LSD thread

Any robots try psychedelics and have a good story?

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I've done LSD, shrooms, DMT. IMO they should only be taken with a purpose. They are pretty cool but not as amazing as people make them out to be.

I don't really have any stories because for whatever reason LSD doesn't give me particularly strong visuals (mostly just colors become brighter and "pop" more), but it is, in fact, the best drug I have ever taken hands down. It kind of feels like a subtle rolling orgasm for about 12 hours, my mind races but in a good way, I feel liberated from desire but still find joy in doing things, but most of all it feels like I'm the happiest I can be. Def would recommend, but like all psychs make sure you're in a good, or at least neutral, place mentally and emotionally before taking any.

I tripped on a plane once. I timed it so that I would start getting visuals right around/after takeoff, but then the flight got delayed so I had to come up in the airport while waiting to board.
It was pretty awesome. America looks beautiful from the sky already, and I got a window seat, so I just threw on my headphones and stared the whole way while the landscape morphed below and the clouds did awesome shit.
10/10, would do again. I also want to skydive on acid someday.

I've never gotten visuals from lsd, I've taken 50 micrograms or less so that's probably why

Did that for around a year. Did shrooms constantly, but with a goal in mind. I wanted to rebuild my depressed, damaged brain, so I took a psych that spurs a sense of novelty and new neural connections. I devoted myself to becoming a better person while I was permatripping. I wanted to hard-wire those habits. I wanted to set up neural connections I didn't previously have with the shrooms, and then reinforce them so often that they stayed in use after I stopped. I wanted to hard-wire things like math, music, and language into my brain with drugs. And honestly, I wanted to have the childhood I got robbed of.
It worked. I didn't come out the other side the same person. I basically did a full 180 on certain things. I was able to cram enough wonder and novelty into a year that I didn't feel robbed anymore, and I was able to make it a formative year even though I was already 21.
I think only 3-ish people in my family know. They saw how I changed for the better, but I don't think I can share the background.
Also, HPPD is real and it wears off.

I have a very similar life story. Go make a drugsfeel thread you faggots.

Acid made me suicidal and made me more a a NPC than I already was, but hey the depression made me lose 40 pounds in 3 months

Always looking at the brightside at least

lsd is best drug, my highest dose was 800ug + some weed and vodka and i lay in bed legally retarded for hours

I took 15 tabs and ended up in the hospital last week lol.

Holy shit, what was the trip like?

I had an absolutely hellish trip from just 100 micrograms. I didn't do it for a specific purpose like you're supposed to, because I thought I was experienced and I thought that 100 ug is nothing. How fucking wrong my retarded younger self was. Please never do acid just like that.

The trip started out fine, I was conversing with my friends, feeling all mellow, relaxed and content with life. It was already late though, about 3 am when the tab kicked in. So eventually my friends got tired and wanted to go to sleep, so I decided to roll a joint and go smoke it by myself. This was the worst decision ever. When I was just half way through the joint I had to throw it away because I was blown out of my fucking head, my thoughts were racing, I was feeling unexplainable sensations and I felt mind blown every time a thought finished. And here's where the loop started. Everytime a thought popped up in my head, it felt like the moment between the two thoughts in my head was familiar, exactly the same as the one after the thought before that. It's hard to explain but at the time I figured it was some crucial information about the human mind that I discovered through taking LSD, so I kept analyzing my thoughts for the next hour, which ultimately ended with my mind completely ceasing to work. I remember laying on a couch, feeling the most helpless I've ever felt in my life, while my mind produced all sorts of insane imagery, all while I couldn't think one coherent thought. It was hell, when this psychosis finally ended I was exhausted, physically sick and felt like I had gone through actual fucking hell. There's no way to describe the absolute terror that engulfed my body during that trip. I was fine after a few days, and even tripped some months after that and it was fine, but the lesson was taught.

Never do acid "just like that".

That's why you have to be very careful with cannabis while on LSD

I did LSD with some hippie and ended up at the beach. I went into the ocean and the waves were roaring. The whole experience was like I was the god of the sea, Poseidon, and the world was my pussy to fuck, but I was just saving myself for marriage.

I'll just greentext it since it's easier to write and to read, and it's been a little over half a year since my trip.
>friend invites me over to trip sit for him
>it's his first time too
>2 hours in I get bored and take a tab (80 micro grams each)
>after about an hour I can see some stuff, certain colors modified or "enhanced" in some way
>can "see through matter" kinda like if you spaced out blocks in minecraft and flew through them, hard to describe, I have a specific kind of webm in mind but I don't personally have it saved
>generally more talkative
>time distortion; such as waving your hand in front of your vision
>friend can see eyes everywhere, not that everything is made of or has eyes, but certain things like a screw in a wall would look like an eye, and everywhere he would go there was an eye looking at him
>said they were "dead" eyes though, with no intent behind them
>to me the only eye effect I got was as though I were wearing "multicolored, eye-tinted glasses"
>about an hour and a half after taking the tab go out to my truck alone and smoke like 4 bowls
>friend calls my phone and talks about going outside and walking around
>prior to the trip I asked for tripsitter tips, and one was "I always thought [going outside] invited too much risk"
>begin to panic and start yelling and screaming at him to not leave the house, and I refuse to leave my truck
>doesn't agree and eventually I hang up and start having a bad trip
It's really hard to describe what the bad trip was like because a large amount of the emotions and what not have been more or less supressed, kinda like when I almost drowned, but you DEFINITELY don't want one.
>start calling people I trust to help me through it... somehow
>eventually friend comes to save me, was crying when he entered and what not, hadn't even realized
>just try and hold him for a bit
>tells me to come outta the truck with him but at first refuse
>when I do immediately all tension is lifted and I'm super happy

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I remember playing Silent Hill on lsd and yeah that didn't work out too well lol

That sounds like a very awful time

Weed definitely didn't help.
>go back inside and chill out
>generally feel really creative and like I have a huge imagination to experience now
>watch internet videos and such, like picachu on acid 2
>looking at myself in the mirror was really fun
>in general it reminded me of a less disoriented version of being crossfaded (drunk and stoned), just feel super good about myself
>a lot of people talk about how acid makes them feel connected to everything, and I kinda got that, but mostly it made me see how everything else is connected in different unique ways, and how different artists and such could have gained inspiration from acid
>also when I closed my eyes it was like a logical lightshow, if that made sense, like I was able to focus further on my internal train of thought and viewed it both mentally, as in the train of thought itself, and like fireworks (but more like tron bikes interweaving)
>tried playing vidya and doing anything more complex than youtube on my phone but found it much more difficult
>the comedown was the worst part, because it just feels like a physical buzzing of your cranium, kinda like poprocks I guess, not like a headache though
>also because I was tired and I just wanted to sleep and acid just wouldn't take that shit; it's like driving down a long, boring road: you know what being normal feels like but no amount of wishing will get you there faster, the distance between you and the end of the road doesn't change
At first after it I never wanted to do it again, but now looking back on it it was pretty fun I just want to not make the same mistakes and also use it as a learning tool. One thing for people who've never used I tell them that above all other effects, what it is fucking intense. I haven't taken shit like coke, meth, or heroine, and never will, but weed or alcohol will in no way prepare you for what acid is like (other than just knowing what it's like to be on a substance).


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>the comedown was the worst part, because it just feels like a physical buzzing of your cranium, kinda like poprocks I guess, not like a headache though
fucking feel ya on that part. did LSD once too on my own and basically did the same things you've just said. the comedown was so fucking bad couldn't even close my eyes for longer then 5 min

It was too much.