I haven't had a real conversation with someone (online or irl) in months. Do any of you want to talk?
Want to chat?
Other urls found in this thread:
Of course OP, what did you have in mind?
what do you want to talk about? Anime?
>(online or irl) in months
Tell me more about this OP, how did it happen why did you isolate yourself for months and what led you back to this place?
Nothing in mind, really.
We could talk about anime.
I've isolated myself for about six months, in order to spend time thinking about something. I've been lurking, occasionally posting. This is the first time I've gone out of my way to make conversation, in these past six months. All of my connections are surface-level; I've no friends.
i don't watch anime but i'll talk to you
Do you even want any friends?
Watching any anime user?
>in order to spend time thinking about something
I know by asking this I'm kind of hurting you because it's something you want to forget but may I know what that something is? I'm curious because I've done the same a couple times.
I did the same thing. Ot was kinda refreshing, so yeah, let's talk
the isolation and low-effort, low-effect posting I relate to immensely
>I've isolated myself for about six months, in order to spend time thinking about something.
It's impressive to me that you can dedicate yourself to something for that long. What have you been thinking about, user?
Why don't you watch anime?
There is one person with whom I would like to be friends: a girl.
Some of this season's new stuff
>pic related
It's actually a project on which I'm working. I appreciate your caution. What are your experiences?
I'm ready. >:3
Haha, yeah...
Oh, thank you. I hope my dedication is able to be shown, once my project is completed.
This is a complete stab in the dark, but is the project a visual novel? I've encountered two people on here before who were working on VNs, so your mention of a project made me think of it. If that is not the case, have you read any visual novels before?
It is not a visual novel; it does involve writing, however. The closest things I've read to visual novels would be manga desu.
Nice. Writing is one of the things I wanted to get into at some point. I'm too lazy to ever get around to planning something decent out.
In any case, I really ought to head to bed now. Good luck with your project, user.
Thank you, user. Thanks for chatting, and do sleep well. :^)
>What are your experiences?
Honestly I've only done it in order to get some stuff done. Once did it to learn as much as I could about Linux and Networking as I could because I wanted to get a non burger flipper job. Other time was to learn basics of the financial market, same goal: money. In both cases ironically I hit a wall due to lack of money, I couldn't buy the necessary gear to study network packets and I couldn't invest with pennies. I had to quit this place cold turkey to advance as much as possible, though a break from this place is always refreshing considering it's the same shit reposted ad nauseam.
Regarding the experience itself, to be free from this place is... cleansing. I don't know, for one you get time to rearrange your ideas, priorities and sort of 'find yourself' when it's only you and your thoughts in your leisure time. I realized how great this place is only in moderation. Funnily enough it doesn't feel lonely like one would think.
Are you working on a book user? Is it about philosophy, history maybe? maybe a diary?
Op im a shut in as well.
Chat to me if you like on discord mouse#6324
I am meeting someone to talk irl socially for first time in like 6 years in a week
piss off aiste you talk to people on discord 24/7 and never do anything productive. op is from a different breed
Hi OP i also barely talk to people
how you doing bud
hey OP! what time is it where you live?
it's 4am here and i can't sleep...
>piss off aiste you talk to people on discord 24/7 and never do anything productive. op is from a different breed
I am gunjy bot that trannym although you are likely Aiste himself
gunjy had sex with my dad
>gunjy had sex with my dad
I do not even like or want sex enough to pursue it.
I feel this thread to the cold core of my existence.
Some bots just don't understand the struggle.
you tell that to my dad's creampie dude I know I didn't do it
tell cvnka my dick fell off for me
>tell cvnka my dick fell off for me
I do not talk to that tranny.
I've been on Jow Forums for about a year. I don't find it to be too intrusive to my daily life. Moderation is key, you're right. As for my project: it is, in part, a letter.
Oh, good for you. I stopped using Discord.
