Are ice baths good for weight loss?

Are ice baths good for weight loss?

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Try eating less

>ice bath
>all of five bits of pussyshit cubes

It melted.

No but eating less and exercising is

its good for sore muscles, but i've never hear about it being good for weight loss

its for soreness you dumb faggot. go take DNP

Cold temperatures actually do burn a fairly large amount of calories. You might be able to burn like 100-200 calories with 15 minutes in a very cold bath. But then you have to consider how much less miserable and better for you it would be to just run for 15 minutes. But like any activity that burns calories it will probably make you proportionally hungry. So unless you diet, it will do nothing.

You can put an ice pack on your upper back to get most of the benefits without the hassle and misery.

Except really just eat less.

this. i guess it could be helpful if you take 15 minute daily baths anyway, switching to cold burns you an extra 100 calories for free.

one time i tried to do an ice bath in my bathtub just for my legs. my ass and entire back of my legs broke out in hives for a few hours. will never do again

i mean think about it logically - what does sitting in cold water do ? make you cold, gives you chickenskin and shivers. Can't think of anything else, maybe a cold. How does any of this burn fat ?

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>maintaining body heat doesn't require energy
you are absolutely retarded friend

Good if you want a heart attack

Not compared to eating less

wow nice thinking, body is like "yo i'm cold, better turn on the fat burner real quick to make it hot in this mf"

This guy's friends with a retard!

Not the guy but what else do you think happens you fucking retard? How can you be that stupid??

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You lose more body heat because water is a better thermal conducter than air. The decreased body temperature needs to be increased somehow or you literally fucking die. It's scary to think that you people are allowed to vote in elections, I hope you live in China, you deserve the boot.

The only way a cold environment encourages your body to burn more calories, is when your body starts shivering.

Your body doesn't burn more calories in attempt to keep warm.

If it did, people wouln't die from hypothermia.

Digestion does raise your body temperature, but this is entirely different from your body raising it's temperature to keep warm.

How long would I have to sit in an icebath before it turns to body temperature.

i think he was being sarcastic, there's no way someone can be that stupid unironically

It does. Read a book, humans are not cold-blooded

Hmm... I might try this. Does anyone know of any underwear that could insulate balls and dick while in the ice bath? I want to freeze the rest of my body while avoiding the shriveled balls effect.

Are you taking a bath in the shower?


he cant because hes shitposting

It is an extremelley
way of burning fat. Just eat less and move more, lost 80 lbs boing that since '18

>If it did, people wouln't die from hypothermia.

Hypothermia happens when the cold exceeds the body's capability to regulate it.

One of the ways a body regulates its temperature is, wait for it, expending energy.

Dumb ass.

that's why i just finish my showers with cold water
it's an extra few minutes that doesn't cost any hassle, but can do it daily to add up to a bigger effect over time. or if it does absolutely nothing, no big deal, it's one less post on this stupid website.

So what would happen if you sit for hours in a cold bath that the body can regulate temperature against? Like say 40 or 50 degrees Fahrenheit? And possibly in a wetsuit to avoid pruning?

Are you that retarded that you need someone to explain that you fucking fag?


The body can increase energy production through non-shivering thermogenesis, but the metabolism of obese people may be fucked up enough for it to not work.

I take hot-cold showers and they feel bready gud. Idk about weight loss tho

Are you FUCKING STUPID???????



You must have an extremely flawed sense of what heat is. It's energy! Calories = heat. Now what happens if I take heat out of your body by putting you in ice water. How do you think your body temperature is higher than the air temperature even in winter. From shivering? Shivering is your body trying to generate more heat because your body temperature is dropping fast.

You must have never been to a swimming pool as a kid and felt fucking HUNGRY after which can mean only one thing. Read a book N.


I love how many things people will try to help them lose weight before they try eating less food.

Yes but you have to shove the ice cubes up your asshole before the weight loss will start

Yes it is good for weight loss, if you take cold showers it means you're activating nonshivering thermogenesis, which mainly uses fat.

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