Robots rate fembots

include a look alike version of yourself using
ill start
>Skin color
>Hair color
>Eye color
># of bfs/sexual partners
6? idek 2bh and 3 i think
parents support me
I'm really like awkward but I get super talkative after I get comfortable and like know I can be myself but if someone is being like a dick I can be mean back
drawing, photography, animals, sleeping, vidya and anime I'm super into art
Nmh, radiohead, beach house, grimes, Billie eilish, lil peep, kali uchis, tame impala, led zeppelin
>Political leaning/religion
im bi so im progressive and believe that ppls should love who they love and I think like religion is bad but people should be free to practice what they want. im atheist
>Life Goal
move to japan with a qt femboy and live in a cozy flat with three cats and anime stuffs everywhere

Attached: me.jpg (1080x1030, 151K)

Other urls found in this thread:\invite\8ccZR4g

not another of these and literally roastie/10 you fucking tranny

weird/10 but it's ight go find your femboy

>not a KHHV
Pick one

fuck this shit belongs on /soc/

I'm not a tranny tho?? so like stfu you incel
just because I'm not a khhv doesn't mean I'm not a fembot like that's not how it works
no it doesn't

np, there's enough traps on here for you to find one

you sound annoying but if i got to know you irl i'd get along with you
you'd probably like me cuz you're a weeb

>Skin color
>Hair color
>Eye color
># of bfs/sexual partners
3 online, 1irl, 0
idk $50k a year
I have no personality
working and sleeping
don't listen to anything really
>Political leaning/religion
don't care
>Life Goal
maybe get a bf or just kill myself

reading that actually made me want to kill myself
extremely boring

I love a girl with no personality, its my favorite

you sound like you'd be cool to talk to though

what animes do you like and I'm not annoying trust
so like why don't you?

>Skin color
>Hair color
>Eye color
># of bfs/sexual partners
3 bfs, 5 partners
none in hs
I have bpd so I have a ton of personalities
reading, writing poetry, napping, Anime, vidya, tabletop games, cosplay
I like alot of rap like cold hart, lil peep, xxxtentacion, guccihighwaters, lil Tracy etc
>Political leaning/religion
liberal, agnostic
>Life Goal
have a small house in Oregon with cats and drink tea every morning with my partner and make money writing poetry and maybe going to conventions

Attached: Um.jpg (1079x1017, 210K)

>move to japan
Genuinely can't think of anything worse
t. Lived in Japan for a year

>skin color
>hair color
>eye color
># of bfs/sexual partners
Weed dealer
from selling weed
A wet napkin, essentially.
Cooking, cleaning (i like to clean) and vidya. Used to like to draw but have no talent for it, or anything else for that matter
glass animals, massive attack, portishead, threesix mafia, my bloody valentine
>political leaning/religion
was raised catholic. Too stupid to have a political view
>Life goal
to be happy?

Attached: 1499288439-f6de81dcab52f85aa5bb9a3ec733e7d8.jpg (700x393, 48K)

you get the bag and flip it and tumble it

You seem cool though solid 7/10 without factoring looks in yet

>I'm super into art
Okay neurotypical what is your favourite Vilhelm Hammershoi painting?
>im bi so im progressive and believe that ppls should love who they love and I think like religion is bad but people should be free to practice what they want. im atheist
Why is like religion bad exactly? I thought you said you were into art, has religion not influenced many of the greatest artworks of all time?

>tfw my perfect gf was in last thread without giving contact info

How much money do you make from selling weed?

Youre everything I hate embodied

>I'm super into art
>Okay neurotypical what is your favourite Vilhelm Hammershoi painting?
you should have known it was bait after reading the music part

Holy fuck you piss me off. Fembots do not exist. Even if they were to exist, you are not even remotely close to the idea of a theoretical fembot. A robot(male) is a person who has these 3 mandatory prerequisites in descending importance/priority:
1. Outcast
2. Male
3. Virgin

A theoretical fembot would then be:
1. Outcast
2. Female
3. Virgin

I highly doubt you have all 3 of these. I can't believe how many newfaggots have been introduced to the idea that a robot is simply an incel, when that was never the case. There is a reason reddit incel faggots used to be quite hated here, and that's because most of them were never outcasts. There are only 2 mandatory prerequisites to being an incel, those being:

Fuck the r/incels faggots who flooded here after their shit got shut down, if I ever met one of those faggots in real life, I would blow their goddamn brains out with my fucking shotgun.

