Be in your 20s

>be in your 20s
>just want a traditional woman
>so sick of hook up culture and thottery
>live in CA
>even the church going women are whores
Does the pain ever end?

Attached: 656071_b.jpg (700x692, 107K)

Other urls found in this thread: 1972.pdf

Having a libido doesnt make a person a whore. You're just insecure, buddy.

Women sleeping around before marriage is a sign of a weak will and a whore who in the 50s would be mocked for being one.

>in the 50s
Well thank god our society actually progressed.
>sign of a weak will
No. They dont want abstinence.
Sorry buddy. The standards are the same for men and women.

>Well thank god our society actually progressed.
According to who? Oh you of course, and a bunch of retards who thinks highly of themselves
probably b8tin but I don't care, some people really are this stupid

Yes I am sure hedonism and degeneracy has made our society better in the last 60 years.. oh wait.

Oh brother... yeah, i guess equality is not actually a sign of progress... my bad.

Not its not. Hierarchies are natural.

Equality doesn't work when you have niggers who have 70 IQ and asians who have an average of 110 IQ.

>both sexes being equally enslaved by corporations is a sign of progress

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And then we have you who doesnt understand the reason behind that. Good luck being a dummy.

>what is genetics

Hm. You dont quite understand what you're talking about.

Yeah I know, that's the problem.

Even when you take into account sociological factors niggers still have a lower IQ than whites keep trying tho.

You can genetically inherit iq potential. Its up to you to do something with it.

Having a libido doesn't make a person a whore. How you use that libido, however, does.

A woman who has lots of crazy hot sex with her husband is clearly not a whore by any religion's standards, and she no doubt has a high libido.

Women are almost guaranteed to have diseases these days. I would rather stick my Johnson in a hole in the ground.

>IQ potential
find me literature I can read on the matter, how is "IQ potential" measured?
Because while the environment has some effect on IQ, I have an inkling feeling the term "IQ potential" was pulled out of you ass.


Oooooooooookay. Lol you mean how women and men are so "free" to pursue their lives and preferences "equally", huh?

>if a woman wants to be a home maker without kids, she is considered brainwashed, oppressed and lazy.
>if a woman doesn't want to ride the carousel or remain a virgin, she is considered a prude and not feminist or modern enough
>if her ass isn't hanging out of her shorts, she isn't considered sexy
>but the moment someone criticizes a woman for having a pussy wider than the Sagittarius black hole, everyone rages
>the moment a man says he would like to have a traditional marriage, everyone loses their shit

So, where is this equality, where a man and a woman can chose to live and want conservative lives, without being criticized or shat on? Where are the same people defending the so call "progress and sexual freedom" defending the same freedom of sex and life style choices of a man or woman whose choose differently? Oh that's right. They only defend whores and males who have settled for them because they couldn't find a woman that would have been loyal and kept her legs closed until she met him.

Oh but she is. If its purely for her pleasure she definately is.


Go to some Eastern Orthodox Church there are usually trad women there.
I personally dont like them but if you do like that type of women you might find them there.
I live near one and every Sunday when I pass by there are nice looking trad women in the courtyard.


progressives eventually lose the ability to tell the difference between progression and decay

belief in religion is associated with lower intelligence, though
if OP wants a traditional woman, he should be associating with women in high powered careers, who are likely to be former virginal nerds. single income is dead anyways.

You will not find a non-slut over the age of 15. Believe me, I am well aware of their tricks. I avoid women because they disgust me greatly. Hell, theyre getting younger, it seems

Anyone got the Velma cosplay pictures of what looks like an amateur porn shot

How does this not make sense to you? You do realise that every person has a different capacity when it comes to intelligence. Theres no need for a study, its literally common sense.

you clearly don't know any upper-class people if you think they avoid hedonism. most start drinking at 11, doing cocaine at 12, and fucking hookers at 13-15. rosey and rosenberg are just frat houses with six figure dues.

And what about the guys? Its exactly the same case... just somehow they are allowed to behave that way. Weird, huh?

>be in your 20s
>poor as fuck
>want to kill yourself
>can't afford any of the foolproof methods
>turns out self-termination is kind of expensive

Just google it, anonono

Religion, traditionalism, conservativism and all that goes with this crap is associated with lower intelligence. A brainlet is what op is looking for.

You're a dumb nigger, everything was the same in the 50s unless you married what amounted to a child bride, people were just hush-hush about it.

>anyone who doesn't want a whore is insecure
Premarital sex is literally one of the best predictors for unhappiness.

For a straight man, women are more interesting.

this is because unhappy/depressed/unstable people are more likely to seek out multiple premarital sexual partners and take sexual risks
there's nothing inherently bad about premarital sex; humans are literally programmed to fuck as many different people as possible

>belief in religion is associated with lower intelligence
Got any evidence for my claim? Pretty much every celebrated great thinker in history was a theist.
Evidence? Fedora tippers claim to have such a hard on for science but go around constantly making shit up as it suits their ideological fixation.

