white girls: Korean women have no soul, they look like children

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they're perfect in every way

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what was the show? jdrama or something?

>no qt japanese women living in nebraska

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>born in Finland
>6ft tall, 172 lbs little bit muscular
>white hair and blue eyes, got everything from my finnish and swedish parents.

Looks like I now have all the good cards in life, now I need to get a gf somehow.

are there at least some in college towns?

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depends on how good the college is

I meant to reply to the guy in Nebraska

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god i want to tongue fuck a korean girls butthole

For the love of God, I am really in need of an asian gf.

Japanese should be okay too

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White Stacie's unironically see themselves as gods nowadays this doesn't threaten them at all, not to mention no white stacie is browsing r9k.

No one cares, the type of women who get mad at this are the type of women who I can feasibly date, stacy's i already can't date.

best of luck to you on that

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in that case, no. no good colleges in nebraska

Holy shit they all look exactly the same.

t. White girl who can't stop lusting after niggers who literally look the same

lol white women

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>falling for the rice jew's tricks

while you idiots are oogling their women, the rice jew is tempting your women.

isnt this the comfort lizard chick??

>settle down with a fertile, feminine, caring, family-oriented woman who has her shit together and understands the world and her role in it.
>settle down with an entitled, bratty, infertile, mask-wearing whore who will remorselessly attempt to kill any life that does quicken in her otherwise barren womb and demands all of the privileges of being a male, and a female, with none of the responsibilities of either.
You know it's a tough choice, but I think the answer to your question ultimately is feminism. It's simply not a sustainable ideology; no feminist nation (and this includes "protofeminist" cultures such as the later Roman empire) has ever maintained replacement a birthrate for more than a single generation. Throw in abortion rights and you've got a no-win scenario, there is simply no way the world of tomorrow can be feminist. Men recognise this, either for what it is (unsustainable, unnatural, abhorrent) or just find themselves unable to understand Western women who no longer fulfil any useful role in society and will always be a liability in any scenario and thus are best jettisoned in favor of women for other cultures.
>i-i-it's wealth not feminism, r-right?
Even today there are plenty of rich nations who don't view women as "the same as men" that have no trouble sustaining high birthrates. Only a genuine Darwin-award winning retard would choose a Westernised woman for anything other than a one night stand, they have rendered themselves obsolete.

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>falling for the rice jew's tricks
>as the rice jew preys upon the remaining qt white women left behind

time to wake up, white men

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No one fucking cares about white women they are the easiest creatures to seduce, go back to r/AsianMasculinity you pathetic fuck. I don't even have a fucking problem with Asian men but false flagging insecure faggots like you honestly make me giggle.

>smashing some barren crack whore
Waste of semen and a genetic dead end, you're welcome to them. I will be taking Asian women in return and there's nothing you can do about it.

do i make you giggle???
do you find the rice jew threat funny?

you like game of thrones? she looks like that one chick. are you so blind to the threat of the rice jew??

We're taking your women, Lee. There's really nothing you can do about it.

the rice jew has won.

Both white men and women look better on average than any other races.

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tfw white men are waking up to the rice jew

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But you have Finnish autism.

At ASU there is a ton of them but they don't look nearly as good as that obviously. Kpop girls have gotten heavy plastic surgery on their faces

these are idols not the common jap girl, otherwise you'll see polar opposite

the darkness of night falls around my soul,
the rice jew seeks to take control.


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qt white women waits for their men,
they are struggling inside waiting to break free.

gotta let it out gotta let it out

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the yellow fever has its grip inside of me, the white fights on struggling to break free


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lel at that lanklet qt in the front row.

move fast baby dont be slow, lock and reload its time to gooo.
BANG BANG BANG pull his devil trigger

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yeah cos they cant get with any white woman lol

Black user here. Can I have Asian gf too?

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You can have a fat white woman and you will love it.

Thanks for that laugh fren