You're such a great boyfriend user. I can't believe no other girl snatched you up first before me...

>You're such a great boyfriend user. I can't believe no other girl snatched you up first before me, they really missed out. I love you. Now come snuggle with me!

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Autumn, you are embarrassing me. haha

My girlfriend has said this to me many times during our five years of dating. I love her so much. Snuggling with a woman you love after having sex with her is amazing.

I think I would actually just melt if someone said that to me

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I will never hear this, and it's depressing.

thank you, this made me smile

No woman has ever showed any amount of compassion towards me.

That's because women are evil, soulless whores

Why did i have to get on Jow Forums and read this....

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Yeah man! Hit them with ye old truth pill. I can see that you have plenty of experience with the opposite sex.

Something new to torture my self with

things only chad will ever hear

maybe if women gave them attention they wouldnt hate them my man

>will literally never hear this because
>A) Wouldn't be a great boyfriend, there's a reason why I'm not being snatched up and
>B) Used goods due to someone who pretended to like me for years so she's not first
I hate everything robots, why did I ruin everything for myself?

Mine laughs at me for being a loser, although so is she. She snatched me up because she thinks I'm not only not a waste of her time, but also worth spending time with.

stop it pls

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Ive never seen a more depressing picture

From what I've seen it seems most women would not be okay with dating a guy who once had a long-term boyfriend before and I don't think it would be right to just never tell her about it, I met one girl who was fine with it but I don't expect lightning to strike twice in this case

Virginity has no value, mister. Sex is a physical act like any other. Its up to you to make it special (or as casual as it is).

Just imagine there smell

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You're such a great boyfriend user. I can't believe no other girl snatched you up first before me, they really missed out. I love you. Now come snuggle with me!

Now melt for my

It's not about the sex, I'm actually a virgin still. I can't imagine how sad the girl would be knowing that she wouldn't be my first date/gf/kiss/etc. I'm ashamed of myself for falling for a girl that led me on.

In reality though it wouldn't actually matter if I was someone worth dating in the first place

She didnt lead you on. People need to date first in order to see if they are compatible. You just gotta try again if this doesnt work. Imagine if people just stayed in a relationship with their first bf/gf. There would be so many missmatched people. Trial and error, my friend.

I'm not retarded, I agree with you. She actually did lead me on though and admitted to and apologized for it. At first she liked me but the feelings faded a month or two in. She then pretended to like me for years in order to keep my attention since she was lonely and afraid of people. I wouldn't be nearly as upset if she had just been honest and asked to be friends or something. I'm mad that I gave everything for a girl that didn't even like or care about me. In the end I'm not even mad at her I'm mad at myself for not realizing sooner

Well in that case im sorry. Things like that happen too. People are not perfect but we can try and be decent.

That doesn't matter because he's not entitled to their attention it's his job as the interested party to draw attention to himself in the first place

No need to be sorry user, when she finally came clean we had a long talk about things and she explained a lot of my issues to me. Helped me learn a lot about why I'll never have a real gf and that things are mostly hopeless. I've come to terms with being human garbage but threads like these still hurt from time to time. I'm sorry for throwing a tantrum

fuuuuug I bet she smells very sweet :(((

Can any fembot please say this on Vocaroo?


Attached: angry_pepe.jpg (900x900, 43K)

Just let me get my shotgun honey.
It'll be a second I promise.

Damn, thats fucking hurts

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I can't even fantasise about this. I know I'm an ugly disgusting piece of shit.

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God dammit don't do this to me user

t. Chad Troll

>Helped me learn a lot about why I'll never have a real gf and that things are mostly hopeless
Wow, this cunt did a real number on you. Led you on and admitted it but you were still credulous enough to let her sabotage your self-esteem and future prospects with more manipulative bullshit.

She wasn't wrong and most of what she said was told to me by other people before then or since. She couldn't sabotage any self esteem except what I mistakenly built up in the first place assuming I was good enough to be loved. She's not a bad person user, she stopped me from killing myself and while I'm upset about her lying I can understand why she did it. People make mistakes and she apologized. Honestly I'm thankful she put up with me for as long as she did it's embarrassing thinking back on a lot of the things I said or ways I acted around her...

me too but I know it be some bullshit

It's called observation.
You don't necessarily have to "experience" something to know it sucks.