Attached: 1780274-Werner-Heisenberg-Quote-The-first-gulp-from-the-glass-of-natural.jpg (3840x2160, 1.37M)

Nice twisting my words, pal.
>literally one of the best predictors for unhappiness
Id like to read that study. I guess you take into consideration only the women that have been shamed after having sex.

>Got any evidence for my claim?
recent meta-analysis here

>humans are literally programmed to fuck as many different people as possible
We're also programmed to kill and rape, none of that makes it acceptable.
>this is because unhappy/depressed/unstable people are more likely to seek out multiple premarital sexual partners and take sexual risks
>there's nothing inherently bad about premarital sex;
Yes there is, you just said it involves higher rates of depression and risk taking. Guess what? Explaining why something happens isn't the same thing as explaining why it's ok, the people you describe are the people we're talking about.

>test LITERALLY inbred paki muslims
>compare their intelligence to your average western college student
seems legit to me

>Yes there is, you just said it involves higher rates of depression and risk taking.
Mental illness and general unhappiness leads to premarital sex, not the other way around. Mental illness can also lead to seeking therapy, making lifestyle changes, and strengthening certain social relationships. Consequences of mental illness are not necessarily good or bad. You have to PROVE that premarital sex is harmful in itself, for which there is no rational biological explanation.

Hey man. Its just statistics.

I want to go back to Russia I will eventually travel back to my people.

How the fuck does having consensual sex compare to murder and rape?

It was a meta-analysis of 63 separate studies on vastly different populations. You clearly did not read it.
Also, the negative correlation was strongest AMONG western college students. I.e. religious western college students are much more likely to be stupid than religious people in the third world.

Yeah, and there's countless statistical studies that support opposite conclusions because statistical studies exist nowadays to be manipulated for whatever agenda funded them.

user i'll be your traditional housewife

This is so simple. Why is it so hard for some people here to understand. Literally just think about why this could be true and you will understand.

>How the fuck does having consensual sex compare to murder and rape?
Humans are programmed to engage in consensual sex as well as murder and rape. You must be a theist, because you're too dumb for reading comprehension.

Exactly and as we go back it was more and more looked down upon, things should've stayed as such desu this hook-up culture bullshit gives me aids.

Gimme the Zucc,
Gimme the Zucc,
Z-U-C-C, Zucc
Say my name, baby

This is logistically impossible without the advent of the internet and larger population clustering in cities. You're a moron, believe it or not people used to have morals.

If you're implying that premarital sex being bad is so simple, you're right. The taboo exists simply as a result of stone-age men wanting to pass on their accumulated material possessions from surplus agriculture to children who are genetically theirs. This taboo is completely useless now that DNA testing exists.

do yourself a favor and look up the history of syphilis and other STDs

Dj khaled


>millions of years of evolutionary conditioning are useless now because of DNA tests
Dumbass, people literally evolved to feel this way, it doesn't matter if there's a need, it's a fact that people hate whores and always will. It's a pure and simple biological fact, a consequence of evolution, for reasons far more complex than you offer, and it can't be done away with, that's why regardless of how mind-pozzed some people get threads like this will exist because it's something fundamental to all human beings.

I understand that, you imbecile. Im just stating that you cant use those things in the same argument. Humans are programmed to eat, sleep, interact with others. Sex is literally just one more of humans many needs.
Also, no. Im not delusional.

A DNA test does not make the kid yours. It only confirms legitimacy of he bloodline. Most people will still be stuck raising the little shit.

Why are you changing the topic? Is it because you're totally fucking wrong?

>calls others imbecile
>doesn't even understand English
You asked how they compare in response to an explanation of how they're comparable. You are deeply stupid. The point is that the naturalistic fallacy is retarded, like you. Sex is certainly a need, but not all needs should be indulged indiscriminately.

It is not a need. Needs imply necessity. I could go my whole life without sex,, and that alone wouldnt kill me.

Im agreeing with Sex is for some a way to cope with emotional distress/ mental illness. It does not cause either if done safely.

>>millions of years of evolutionary conditioning
Are you literate? The agricultural revolution was at most 20,000 years ago. Men did not accumulate wealth before then. Evolutionary conditioning primes men to fuck as many women as possible to spread their seed and women to fuck as many men as possible to obscure paternity in order to protect their children from murder by alpha male.

Yes, and I'm not talking about child support, I'm talking about bloodline legitimacy.

>Are you literate? The agricultural revolution was at most 20,000 years ago. Men did not accumulate wealth before then. Evolutionary conditioning primes men to fuck as many women as possible to spread their seed and women to fuck as many men as possible to obscure paternity in order to protect their children from murder by alpha male.
Monogamist proclivities predate agriculture, you simpleton.