I know it's not what you're trying to do, but I think this would be the first time I've had a white knight, haha. Thank you, user.
I could be better, but I could be worse.
It is 3:00 AM, as of writing this.
I swear I found out you exist through le dogfucking chink but ight good lmao
>. I stopped using Discord.
prb for the best but I have frens on discord.
Thanks by the way.
Megumin was never a good waifu, and is out dated and forgotten.
I think most got the wrong idea, maybe we're projecting ourselves in OP because he sounds anything but depressed. To dedicate that much time to a project speaks volumes of yourself, and isolating yourself is not necessarily linked to depression.
>I swear I found out you exist through le dogfucking chink but ight good lmao
I was shitposting in their server a year ago.
Fuck off gunjy you nigger
>Megumin was never a good waifu, and is out dated and forgotten.
WOnt forget her.
Yeah he isnt a shut in, just wanted to work on a project.
ay same
remember le "pls marry me cvnka bb" castillo
are you sleepy? how is your sleep schedule? i ate too much chocolate now i'm feeling too hyper.
Any thing you do that brings you to the times of old?
Aiste, you're letting your personality slip through.
im good my dude im just hung up over an e-friend I probably can't date
>remember le "pls marry me cvnka bb" castillo
All I remember about him is sperging at new people and his tank game, also how he would hate me so much.
>Fuck off gunjy you nigger
why be mean i am a very nice person
t. new person he hated kek
>why be mean i am a very nice person
tell us all about the people you have manipulated into giving you money
My sleep schedule isn't bad, actually. I have tomorrow off, so it's ok to be staying up a bit later. I am getting a bit tired.
I've tried to limit my chocolate consumption, although I do seem to have a high tolerance for those types of things. I'm sorry you're hyper. Could you go for a walk?
I'm not sure what you mean by that.
Why can't you date?
>tell us all about the people you have manipulated into giving you money
I do not do taht anymore, I was gunna start catphishing with some roasts help but stopped before I started because friends expect better of me after teaching me not do bad things
I can date, my standards are just set a bit too high for my looks
plus I've been pretty hung up on this girl specifically anyway
>after teaching me not to do bad things
did you not already know not to do bad things you literal goblin
Be my cute tranny gf plz.
852 here, I meant do you have anything that gives you nostalgia and reminds you of the past.
Why her specifically?
This isn't meant to come off as a personal attack, but why do some people include an image with every reply? I suppose you can't speak for other people, but why do you do it? Is it merely because you enjoy the way it adorns your posts? Do you want to show the character to others? Something else?
Mainly, I'm curious, though I do have an ulterior motive for asking as well. Answer only if you want.
I guess I've known her too long or something
She'll tell me about her day and has said I'm one of her only real friends so my retarded brain chemicals just did what they do I guess
Hello, I'll talk
What kind of films do you like?
Not OP but it's done to express the posters general mood, angry/happy/laughing are self explanatory, anime girls are more vague and could be taken as literal faggot or as in the person being in a non-threatening, playful, friendly mood. That's how I see it.
>though I do have an ulterior motive for asking as well
wut, what ulterior motive could that be?
>As for my project: it is, in part, a letter.
Is it a letter for a girl or someone in particular? Perhaps a manifesto of sorts? pls dont be suicide note
>did you not already know not to do bad things you literal goblin
No, I thought it was ok..
I have a problem with knowing good and bad and I ask my fren sometimes.
Like I thought it was ok to make fembots love you and then crush them for fun,
or scamming people.
It is not good though, same with trying get kids to shoot up their school or kill themselves etc
>Be my cute tranny gf plz.
im a dude man... taht was just a roast who I was going to use to scam guys..
Then fuck off you faggot. Stop wasting my time if you're not going to be my tranny gf.
Come ~JOIN~ the official 4ch live chat user
a dude that wishes he had a pussy. be my schizo tranny gf
that's nice, so you work?
i don't even eat chocolate very often, this time it only happened because of easter. and i wish i could go for a walk, but here i live at night is way too dangerous for me to go out alone.
