How do I find an Asian gf who never ages and never age myself?

How do I find an Asian gf who never ages and never age myself?

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That woman looks all of 21, I call horseshit.

>draw emotional art
>speak a bit of moonrunes

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No they are famous sisters in tawain all 40

It is common to look like this in Asia because they spend 6 hours a day on skin care, avoid the sun like the plague, work out, eat really healthy stuff, and always do healthy habits

There is literally hundreds of asian girls like this. You dont see it in western hell because no one cares about anything but hedonistic shit and tanning

One of them is a famous actor all the ages are confirmed. There is a ton of girls in Asia like this with ages confirmed

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Shu Qi is 40 years old in this picture

How is that even possible?

Attached: shu qi.jpg (565x800, 64K)

>You dont see it in western hell because no one cares about anything but hedonistic shit
Imagine unironically pretending that spending 6 hours a day isn't hedonistic and vain as hell. How do you even breathe?

Spending 6 hours a day on skincare*

That is not what I meant retard but ok

>kids in late 20s

They take health and skin care serious over there not like western thots like FUCK IT YOLOOOOOO!!!! LOL XD IM GOING TO THE CLUB AND THEN EATING A FULL PIZZA AFTER LOL THEN 4/20 BLAZE EVERY SINGLE DAY YASSS

These women literally look 20 most their life because they take care of themselves and then they arent sluts at the same time. I literally cannot even LOOK at American women anymore. I just want to go to asia and be healthy and non degenerate

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Also Americans are retarded. All their quote on quote -skin care products- contain more chemicals then anything useful that just provide a quick faux result with being worse in the long run

These people do everything natural. All natural face care. All nature foods. Water all day long and tea and stuff like that. Everything they do is natural and American women just find something with a flashy label that has like 30 toxic chemicals in it and like some artificial aloe Vera scent in it lol

These people are retarded and disgusting. I literally dont even want western women. Like i just look at them like disgusting monsters. Like the only ones that are young looking are Kim Kardashian with that disgusting fake plastic surgery looking face or girls with botox or some shit

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You really can't see all the camera filters they're using?

Try not to forget their tonnes of makeup and often times - plastic surgery
Also this

You are pretending that vanity isn't a form of hedonism. I think the only retard here is you.

These girls do not have surgery and they appear on tv and normal photos look the same

Stop being angry autistic faggots

Roasties detected lmao

They're very attractive and have great genetics, for sure, but they're wearing a lot of makeup. Nothing wrong with that, but Asian women are amazing at makeup, it really tricks the brain.

How is it vain to take care of your health?

I have a nip girlfriend you goon, ive slept with many nip girls. The difference between makeup and no makeup can be crazy sometimes. That's why I'm dating an average girl that doesn't wear much makeup, sure she's not a supermodel, but she always looks cute no matter what. To me, anyway.

>ive slept with many
Don't care, fuck off normalfag whoremonger.

They have pics with 0 make up...this is common in Asia

You need to to back.

>You need to to back.
You just outed yourself as having been on this website less than 5 years

Since 2006, buddy. Don't @ me or my son ever again.

Asians disgust me.

Its okay you can go find a white girl who rejects everyone but chad and fucks random people at parties and gets drunk every weekend fucking tanning and stuffing her pizza

She will look old and shitty in no time and already have been fucked by every chad and every guy thats around here when shes drunk. What a win!

Or get a black girl with a wig who is constantly showing off her ass twerking like a brain dead animal during its mating season and wearing slutty clothes in public

Women do it for attention, which is pleasure to them, therefore it's hedonism. nothing to do with health. It's vanity.

This beta got rejected by a white woman

>Women do it for attention
Western women do it for attention. That is why they wear clown makeup and don't take care of themselves.

By that age I would be retired, and not really care about sex all that much. Imagine still needing sex at that age.

You have a lot of money and can just live vicariously through your children.

No just every western women goes for the same type all brain dead normies and the chicks have sex every weekend

Asian women have class and arent brain dead like everyone in the West

>My pure Asian girl meme

yeah it's too soon

>he thinks women are different across cultures
Absolutely bluepilled.

>Women under a faulty system of control won't act any different than women under a functioning system of control!
Fuck off, feminist. You are but a dog and I am your master.

sun fucks up your shit. I have a few of these black dots on my face apparently called sun spots, not to mention, im getting crows feet from just squinting all the time.

also, if you were Asian and weren't born with a mong face, wouldn't you take care of it?

tfw 22 and look 30
what fucking magic skincare do chinks use, god

It can happen in men too, some of us can age slow.
I got treated like a child until I was 20, since I look 14 for a long time.
Got called lil man and young boy til I was 30.
And I'm not east asian, I'm mixed with other groups desu.

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