>Monogamist proclivities predate agriculture, you simpleton.
No, they do not. Humans pair bonded for at most 3-5 years before marriage was socially constructed to protect accumulated wealth.

Whoa there. My knowledge of a foreign language hasnt got much to do with my intelect.
So why exactly is sex something that people shouldnt experience as they want?

You're a cuck or some blown the fuck out roastie with no self-worth if you unironically believe this bullshit.

Your ugly universe revolves simply around a hierarchy of Chad's and the Stacy's who want them.

First off, where's your evidence? And second, that would still be an example of monogamist proclivity. For very obvious reasons men and women needed to stay together to raise children, so no, you're completely and 100% wrong when you suggest men evolved to impregnate as many women as possible, that would literally be an inferior reproductive strategy as fewer children would make it to maturation, you dolt.

>now he's pretending to be ESL
Lmao, fucking PATHETIC.

>So why exactly is sex something that people shouldnt experience as they want?
Why don't you go fuck your mother and find out.

Not exactly. Im just not putting that much worth into a purely physical act.

Ok, buddy.

Change doesn't mean progress you lobotomite, in the long run giving women this much responsibility will only worsen the state of the World

Do i want to fuck my mother? Not exactly. Try again.

You're conflating intelligence and education.

Women are being given more responsibility just as men are. Sharing them is where the progress is happening.

>belief in religion is associated with lower intelligence, though
Yeah, Einstein, Newton, bunch of retards those guys.

No. Intelligence is like any other skill. Yoh work on it. Weather you have a talent is up to your genes.

>First off, where's your evidence?
Family Structure and Interaction: A Comparative Analysis, Gary R. Lee, pp76 onward.
And a more accessible layman's summary:

>you're completely and 100% wrong when you suggest men evolved to impregnate as many women as possible
Check out my third source. This is a phenomenon observed in nearly every sentient species. 1972.pdf

Are you illiterate? Giving women this responsibility in the first place is idiotic as women cannot be trusted with making logical and rational decisions

>not having freckles


>Yeah, Einstein, Newton, bunch of retards those guys.
There is such a thing as statistical outliers. This does not discredit the decades of longitudinal studies that have found a massive negative correlation (-0.25) between religiosity and intelligence.

Nice generalization. Also Einstein was an agnostic.

It's interesting that it's happening with women because that's a recent development.

Men evolved to want loads of sex whenever possible. Women evolved to be as selective as possible due to pregnancy risk. So now that women are acting like men it's fucking things up. You can't structure a species around a dynamic, then change that dynamic and expect everything to be fine.

Awww, you're retarded. I wonder where you got that idea.

You clearly don't know what the definition of a whore is

So women shouldnt have sex cause its a male thing?
Literally everything is fine. The only problem is people like you who think that we still live in the 19th century. You know that there are things that prevent pregnancies amd people are aware of them.

At least when I insult your intelligence ( or lack of it) I give an argument alongside it, you just do the former because like mentioned, you are too retarded to actually form one. Also defending women on here won't get you laid you incel

No u. A whore is a prostitute. Someone who gets paid for sex.

I live in CA I can confirm all the good white women are dead in the West. I was at the gym tonight and I saw a stacy I crushed on from grade 7 to grade 11. Talked to her for a minute or two and the she ran over to her chad boyfriend and his lackey.

Fuck at least my gains are coming in

You didnt give me one valid argument. Also talming shit about women wont make your life easier.

In this case "whore" is a synonym for "slut", nobody here is talking about prostitution

>You know that there are things that prevent pregnancies amd people are aware of them.
but abortion is LITERAL MURDER because unthinking, unfeeling, neuronless zygotes are totally equivalent to human beings!!!1!! and individuals should be forced to surrender control of their organs to the state in order to produce as many unwanted children as possible!!!!

>also,informal + offensive:apromiscuousor immoral woman

do you get off on being factually wrong?

1. Anything I would say would just go through your empty skull
2. You only would consider an argument good if it matched your own Ideological beliefs, the actual structure of it and how logical it is doesn't matter, bias overshadows.
3. Women are far more emotional than men, far more weak willed and less intelligent on average, the belief that both sexes are equal and should share the same/ equal amount of responsibilities is simply delusional.

The only real purpose women have in a State is to cause Population Growth when needed, and even that purpose can be taken away from them with recent technology.

I guess you're the one that doesnt know the definition. The definition didnt change just because you used the wrong word. Also nothing wrong with being a slut, almost everyone is a bit of a slut.

It's unironically way easier to get a girlfriend if you aren't a judgemental prick. If girls think you aren't judgemental they'll be down for whatever usually.

"Traditionalism" is code for "I'm an insecure judgemental beta male cuckold who believes sexual repression is healthy"