Do you smoke weed user? How often? What do you like to do while high?

Do you smoke weed user? How often? What do you like to do while high?

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i mainly jack off

>whenever i get the chance
>fap, vidya, watch anime, pretty much do what I always do

Smh weed is overrated and expensive
DXM is a way better drug

/fpbp sasuga

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am highn rn like every night

No. Never. Wouldn't know

Drugs are bad

Not weed but hash oil, every night for the past ten years. What don't I do while consuming cannabis, that is a better question

I do
I haven't smoked in almost 2 months
I use to do moat things stoned especially work on slow days

Yes, 3 or 4 times a week. Well, mostly vape it like since I can't be bothered to leave my room and i don't want it smelling dank.
I usually read, write in my journal, fap, and browse here.

daily (most days I just smoke an hour or so before bed though)
listen to music, watch movies, wank

yeah same dabs changed mah life

I smoke 3-4 times a week, will try to smoke more cause I hate being sober.

It depends. Some weeks almost daily, sometimes i dont for months.
I like to talk, go to the cinema (mostly alone), just think about stuff.

I smoke every night before bed. It's the only way I fall asleep and makes it impossible to dream, which is a good thing because I hate dreams. Mostly just play some tf2 while listening to music then do

every weekend at my bfs house, when we want to fuck

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>Do you smoke weed user?
>How often?
Used to be everyday but now I try to limit my smoking as much as possible. Kinda hard when I sell weed full-time.
>What do you like to do while high?
Cooking, listening to music, watch godzilla movies (or any classic daikaiju flicks)

I usted to love being on DXM, but i just feel so bad thinking about how cheap it is ( at least where im from) and because theres not a lot of info about side effects from recreational use. Pretty neat high tho

No I don't do the hip normie leaf of socialization

smoked everyday for like 8 years and i just a month and a half ago

Once or twice a month, I used to love weed and smoked daily but then I got psychosis and it's permanently fucked my brain up. I like to listen to music, eat, and talk to friends.

My best highs come from the combination with amphetamines, this will make me extremely practical by making me pay attention to the entire package, whatever it might be. Push-ups for example, every ex/in-hale has a purpose with it, going with the flow of the movements making them much easier to do. Tying ropes, building, the usual household stuff, etc. Getting high on weed without is just playing vidya, music and the other usual stuff that bore me to tears while sober. If this combination existed in pill form without the drop in memory functions, i think humanity would be way better off.

dxm is illegal where i live now :(

Usually smoke with friends so we just chit chat and do stupid shit

Yes. Constantly. Going about my day without pain.

>Do you smoke weed user?
>What do you like to do while high?
get intense anxiety and symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia

i prefer mdma

weed just makes me anxious, I get high on whatever benzos I can get my hands on or speed if i have to study for an exam or write paper

>depends, sometimes every day, sometimes once a month
>cooking, watching TV, litsening to music, talking with people