Attached: 1535908124689-r9k.jpg (800x792, 74K)

Thank you, user.
It can range from $7-$800 in a week to 2 or 3 grand. I get lazy sometimes. Average is around $1500 a week

Attached: 443.gif (540x304, 1.95M)

>Skin color
>Hair color
light brown
>Eye color
dark brown
># of bfs/sexual partners
zero for both
not a lot
when I'm not stressed out with bills/work/school I'm usually really affectionate, caring, loving, silly and shy as heck but lately life has been wearing me down so I'm mostly mopey and disenchanted but I hope to change that soon and be a laid back bubbly person again
long walks, camping, sculpting, urbex, needleworking, gardening, exercising, cooking
Robert Johnson, Lebanon Hanover, the Smiths, Keshi, Billie Holiday, Christian Death, Art Pepper, MF Doom, Grouper, DJ Quik, Mikhail Chekalin, Frehel, Tony Mirena, Bleib Modern, Cinema Strange, New Order, Viktor Vaughn, Roy Rogers
>Political leaning/religion
I'm pretty conservative I suppose. Christian.
>Life Goal
finish my degree, travel around with my life partner a bit, build our own home and be as self sufficient as possible, have 8 kids or something be cozy and in love and be married 50+ years with large loving family

Attached: sleep.jpg (1079x1020, 200K)

Don't really feel like using that weird ass chibi thing so here's a random picrew I made when those threads were big.
>Skin Color
Pale, turn into a tomato when existing
>Hair color
Shitty brown
>Eye color
Shitty brown
no sorry
># of bfs/sexual partners
4 total, 2 online, 2 sexual partners
Unemployed atm, quit wagie job after 3 weeks
Was hikki neet for 5 years prior to that
Mostly supported by mum
Usually cynical and depressing. Can be childish at times. Idk how to describe myself.
Vidya, manga, tabletop rpgs/lcgs, reading, writing, cooking/baking, sleeping, existential dread
Mostly classic rock or uhhhh grunge I guess? I'm bad with genres. Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, that genre. Not big on Nirvana though.
As far as the classic rock goes, mostly into stuff like Steve Miller Band, Billy Joel, Led Zeppelin, shit like that.
>Political leaning/religion
I'm fairly middle ground on a lot of things, but as far as the current political climate goes, I'm probably a lot more in line conservatives.
I feel like there's likely some sort of creator but I have no idea if it's any god we've comprehended or theorized. I don't know if it would even be a "god". But if it is a god, and he does watch over us, I just hope he's not too disappointed with himself for creating us.
I'm mostly an agnostic athiest.
>Life Goal
To be happy, primarily.
Feel like I'd like to live on a farm one day. Raise some cute animals, be somewhat self sufficient.
Right now I'm just living day to day trying not to think too hard about how much life sucks.

Attached: 43267_P5HhWVcJ.png (600x600, 106K)

What are you doing in school?

Tall girls are so cute.

Why did you drop doom twice?
You seem OK

this. I hate how many of these woman have or have had bfs. What's even worse the when guys on here talk about friends or gfs. reminder: you are not a robot/fembot if you have had a romantic interaction, how can you call yourself an outcast when you have a social circle it's completely contradictory. If I ever got a girlfriend first thing I'd do is stop posting here - I know where I'm not welcome


Also how do you make that much money from selling weed? Every weed dealer I know barely scrapes by and lives with their parents or on a friend's sofa.

Why do you assume we have a social circle, or that we're not outcasts, just because we've been involved with someone in the past?

You may have "fem", but you don't have "bot" if you've literally had 6 fucking boyfriends in the past.

