Why are woman so superficial?

Why are woman so superficial?

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The other 27% are lesbians.

Why do incels think they aren't superficial?

5'9" is below average in civilized countries

"Prefer" doesn't mean that being shorter than 5'9" is a deal breaker. I prefer guys taller than 5'9" but my last long-term boyfriend was 5'4" and there was no problem.

what about being 5'11"?
asking for a fren

5'11" is fantastic. Anything taller than me (even by a little bit) is within "dateable" territory.

i honestly have no idea what my height is

thanks, i ask because i just got into a relationship with a chick thats maybe 5'9" or 5'10", and i was worried that being no more than 2"-3" taller than her wouldn't make her feel feminine

tfw when 5'5 feels bad man
finding out could lead to your destruction or lead to you rising higher than ever before

I'm 5'1", and when I dated my 5'4" boyfriend, it was nice to be able to look him in the eye. Don't think you need to always be significantly taller. It's a very superficial thing.

73% of women on tinder* prefer a guy taller than 5'9''.
You're looking at hookup culture and applying it to every female. Stop being brainwashed.

>finding out could lead to your destruction
ive had doctors measure me for bullshit reasons but i never remember what it is
but i am the tallest in my family
my "big" brother is married so i dunno if it matters

Pro tip: women are retards and don't know what they want. They think they have these standards, but they truly don't. We've all seen the woman who states they want "XYZ" guy then goes for someone who is the complete opposite, it's almost the rule rather than the exception.

i like tall lankets with feminine facial features. i think im both

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>men: literally only want to date 7+ girls that are out of their league and dump on chubby and homely girls constantly, using them as practice fucks or as cumdumpsters
>men: wHy aRe wOmEn sO sUpErFiCiAl

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Pareto principle is always in affect. No surprises here

this is false.
Men fuck most women if they're above 3-4/10.
But that's okay because roastie gonna roast

>inb4 being fat is different from being manlet

Yeah men will fuck a 3/10 if they're horny and desperate enough. Doubt most of those dudes would date a 3/10 though

probably not but that's not really my point.
Which is that women are much more picky about who they fuck.

>all women are whores and superficial
>why won't the fuck *me*?!

>go to upper class 92% white town
>everyone is noticeably a couple inches taller than average, slim and attractive

There may be something to this women choosing taller men thing.

I never said women were whores?
My only point was that women are picky. Women won't fuck me because I have a really shit personality


Honestly who gives a fuck. Learn to stop being such a loser.

If you can't get a girl, it's either becasue your career is does not exist, or you're just fucking hideous.

If it's either of does, you don't deserve to breed anyway!

Lmao mad? Post face dumb bitch

5'9" is below average for white men, so it's a pretty modest demand. Imagine a study that said that 73% of men prefer women under 250 pounds, and roasties using that as proof that men are superficial and have too high standards. Same thing.

Get the reddit memes outta here now ya slag

You can't control height retard

>me, 5'10 good looking guy, around 65 lays
>friend, 6'2 decent looking guy, only 2 girls fucked
None of this shit ever matters and it upsets me that poor idiots fall for this shit and get depressed that they aren't good enough. You ARE good enough, bros!

So? Unattractive is unattractive whether you can help it or not. Do you think Juliana Wetmore is attractive or deserve an attractive man? She had zero control over her fucked up face after all.

5'10 is abvove 5'9 try being 59 or 58 and see what happens

So guys who are average height are the same as being born with out a face you're stupid


OP specifically said superficial, there's nothing superficial about wanting a partner who is at a healthy weight.

OP confirmed 5'4"

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Ive been here longer than you (since 2008 actually). I post reddit memes because I know it makes you emotionally upset.

U mad?

And there's nothing superficial about wanting a partner that's of average or slightly above average height. Juliana is perfectly healthy btw, would you give her a chance?

She had just as much control over her face as you do with your height. Stop being shallow.

>And there's nothing superficial about wanting a partner that's of average or slightly above average height

That's outright superficial because its based purely on appearance, weight doesn't count because its a reflection of someones health and self discipline.

Would you give Juliana a chance?

clearly you misunderstand what "prefer" means

I prefer a woman who makes 1 billion/year

>70% of men prefer big boobs, but that doesn't mean it's a requirement.

barely made it lads

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Why would any girl not PREFER a high status man?

being tall = high status?

