Just had a girl tell me that someone who I thought was far less attractive and more of an asshole than I am is better than me in every aspect
What the fuck is wrong with me? Do I not realize how terrible I am? What’s the point of lifting if I can’t even fix myself
Just had a girl tell me that someone who I thought was far less attractive and more of an asshole than I am is better...
Greentext how it becomes that some random girl tells a sperg they are ugly.
I’m not ugly though
Watch charisma on command videos on youtube, seriously helps sperglords like you to understand and behave in social situations in order to appear more attractive, if you’re too autistic to figure it out for yourself by trial and error
maybe she has shit taste
>lifting for women
Thanks bro
maybe she had some motivation to be a meanie, she probably did to say something like that.
disregard the opinion of some random thot, unless it resonates with you and you truly have some things you already know need improvement
>Just had a girl tell me that someone who I thought was far less attractive and more of an asshole than I am is better than me in every aspect
If you find yourself in a position where someone would actually say this to you, then they are correct.
if you need some autistic rules and guide lines to know how to behave around other people instead of using your intuition then you will never make it
I can post side by side pictures and I am definitely better looking
is this some random girl? some girl you are crushing on? tell me everything you confided her with so I don’t fuck up like you have
>Just had a girl tell me that someone who I thought was far less attractive and more of an asshole than I am is better than me in every aspect
This reminds me of the time i told my crush that she is flat and compared her to a titcow hoe milf, i just wanted to avoid fueling her ego but she took her the wrong way.
She’s my roommates girlfriend, and we were talking about this girl who’s apparently out of my league yet she dated this guy who I’ve always believed I was a better person than and I was more attractive than
No, check my other reply, we were just talking about how some girl was apparently out of my league
you sound like an incel
I had a gf for 2 1/2 years before Hand and I go out frequently at my school
yeah, post side by sides and we'll let you know.
shes probably just retarded man, some people are just dumb. why worry over what she says when she has literally 0 impact on your life?
Girls are great judges of character. You probably stink OP
your fault. women should fear the thought of saying this shit to you. try being prone to violent bursts of anger more often.
Joke of the day
Shes prolly just angry at OP, he can prolly cuck the Guy in a few months
Sounds like you have an inflated sense of self worth.
If you feel the need to compare yourself to other people inorder to boost your own self esteem , youve already lost. A person should conduct themselves in a way that makes their own qualities self evident, without need for external confirmation. whilst being aware of how other percieve them accurately, so as to prevent a dissonance, like you currently have.
Who the fuck cares what women think?
You probably hurt her ego in some way and she's lashing out. I've heard countless women call men who pumped and dumped them "ugly" and "below their league." If they were so ugly, why did you fuck them?
She was knocking you down a peg, as you seemed to be arrogant about somebody that already has what you wanted, I.E somebody despite your claims of superiority, that still is successfully in a relationship.
Be humble my dude.
Just fight him. As soon as you physically dominate and humiliate another male, he will become much less attractive in girl's eyes. Fact.
Women aren't self aware so it has very funny results at times.
Had a girl straight out tell me I wasn't cute when I smiled at her.
Ask her if that other guy is good at raping, cause you're better
>taking what a woman has to say at complete face value
Ok, lads. I've told this story a few times here before, but here goes. It was the most brutal one-two punch to my self-esteem.
>have a friend, she's a legit 10/10 model, hot af
>I went from fat to relatively fit, started showing off the gains this summer
>meet up with friends, it's hot outside, so I'm wearing a tank
>She sees me: "Hey, user, looking good"
>A few minutes later we're discussing the inner monologue and how actors utilize it, she's describing the basics:
>For example you might be telling someone "hey, looking good" while you're actually thinking "why the fuck did you even come here?"
This. Fucking this.
Green text you retarded asshole the girl is right it's all about you because you are a vapid vanid hedonistic zoomer piece of shit that no one will ever love or appreciate because there is nothing to be appreciated or loved in yourself you autostic aperg cunt. Now fucking green text the story low IQ retarded braindead inbred mongoloid.
On the one hand I woulda laughed about it and been like
>"ha ha what is that what you meant before when you talked to me before?"
and then springborded off that
but at the same time it might indicate weakness on my part by even mentioning it, as it might come across as bothering me.
dude dont take it personally, girls will talk shit about one guy that is by most standards objectively better than another and simultaneously date the inferior man. theres no accounting for taste. ive been made fun, insulted, annoyed, etc, and yet in most cases i was smarter, taller, and better looking than all
>projecting all that self hate because of one post
It took me like half an hour to even put two and two together. And then it was way too late to bring it up.