Computer engineering.
Ah, I didn't notice I did, I just put my music on shuffle and typed whatever came up

If you've ever been involved in relationships and had friends in the past, it means you have the fucking potential to attain those things again. Robots, have never had this ability, the closest a robot can get is regular acquaintanceship, that's it. If you have the ability, you cannot be a robot. History of such achievements denote skill.

Literally who and I'm not into garbage of the past
Thanks for the good rate hate u too

Kinda hopeful that our hypothetical god is belevolent or even aware of our existence. My idea is that the Big Bang was a brap from some higher being and the entire universe is just one little accident in motion. We kind of just hit the lottery and ended up with the perfect conditions for human life. People just kind of made up god or gods to have some sort of explanation for all of this shit. We like to pick up on patterns and religions for the most part have a very black or white approach to morals and values that you should hold. Its comforting to know that people who do bad things get punished and good deads do not go unrewarded. Its also comforting that there is a higher being that has our back and a community that also follows these guidelines. Anyway you seem cute 8/10

This lady seems like a pretty decent person. Based on her numbers for height and weight, however, I am guessing she is European and not American. Thus, I hope some European user is able to give her the loving family she deserves.

I don't like smoking weed, actually. This is just the only "job" I can do which makes enough to pay for community college and my bills, and I can be almost as lazy as I want while being sort of my own boss.
>Also how do you make that much money from selling weed?
Buy in bulk and sell retail?? It's the same in any sort of business where you sell products, I think...

Honey, you sound perfect. You should be my trad Christian e-gf.

Look just read pic related this is what a robot will never and has never experienced. Do you know how shit that feels?

Attached: Anon imagines.jpg (635x1340, 179K)

I meant to type 4/10
You seem like any other normie that waltz in here

>Skin color
>Hair color
>Eye color
># of bfs/sexual partners
KELA and support from relatives
i do not know, i never interact with others outside Jow Forums. but in another board i was told i would probably either be a serial killer or a rapist.
video games, listening to my spotify's weekly recommendations
>Political leaning/religion
>Life Goal
move out of my current town so i can get closer to relatives and further away from my enemies. also save up money so i can build a better pc.

Attached: bebi 1.jpg (427x502, 15K)

>i literally was a robot
But you are not. At least not anymore. You say you didn't do anything until you were 18, and yet now you are 20 and have had 6 boyfriends. So that's 6 men in 2 years.

I might be inclined to believe you'd at least be a fucking cyborg if the number was 1, and they dropped you, and you failed to get one again... BUT YOU HAVE NO PROBLEM PICKING UP NEW MEN! You aren't even a cyborg or a failed normie, you're just a regular fucking normie!

this is not me, but it is a close approximation of a woman i would fall in love with.

Attached: bebi.jpg (561x539, 18K)

Its robots rate fembots
Read retard

Robots don't have 0 potential to obtain a romantic relationship. Plenty can, plenty have. I guess it's easy to say "Oh they weren't real robots if they could do that", but that's a bit of a cop out, isn't it?
Plenty of robots are good people, are reasonably attractive, but are just socially inept or too intimidated by society to put themselves out there in any capacity. It doesn't denote inability, it implies difficulty.
And even in this theory of a robot having no ability to obtain a relationship, are you saying that once you have an ability, it's impossible to lose it?
I'm not saying I'm incapable of having a relationship again. I personally don't believe a "robot" or a "fembot" is someone unable to obtain relationships. I think the biggest qualifier is an inability to integrate meaningfully into society. And that doesn't exactly eliminate the potential of a robot being in a relationship, as you can be with someone - perhaps someone also excluded from society - while having no friends and still being socially excluded.
I guarantee 99.999% of the human population throughout history has never and will never experience this.
This is idealism and unrealistic expectations of a dramatized budding relationship. It's unfortunate, as it does sound cute, but running through imagined scenarios in your head will only put you into a deeper depression, and assuming that somehow everyone else who has ever had a relationship has had a scenario similar to that is similarly unrealistic.

serial murder me pls

>was an outcast
Yeah, no, I do not believe that you didn't have any fucking friends at all, given that you became sociable enough to get into atleast 6 fucking relationships. Those who were ostracized and shunned for years and years by their peers are not properly socialized enough to have the skill to get into 1 fucking relationships, let alone 6.

i don't give a shit, fuck off.