I can personally tell you that it does not.
t.6'2 loser

Not in itself but it certainly contributes

True, true. Being tall might compensate some flaws but not avoidant personality in whole.
t. 6'3 26 khv

Why would my league be 300lbs of blubber when I'm a skeleton?

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Literally and unironically false
>6'6", 20yo, white, not even lanky just huge, reasonably Jow Forums (noob gains, can't 1/2/3/4 yet)
>been rated approx 6/10 in looks very consistently, both online and offline
>have very good hygine, brush and floss teice a day, shower twice sometimes 3 times a day, etc
>don't live in a basement, do live with grandparents, I have a car and a job and go to college
>have lots and lots of friends, both men and women, virtually everyone I know likes me
>not straight edge but rarely do anything by myself and won't do coke, meth, heroine, etc.
>don't have some irrational hatred of women like you think I do
>most action I've ever gotten was one intense make out session and a """""""""girlfriend""""""""" in sophmore year who I would make out with occasionally, didn't actually like me and was cheating on me the whole time as I eventually found out
>have asked out a reasonable amount of women, not thousands or even hundreds like pua's and dumbasses think that anything else is not even trying
>majority of them objectively less attractive than me
>yet not even one has even shown interest in me, it's basically just me putting in the effort, most just ghost me after I text them for a bit
>had a tinder for 4 months with 0 matches
I typically chock it up to the fact that I was socially retarded for most of my life and as such also had very low self esteem, yet making a turn around on those hasn't gained me results. Now that I think about it the only girl who's ever shown interest was a blind girl in highschool. In hindsight I should've went for it but for many different reasons I would've fucked it up, and I wasn't feeling it because I could kinda tell it wasn't really me she was interested in and just the fact that I was someone who was willing to talk to her.

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Oh and not to mention I'm much more into girls like pic related than your traditional "attractive girl."

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I feel it. Above average in life (but not looks), and yet never had any romantic encounters with the opposite sex.
>22 y/o
>nearly 90k in the bank, no debt
>always working hard
>Average to slightly below average in looks, been called normie-tier and chad before
>Live alone... like completely alone
>Very little success online
>Hard time making new friends
>Social skills and etiquette going down the shitter

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something is truly wrong with our world when good men can't find gfs. posts like this make me realize why some robots are so bitter towards women. i'm assuming you're an american though? it seems to be a lot worse there.

The "prefer" word is really manipulative.

> I'd prefer to have a legendary toyota supra, but I'd be happy with an 1.6 celica.
> I'd prefer to have a 2000 dollars gaming pc, but I'm happy with my old 2013 i3 notebook.
> I'd prefer living in a mansion, but I'd be happy if I could afford a small flat to myself.
> I'd prefer to be a billionaire, but I'm good for now by making an income that can cover my expenses.

You get the concept. Of course if people can choose, they take the better one. But that does not mean they'd not be happy with the lesser.

Southern California, my guy.
I wouldn't even call myself bitter, just sad. Even then I'm not depressed I'm pretty happy, I just wish I could experience love, intimacy, someone liking me for who I am. Someone I feel like I can be comfortable around and not have to try to please them, they just like me for me. I lowkey think I would enjoy being hugged and cuddled more than sex, not that I don't want sex, I definitely do, it's just that besides feeling her up and pleasing her, and granted I'm 100% sure sex is better than masturbation, I can just nut with my hands.

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>Of course if people can choose, they take the better one
That should be enough to raise alarm bells if you don't want to get cucked.

It's not just SoCal. I've lived there, in the south, and in the north east. It didn't matter where I was.

Almost true. I wouldn't even practice on a fat girl.

i'm a femanon, but thank you for the insight. i also hope you'll find a girl who will appreciate you, user.

