"How're things?" thread

Hey user, the usual right?
>What brings you here?

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I am feeling JOY and I am deriving satisfaction out of my conscious experience, meaning that I am happy for being ALIVE!
How do I know this is accurate and real? Is it the outset of psychosis?
How do I know?

is this bar at competition with wojak's bar?

here cause I'm bored

I am trying to build up the courage to simply ask how my oneitis is doing
I have decided to do it in the morning but I probably still wont, just because I'm a stupid pussy.
Probably thinks I'm ghosting or something.
Fuck he's online again, maybe I'll gain the balls real fucking quick to do it

I have finally given up on the idea of ever being with someone.

Fuck both of my ex's and fuck women

What else do you plan to do after the usual "Fine and you"?

I got fucking hemorrhoids, how the fuck do I get rid of them without seeing a doc?

>beautiful day, beautiful dat. Got a smoke?

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> Got a smoke?

You don't. Enjoy the ride, fellow hemobro

>i have one. Want one

>"Want one"
"No, I'm fine."


Your move:
>"so, how is [thing]"
*throws slightly infatuated gaze*

meh, im too drunk on wojak's. weird to have competitive threads, be comfy guys, dont fight.

What brings me here? I dunno Barkeep. I ask myself that a lot. I thought I came here to find wealth, but every time I try to leave, something in the Zone convinces me otherwise. Now, how about another round?

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>hey there, just get me a bangs root beer

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"I'm doing alright lol, what have you been doing for the past few days?"
At least it's better than nothing

Do his bidding, until silence.
Then do your move.

Also have not gained the courage
I'm dying here
Can't even make a simple hello

I don't know what this means originally

Alright. I had a counseling session today.

>at train station waiting for train
>homely qt standing a few metres away from me
>out of the corner of my eye, see her turning and looking towards me every few seconds
>start to look back when I notice she's looking at me
>turns away every time
>this goes on for a few minutes
>realise she was just looking down the platform to see when the train was coming in

someday we'll make it fellas

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My fatass dad is up because some dumbass kids in a sports car were fucking around in the street outside. I hope they start something so I can run out with a kitchen knife and stab them to death or probably just snash their jaws in. I think it would be cool to see my neighbors dead. lol

jose is that u

He asked about what you have been doing for the past few days.

Tell him.
Wait for the topic to die.
Then ask something you want.

Oh no, I haven't even gotten past the first step of asking him how he's doing
I am sitting here shaking trying to muster up the courage to type ANYTHING staring at the open pm box

Its better to do this in person desu.

No my name is mark.

>so uh hi mark

Then I would have to message him to invite to hang out
I was going to message him to drink together and then the hours passed by and it's too late and I would feel like I'm using him for stuff
In conclusion, I'm a big pussy who can't even get close to the keyboard while his pm box is open without panicking

im high as fuck and eatin some jellly beans

Hey hows it going? Orginal

Hahahaha hi-mark, get it, like the brand of highlighters xd
Only the first letter of that name is in any relation to my name unless you consider my nickname, then two. His name isn't similar in the slightest

My names mark you stupid bitch

Alright mark, no need to be rude, mark, mark my words, mark.

That stuff doesnt bother me. My last name got me teased a bit too.

Youre tearing me apart, mark

I fucking did it, he responded
I asked what he's been up to and he
went offline

I think he accidentally messaged me, I really have no idea, god damn I need an antianxiety or something fuck

Fuck, i need to give you a handy to calm your tits, mark

not nearly enough peeing in glasses going on in this thread :/

My name not jeff

Hey barkeep, I became a wagee now. I can feel the slavesmasters looking at me as a number. Something that can be replaced. If only if I don't really live alone, or am a total coward of ending myself I won't be here.

>Give me a bottle of chilled Smurn off mule pls.

I'll have one beer please

shits fucked brehs
I'm having dissociative episodes and Im feeling like everything's just fucked

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Pretty bland and mediocre, my few friends backed out of a trip we planned and now I'm stuck in my dorm with nothing to do over the weekend.

>best friend in this shithole city is moving out
>asks if I can roadtrip down there with him
>really want to but not sure if I can
work is a real absolute hebrew desu

i'm drinking From Astoria With Love, fill me up a few shots of rum from the Cascades though

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can I get a coffee my dude

cute girls are weird man

>What brings you here?
The answer to that question regarding anything has been "depression" and "loneliness" for the past... year, or so?
I dunno, seems like there's nothing except a wonder that can help me climb out of this state I'm in.
Maybe I can find some nice fembot randomly 'round here, who knows.
Until then, I've been staying here encouraging people with kind words and such, hopefully it helped someone at least.

Come ~JOIN~ the official 4ch live chat user

I'm a porn addict and my life is without any interesting occurrence. Everyday I just go through the motions. I'm addicted to my phone and media, or I just have nothing better to do. I've wanted to die since I was 9. I'll never have a gf. I'll never interact with society. I'll be an outcast forever. I'm closer to shooting my self than I have been for awhile

Blyat shut up and give wodka dawai

just give me a bottle of rum, i want to pass out already.

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