Maybe if you learned how to read darkie you wouldnt be an incel

slightly less boring
boring and fat
okay but bad taste

To be fair, the user you are responding to appears to be in Finland (I Google'd KELA, and found a Finnish welfare program). English may not be their first language.

show me good taste then.

You sound very cute, where are you from?

Come ~JOIN~ the official 4ch live chat user\invite\8ccZR4g


>Skin color
Ghost pale

>Hair color
Weird mix of dark golden and sand blonde

>Eye color
A mostly green hazel but they look brown unless there's light shining into them



I used to hug the other kids in kindergarden, if that counts

># of bfs/sexual partners

Never had one but I'd like to become a baker one day, maybe


Very shy and maternal, probably boring

Baking, cooking, walking around in forests and looking at things, sleeping all day, RPGs, table tennis, reading
I can't remember much else and yes most of these aren't actually hobbies but just things I like/do

Bunch of stuff nobody else likes

>Political leaning/religion
I don't care about either

>Life Goal
Move to Alaska and live innawoods in a small town near a river with the one I love and a dog, the same thing in Japan would also work

Attached: me.png (260x327, 41K)

He can try to fish for some self deprecating pootytang but he cant read a simple sentence? Youre giving these refugees too much credit

not listening to an algorithm

Do your parents approve of your drug dealing, young miss?

>Literally who and I'm not into garbage of the past
Fucking low iq binary brain neurotypical

Well kys then too incel
Like literally what normie even uses r9k?? I'm not a normie. Why does it anger you so much that you cna be a fembot/robot despite your relationship history like that makes 0 sense. Youre so delusional. Read what you just wrote.
Omg. Why are all of you so mad. I literally was ugly and made fun of and then I improved and changed myself and then decided to be flirty and guys paid attention to me. If you literally did the same thing you'd get girls too like stop being mad.

>like literally

Not a normie though.

sounds super comfy/10 would innawoods with

This is either an elaborate bait or a genuine normie
Either way lol

if it makes you feel better I've been watching you get rekt and these guys just want to have their cool secret virgin club

Did I accidentally go to /soc/ or something? The fuck is this shit.

Attached: 1476081040409.jpg (385x572, 77K)

>anons are supposed to rate some extremely vague description of people and that is supposed to be significant
These threads are dumb and i hope they don't become a standard on the board, though i fear they will. THAT BEING SAID. PREPARE THY ANUSES
Normalfag: Get. The. Fuck. Off. My. Board
I hope you have training to nurse away my virginity, otherwise meh
Le i'm so misunderstood because i have bpd (self diagnosed) and waah i wanna kill myself but i'll get over it eventually (btw i'm underage)
>weed dealer
I think this one speaks for itself. Disgust.jpg
The only one in this thread that i genuinly like. The only "downside" is conservative views. You seem like a nice person. Also good taste in music
Don't really feel like giving much of a r8 for this one. A mixed bag. I aprove of your music taste tho
>serial killer or a rapist
I think this is a robot who misread the thread title. A big fail for being a dummy

Will be rating more when this thread gets more replies. Reminder that fembots don't exist, dis board is ded etc

I'm literally done. I'm not bait and I'm not a normie. Just stop projecting and fix yourselves. You can't even give me concrit. Only insults and complaints about how I improved myself. Stop being hateful towards me and work towards not being an incel anymore and maybe you bitter, lonely, virgin losers could be happy for once.

woah bud how did I get lumped in with the bad boys

good boys worldwide

>Do your parents approve of your drug dealing, young miss?
I used to sell cocaine to my mother and my father is currently in prison. Literally every member of my family, from my brothers to even cousins and uncles and aunts are involved in drug trafficking or crime in some way or form. It's a really weird tradition that's been going on for generations.

