I hate everyone but my gf and family who else
I hate everyone but my gf and family who else
I hate everyone including my girlfriend and family
I don't know why
woah slow down normaIfag
Normalfags have friends, im different
Your life would be so much better if you weren't so negative and judgmental towards others, instead of hating them you should try to understand and love them!
>normalfags have friends
>im different
Fuckin dumb normalshit
Go away normal enjoy your faggot gf and faggot family nobody here cares about your faggot problems
>op uses a fucking joker picture
>anons still fall for it
how about i "understand" and "love" you faggot
>gf cucks OP
>now OP hates gf
Just hate everyone it's easy.
I hate everyone who won't give money to their own best friend that they cherish more than life itself. What kind of selfish cunt would do that?
that would be wonderful! you got the spirit already user! im proud of you!
im gonna rape your ass cuck
Everyone has problems bro some bigger than others.
>i hate everyone
>except my girlfr-
>gf breaks up with me and says not to contact her
>upset but still like her
>contacts me after a month and starts flirting a bit
>dont really flirt back but still really like her.
Shit is fucking retarded
whats the point of posting things like this? its not a real treat, its not funny, it means nothing, the only thing i can get from it is that someone somewhere is either angry or ironically angry
The replies ITT are so fucking amusing.
>the only thing i can get from it is that someone somewhere is either angry or ironically angry
Its the latter
do you hate me now user >:)
user what the heck answer me
i don't even know you