5'9 is average in the UK and USA

Same boat except i'm 5'9 and she's 5'8. You'll be fine just learn to pleasure her in bed

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wonder how she "lost" he relationship with god lads

the dicks
body before soul
the depravation

>tall lanklets
what did this poster mean by this

Don't worry. Don't pay attention to what women say. Plenty of short guys with hot chicks out there. Don't act like some incel faggot.

hinted in a video that she did BBC gangbangs

Obvious bait is obvious
5 foot 9 is exactly average in the West
5 foot 7 in Asia

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Bro let me tell you, I dont know anything about life in Socal or even the US for that matter, but take this from an EU oldfag, youre 20 bro. it is not over. hell when i was your age i had an even worse outlook but remember YOU CAN DO THIS. 20 is no age, just keep on keeping on, my dude

Thanks for the inspo my dude, it's always appreciated. I've actually considered moving out of state when I can afford it because the whole "everyone in California is hotter than elsewhere by like 2 points" is not a meme. However, if this is what a "smart" population looks like I dread seeing a "dumb" state. Not to sound narcissistic, but there's a lotta dumb muthafuckas.

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Does she not wear high heels whem you go out together? She does that on purpose. Girls don't want to be seen with a guy shorter then them.

>Why are woman so superficial?
Because you're a dibbaloab.

>be OP
>be 6'3" kissless virgin
>post this thread every week
>never post a source
>everyone blindly believes it despite being obvious bullshit
Jow Forums confirmed for dumbest board on Jow Forums.

What is 1/2/3/4?

Plz no bully

>Imperial system

Ewwwwwwwww lmao

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being tall = virgin status

Plate=2 45lb weights on each side of a 45lb barbell
1 plate OHP / 2 plate bench / 3 plate squat / 4 plate deadlift

Women will not date a man that is shorter than them. That's all you need to know.

yes, obviously you brainlet

>Pro tip: women are retards and don't know what they want.
>They think they have these standards, but they truly don't.

Fucking this. They don't actually know what they want. Ignore what they say they want and focus on who they actually go for. Which, to be fair, is 6'+ chads. However, I know many manlets from my old school who had multiple gf's - face and not being socially retarded are far more important the height. Height is not a deal brfeak

>tfw even asians are taller than me

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I can't understand the obsession with height on this board, it's so stupid
> incel poster
> 6'2
> ugly as fuck and autistic

what you'll realise when you leave your house is that yeah, it's preferred, but when you meet someone you click with your preferences go out the window. But you'll never understand that because you're incels

> he is 20 and can't even 1234
> "reasonably fit"
The reason why you have no matches on tinder is because you're a skinny autistic retard

As a 5'6" guy who has dated a 5'11" girl and is currently dating a 5'10" girl, you are 100% proven factually wrong. That's all you need to know.

>NAXALT fallacy

Or rather

>larping on the internet

Kill yourself at your absolute earliest convenience

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I don't know why you have to be so mean, user. Yeah I'm nowhere near to Jow Forums's standards no shit but by normalfag standards I'm "ripped." Also I don't know how one detail makes the rest of my life a cope.
I don't even know why I'm giving a shit post a resonable response but whatever.

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You claimed that no woman would date a man shorter than her. Meaning you didnt say that x-bar girls wont date a man, but that 100 percent wouldnt.

So Im still right faggot

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im 6ft 6in wheres my gf

> my face is OK
> I lift bro

Imagine coping that hard good luck copelet this is how a man looks like now post your body you noodle armed faggot

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>my face is OK

Are you sure? How many random females have attempted to initiate conversation with you while you're out in public for longer than half an hour in the last 12 months? Actually at 6'6 you may be a bit tall for them to do that

waiting for you to stop waiting for her.

None? Real life isn't one of your jap dating simulations


>hurr no instance of this can exist it is impossible
>okay here is one instance, which proves your claim wrong
>durr that doesn't count

are there any qt straight manlets in eastern europe?

When women want 6 feet tall ripped uni guys with good face minimum but can't even get rid of their fupas and rolls. This is female entitlement. I'm shredded and take care of myself, they are they on my league? Because they are women and don;t have to try. Men are more overabundant, You can be a fat bitch and still have numerous orbiters. Women are desired, men are disposable. Even fat chicks get it easier than perfectly healthy adequate males.

I might need new glasses but pretty sure he said civilized.

Men are statistically proven to be less selective, the evidence in favor this is irrefutable and your point is at best a false equivalence.

You should kill yourself.

This is what women want in bed, this is what women want for life.

>When women want 6 feet tall ripped uni guys
They don't. Gay men do.

I'm 6 feet tall and 180 lbs with a decent face, I think I deserve to at least not have a fucking whale as a gf