I'm just the only one trying to go to college. Hopefully I can finish my degree and just completely break free from the mold

Attached: 4c070929fe8d7a976e580e59ac421092998981d38862301f0b524adb8fe34713.gif (500x578, 2M)

But i havent even insulted you. I just gave you a low rating. Why would you WANT to be a robot? Why are you so worked up over the validation from self proclaimed losers? Almost like you seek validation because youre nig father left you or some shit ya dummy

>Stop being hateful towards me and work towards not being an incel anymore and maybe you bitter, lonely, virgin losers could be happy for once.
This literaly something a normalfag would say. Not that there's anything wrong with being a normie. You just don't belong here that's all

>posts on a board occupied by bitter, lonely, virgin losers
>complains about bitter, lonely, virgin losers hurting her feelings

gtfo roast

Attached: o.png (512x492, 335K)

>Skin color
>Hair color
>Eye color
125 Ibs
># of bfs/sexual partners
0.5 bfs, 0 sexual partners
almost 90k a year
Autism. I apologise a lot and can't defend myself properly so people often dump their work on me.
visual novels, anime, manga, literature, skin care, learning languages, figures (especially nendos)
anime soundtracks
>Political leaning/religion
I vote for the party which is the most beneficial to me. Agnostic.
>Life Goal
Live a comfy, peaceful life. Be respected in my field. Ideally, I strive to be a translator working remotely from my traditional house in Japan.

My family has a proud tradition of being pimps, but I am probably the nail on the coffin for this bloodline as I am just not very charismatic or manipulative. I am sort of happy because I dont think even roasties should have to endure the mental and physical toll of being a hoe. Hope you get to get the start for change in your family user

The real question is why did you make this thread in the first place on Jow Forums no less? I don't really give a shit what any and everyone else said in the thread, but would you even give a shit what opinion any random user here has of you? Or is this just RP to fuck with some anons.

Attached: why.jpg (258x250, 12K)

>Skin color
>Hair color
>Eye color
># of bfs/sexual partners
boring social retard. i'm kind and loving but bad at voicing my thoughts and feelings
depression killed almost all of my hobbies. i just spend my days watching funny animal videos and reading about different biological species.
the cure, slowdive, cocteau twins and sonic youth
>Political leaning/religion
not really interested in politics/mostly catholic
>Life Goal
get a nice job so i can stop being a leech to my parents + live with someone i love and rescue animals + learn more languages and make some art

Attached: ughg.jpg (264x336, 20K)

Hope you guys know that Japan hates foreigners (yes even whitoids at times) so unless you have an amazing skill set that can help with Japanese business men with their ventures, you stupid weebs are way out of luck.

Damn, can i move in with you and be a social outlet whilegiving you a comfy home?

That's not true at all, especially not in bigger companies. I was on an internship there and it was great.

Around 7/10. What kind of VNs/anime?

I put amazing skill sets under the category of regular skill sets for weebs because most of them are pretty retarded. Im sure the people treated you well and maybe you thought you made a couple of friends. But deep down you know and they know you will never be accepted. The japs are very courteous so they will never say this to your face.

At least most of the fembots so far haven't been in their teens. It felt like 80% of the last thread was 18 year olds.

Attached: 1488610392538.jpg (863x1013, 561K)

7/10, almost like you, just I'm 6'0"ft, I like jazz, and politics. Socially awkward, but sometimes I come off as a cyborg.

Femanon not fembot (nosuchthingasfembots) and I'm emotionally numb atm but this looks fun
>Skin color
Pale and sickly
>Hair color
Dark brown
>Eye color
># of bfs/sexual partners
7 sexual partners. 6 were between the age of 16 to 19
Homeware/fabric store
To strangers irl: shy, soft spoken, clumsy
To partner: Clingy. overly affectionate to an annoying amount (so I've been told), caring, a bit dorky
I've recently got into watching anime and I've liked the ones I've watched so far.
I like horror movies.
I want to get more into sewing, gardening and doing art.
I've recently started playing mmos and I've enjoyed playing.
Nostalgic sounding music. I like synth wave.
>Political leaning/religion
Aus pol labour, atheist
>Life Goal
I'm too dumb and submissive to have any sort of successful career and want to be barefoot and pregnant.
I want to be married and look after the house while my husband works to support our little family.
I want to make baked goods for him and kiss him as he walks through the door after work with our baby on my hip.
I'd like to live in a property with animals and a hearty garden. Maybe once I stop being emotionally broken it will happen.

