What is being NEET like in New Zealand? I'm from Australia so I'm curious

What is being NEET like in New Zealand? I'm from Australia so I'm curious.

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It's almost impossible, jobseeker support is the only real benefit these days and it comes with a lot of supervision. Unironically the best way to be a neet is to get into a defacto partnership with someone who has access to the student allowance. That way you can apply as a dependent and have no obligations

Australia has a much more lenient welfare system than NZ

Disabilityfag here.
Pretty chill, I live innawoods and often go on minihikes, sometimes I find decent reception and go online. Other times I go further out to the grasslands or along the river. A lot of the time I just stay home and garden or check the bees.
Pretty boring life but it's wholesome and stress free.

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Every hike in your country is a minihike. There are people who hike this entire thing here in one continuous go.

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God I really wanna hike the entirety of the Pacific Crest trail, being out there all alone or with just one other person would be awesome.

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>and it comes with a lot of supervision.
Any examples of what they make you do?

You have to apply to a certain number of jobs per month, plus attend job seekers seminars.

Sounds pretty much the same as what you need to do in Aus for centrelink. Do they make you do stuff like Work for the Dole?

Not only that but it's a meeting every few months to determine if you still deserve the support, it's a goddamn nightmare

Aussiefag from Queensland here, how the fuck get neetbux? I've always thought that I've acted abnormally amongst others and am a bit slow, is there some way to check if I have some undiagnosed mental illness like autism or if I'm just overthinking things?

Disability is extremely hard to get on these days, you have to get a jobseeker payment or get a job.

I missed one of those stupid fucking seminars (because they're so fucking pointless and forgettable) and lost half my benefit for it. Won't get it back for another week even when I said I was happy to attend another one that same day.

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This is you kek

>What is being NEET like in New Zealand? I'm from Australia so I'm curious.
Shouldn't you be in prison?

So many cute boys in one place can i date one of yous

do you actually have to prove you are applying for jobs?

when i was on it for 6 months or so i had to attend those idiotic meetings but they didnt have the ''must apply for x jobs'' at that point

Alright cheeky

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How do we do it? Do i have to be in OCE

>Do i have to be in OCE
It would definitely help, but its not essential.
>How do we do it?
A/s/l would be an appropriate start

It's not 'x amount of jobs', it's 30hrs a week of jobsearching and you're supposed to keep logs

22 f europe, the baltic heart of europe

>he doesnt know about ol shuffling cliff

Cool, you're my LDG gf for the remainder of this thread. No ifs or buts.

I will miss you once the thread gets archived ......

Winz used to bother me all the time then I got traspassed and have to do everything on the phone and they never hassle me anymore. Most people tell me to jump on disability but I'd like to work just getting a job is a cunt.

We have each other now and that's what really matters. Living in the moment is always better than worrying about what will come.

I- i thought we would get married. Have children. I thought youd beat me every day to put me in my place. Thought....

do Maoris get nativebux over there? How much?

here in Canada the natives get nativebux (like $700/month, on top of all their other welfare) and they have begun to breed like mad in some provinces

>The Metis population (587,545) had the largest increase of any of the groups between 2006-16, rising 51.2 per cent from 2006 to 2016.

>i thought we would get married.
We might be able to find a priest itt, don't give up so easily.
Also you already seem to know your place, I'll just beat you to get an erection.