>be my tranny gf.
>be my schizo tranny gf
im a dude...im not a tranny
>the person being in a non-threatening, playful, friendly mood.
I see. I couldn't quite find the common element between the images OP posted, but now that you mention it, they do all exude an aura of friendliness.
>wut, what ulterior motive could that be?
I'm not comfortable revealing that. It's pretty stupid anyway, though.
seriously guy do you lack the self awareness to know convincing people to seppuku is bad or are you playing the "oh sorry I didn't know I shouldn't shoot 5 people for no reason" dumb shit
What kind of music do you like OP? Post links if you can
Either stop being a fucking faggot and become my tranny gf or fuck off.
>seriously guy do you lack the self awareness to know convincing people to seppuku is bad
I USED to.
I am a very nice person I am no longer who I once was.
he's playing the "oh noes the world wronged me even though it was all my fault so it's of for me to wrong it back i have no remorse" literal 12yo edgy kid mentality, goes along with his 12yo voice
>Watching absolute tardbots argue over simple shit.
I hope so for your sake man, catfishes are yucky
where my qt neet girl at I can wait
>convincing people to seppuku is bad
>Saving people from suffering and granting them eternal peace is bad
Oh, of course. Doesn't everyone?
What an interesting post. I was just thinking about this, actually. ITT, I've been adding images to distinguish myself from the other posters, as well as to add more emotion to what I'm writing.
>Is it merely because you enjoy the way it adorns your posts? Do you want to show the character to others?
These are both correct, actually. Maybe, secretly, I'm hoping for a certain someone to be drawn to these images.
Oh, I see. That's unfortunate. Maybe you'll end up together.
Horror, action, anime. I'm not super into film. Leon The Professional is my favorite.
Yes, tell us.
You would not be the first to call it that, haha.
Yes to all but the suicide. It is a letter/manifesto to a particular girl.
That's a shame. I don't live in a very "safe" area, but I know all or the streets no one uses. I've had a few encounters, but nothing I haven't been able to handle.
Yes, I do work.
Tell us!
Tell us!
Japanese music and vidya/anime soundtracks. What I'm currently listening to: youtu.be
Wow we really live in a society
i really did change..seriously
if we don't end up together im just assuming I wasn't meant to date qts desu
>I know it's not what you're trying to do, but I think this would be the first time I've had a white knight, haha. Thank you, user.
D-don't get the wrong idea baka it's not like I want you to avoid bad people or anything. But seriously that guy is nothing but trouble as you can tell from the reply chain
I'm glad I made you feel cared-for/protected tho :)
>It is a letter/manifesto to a particular girl.
Must be a very special girl. And must be a particularly long letter. Not everything is about love, so what is the intent of the letter? A farewell letter? Forgiveness? To explain the reasoning behind certain acts?
>I've been adding images to distinguish myself from the other posters
I hadn't thought of that either. Good point.
>Tell us!
All right, I don't see much point in being secretive, having received your response. The deal is that I'm suspicious of everyone being Aiste now. If you're not Aiste or don't know who that is, it's a person who uses an avatar and posts here often. Since a while ago, I'm paranoid about whether other posters, such as this Gunjy person you see in this thread, are actually alternate personalities of Aiste. You fell under my suspicion because of that manifesto you're writing (and you were rather coy when discussing it too), the implication that you go on nighttime walks, and certain writing mannerisms.
It's stupid of me to be so paranoid as I see no reason for it. Whether Aiste has multiple personalities to act out or not doesn't matter much to me. Yet I can't stop thinking about it. Maybe I was the "schizo tranny" all along, haha.
If you are Aiste, sorry for acting like this. You know what intrusive thoughts are like.
A-user, stop it... No one gave you permission to act like this.
No one is ever so sweet to me.
Never give up.
>A farewell letter?