Attached: me.png (285x332, 53K)

I am aware I will never be an integral part of their society, but that doesn't mean they don't treat average white person with kindness and respect. I am still in touch with three of my colleagues from that company, they plan to visit me in the summer. You will always be treated like novelty, but I don't think it's that bad.

let's just date already

Attached: 147699.jpg (225x350, 38K)

You sound very nice, what do you like to read?

>"Oh they weren't real robots if they could do that", but that's a bit of a cop out, isn't it?
That's the point. This entire robot thing is a meme. It is a near impossible anti-ideal that very few people can actually "achieve", just like being a "chad". You are supposed to feel proud of the fact that you are not a robot. Escape from being a robot is a desired. It's a lifetime achievement to finally graduate from being a robot. This "never was a robot" thing serves as a means of distancing after self improvement.
>Plenty of robots are good people
They are not good people, that's the point. True ostracism does not bring fear, it brings out hate. I've put myself out there plenty of times, and all those times simply result in rejection or temporary pity acceptance. I do not like pity, pity is non-genuine and I absolutely hate it. I guess it would be better and more accurate to say that I hate ungenuineness. There are very few to near zero opportunities for genuine acceptance.
>And even in this theory of a robot having no ability to obtain a relationship, are you saying that once you have an ability, it's impossible to lose it?
Hell no, I use the word "potential" for a reason, if you had the ability, you have the potential. Those who had never had the ability, can achieve it, because 0 potential cannot exist, but it is a much harder path.

Your mere having of a relationship means you are not socially excluded. And no, friendships between robots do not happen, civil arguements or agreements can be had, but that's the closest a robot will get to having a "robot friend". I disagree with your statement about "inability to integrate meaningfully", it isn't about inability to integrate into society meaningfully, it is about rejection of that society because there is no means of integrating on our own terms. If you are not a bitter and hateful outcast, you cannot be a robot.

>Skin color
>Hair color
>Eye color
># of bfs/sexual partners
1 bf, 5 gf, 16ish sexual partners total (mostly girls)
Neet right now
Full of hate
Film, vidya, drawing, vid editing etc
>Political leaning/religion
Extreme far right, not religious
>Life Goal
Live comfortably in a tiny studio apartment with a balcony where I can make a tiny garden, be a housewife eventually for a dominant lesbian

Attached: pippa.png (286x416, 67K)

so have you told your bf yet how many guys you have fucked?
how did he react?
that many partners just screams "I have commitment issues"

jazz is good. it was a big influence for one of my favorite genres i didn't mention, bossa nova. and thank you for the rating!

>Extreme far right, not religious

Fuck off dyke, you're not welcome on the right.

Walter Wanderely is one of my favorite artists, Gerry Mulligan, Chet Baker are some of my other favorites.

I have watched around 1.5k anime, and I liked most of it, so it's tough to narrow it down to just few titles. I generally really like slice of life (like anime from World Masterpiece Theater or anything directed by Naoko Yamada), mahou shoujo, arthouse (especially Ikuhara). I also adore adaptations of Togashi's works, so the newer Hunter x Hunter and Yu Yu Hakusho. As for vns, I read lots of them, so again, it's tough to pick just few things. I loved Wonderful Everyday, Muramasa, Collar x Malice, Majikoi, Beast Master and Prince, etc. What about you user? Anything specific you like?

I don't need your permission. Also our allies are too few so stop complaining fag.

i like the chet baker's album featuring stan getz. and i should listen more to walter wanderley, thanks for reminding me.

I've always told my partners how many people I've slept with.
None have reacted poorly.
4 called things off, not me.
2 I walked away from.
1 was my first and only one night stand and that was after my ex boyfriend broke up with me at 18 and I was devastated and tried the 'fuck you' meme of having sex with a stranger. It was a bizarre experience that I regret alot.
The other people I slept with I did so because I intended to stay with for the rest of my life.


Are you a slut OP?

Makes no difference to me, I don't interact with people I just like their nature and customs