I hope not; although, I am willing to wait for her.
>Forgiveness? To explain the reasoning behind certain acts?
Yes to both.
Thank you for sharing, user; I'm sure it took some courage to do so.
This is the first time I've heard of either of these discord-celebs. I assure you, I am not Aiste.
>you were rather coy when discussing it too
Hehe, well, thanks...
>It's stupid of me to be so paranoid as I see no reason for it.
I don't think it's stupid. Paranoia is caution. I think exercising caution is a good thing.
Ooof this seasons anine have been trash. Last two seasons were so good. Any in particular you're watching that are new? Shield hero and dororo is it for ke, but they're holdovers from winter
Senko is god tier comfiness
>Ooof this seasons anine have been trash. Last two seasons were so good.
Got that right.
Fruits Basket was one of my first anime, so I'm watching the reboot.
Dude are you me? I'm serious you're not alone in this. I'm paranoid of him as well, I know deep down this is a research project for CIA or similar. See CIA niggers know certain images, with certain features trigger certain responses, cuteness has been overabused the same way thematic, sexual or disgusting imagery has been abused. I wouldn't be so sure about "as I see no reason for it" though as this is a whole new level of profiling. Also I'm not paranoid about Aiste in particular, I'm paranoid about all avatarfags and attention whores of all colors and shapes. The writing mannerisms are intentional (there's a thing called "idiolect"), the subtle implications, none of that is coincidence. It doesn't matter who is who or even if they are real people at all, what matters is (((they))) know your thought process when it comes to socializing with others, the right buttons to push, what your boundaries are, all of it. This was the purpose of (You) threads as well, this is the same purpose of blatant datamining threads, this is the sole reason "dissident" communities are allowed to exist. Lets suppose for a moment that I'm wrong and that I'm a schizophrenic in the making and that all these interactions are made all by different real people, it's still an issue because we know for a fact govs collect copious amount of data and have god knows what kind of mind blowing AI and processing power at their fingertips, record the data, analyze later. You should be worried, I am worried but the beast can't be stopped at this point.
Could you tell more about this girl, user? How did you two meet? What do you like about her?
It's edging more on the degenerate side, which is unfortunate. I was hoping for something more comfy.
Kaguya-Sama was surprisingly enjoyable.
>I assure you, I am not Aiste.
I'll take you up on your word, then.
>I think exercising caution is a good thing.
Indeed. However, it's unnecessary in this case. It wouldn't change anything even if you were Aiste. So it's just my faulty brain exercising caution out of habit.
Sure, we can talk. A/S/L?
18 horny
F 9/10
Within a 1km radius from your home
Awesome, my discord is robot9#3188
Hmm... I can't deny that you could be right. I don't feel too worried as I seldom reveal any personal information, but if they have AI learning from the posts, who knows what sort of information could be extrapolated. I should just stop browsing this place in general.
Stop scaring him.
We came into each other's lives by chance, right when we needed one another. She's a rare thing: what I've always wanted.
>pic related
That habit will serve you, I think.
>No one is ever so sweet to me.
Aww that's because you isolated yourself for months, silly user. I'm sure if you reached out more often you'd be treated nicely by more people than you imagine.
>That habit will serve you, I think.
What makes you say this? Are you of the cautious type as well?
I'm not so sure. Genuine kindness and compassion is quite rare. Thank you for your words, even if you don't truly mean them. I might not dislike having a friend like you.
I'm quite cautions.
You seem cute user, going to work now but here's a nice poke *pokes user* for you to savour, good luck!
>We came into each other's lives by chance, right when we needed one another. She's a rare thing: what I've always wanted.
>>pic related
Cute, is that your waifu? That's pretty sweet user, truly there's no purest form of love than 2D.
I want a vampire gf too!
>I'm quite cautions.
It's good that you seem to have been able to put it to good use. I don't think caution has done much good for me.
god i wish i has friends