Haha this is what happens when you are an autistic fuck that goes out with shitty vapid whores.
>S-she was a model
Who the fuck cares? This thread is full of fucking literal faggots, I swear. You are a bunch of fucking pussies, the bitch tells you some shit like that you either leave or get cucked. If I was in a bad mood I would change her face with my own hands. But you are a bunch of fucking faggots
>Waah no gf
>Waaah need woman attention
Literally the antidote to getting woman attention is doing what you do, you disgust me.
>I would change her face with my own hands
Fucking niggers in this thread, I swear.
You put her on a pedestal fag you got what you deserved, in 80 years she will be as ugly as everyone else when her corpse swells 2 meters under the ground. Fucking faggot.
So based. Fuck Charisma On Command that guy looks like he’s about to fucking snap from being so fake all time. If you want to live life acting like some pussy on YouTube told you to you’re already dead.
This is the only truth in this thread.
>OP is likely an insufferable faggot
>has low self-esteem
>requires a certain level of attention from peers
>doesn't understand when other people get attention because autistic sperg
>constantly comparing himself to other people so he knows how much attention he is owed
>"friends" notice but tolerate his bullshit
>one day he voices his inner dialogue
>"I'm better than Tom right?"
>everybody loves Tom
>replies with, "Shut the fuck up OP, are you serious? Your personality is hot dog shit."
The key here is that if no one else stood up in your defense, then everyone was in silent agreement about your many shortcomings OP.
What pedestal? I don't even hang out with her, she's just in the same social circles as me. Fucking hell, you people always miss the point of the story.
this is stale pasta you goddamn normies
refund your visitors pass and get the fuck off my board
How is it nigger behavior to show a bitch some respect?
>Whore tells you in your face that she is lying and being completely fake to you
>Insults you
What do you do cuck? If I'm on a good day I leave and never contact her ever again, on a really bad day I would just threaten violence, not only verbally but physically. If she happens to respond I might hit her. I despise people like her, I don't give a fuck about how good you look. The dude shouldnt have been friends with such a retarded whore to begin with.
>I would just threaten violence, not only verbally but physically.
That's what makes you a nigger.
Literally not a pasta, I'm the same dude, I just post it often.
When's the last time you were in a fight anyway? And no, domestic abuse doesn't count, you fucking Irish wanker.
>why is it nigger behavior to act like one
womens opinions are litterally unrelevant no matter what they are about
This exact thing happened to me recently.
>hanging in friend group talking to a girl who’s a friend of a friend
>she’s laughing at my jokes like “haha that’s crazy!”
>conversation shifts and we’re talking to other people
>overhear her say “that’s crazy” is something everyone says to shut down a boring conversation
This board is full pf people who will never make it then, giving them advices though can help them a little though
>This board is full pf people who will never make it
This is the final redpill. Now you're ready to leave this hellish place and finally make it, my son.
Either you’re an egotistical cunt or she’s a lying whore. Which is it, OP?
So people can act like assholes and you can't do shit about it? Lmfao@lives bunch of söyboys. I would probably never hit her but wouldn't it be fun if someone broke her face and made her ugly? Wouldn't that be a humbling experience? I think it would be great, you take away the beauty she so much cherishes and make her feel superior to others so she becomes nothing.
>Any harsh critic given is projecting
>I'm perfect lol
Are you retarded?
You dumb cuck, I'd have called her out on it as you're supposed to.
> letting anyone be this bitchy to you
>I would
You'd do fuck all, you don't even have friends. Not with those social skills.
>at a party in a bar
>start talking to this girl like normal
>she suddenly says "you look like a huge creep"
>ask her how her day was because she's probably upset about something that I have nothing to do with
>tells me it's been the worst week of her life and how she's been betrayed by her best friend
It's never about you when stuff like that happens user
>If I was in a bad mood I would change her face with my own hands.
Settle down, Elliot
k then what happened?
>giving any importance to what women say
>If you think someone's less attractive than you then you must actually be less attractive than them
Ultimate brainlet
Still waiting faggot
her best friend prob fucked the chad she sais she also wanted to fuck, could you believe the nerve
oh my god, how terrible.
Who is Hand?
Not him, but this is The Hand.
Definitely an upgrade then.
Look at that swanky motherfucker.
My god how autistic are you? She was obviously teasing you
Just laugh and reply with a little offensive joke about her, for fuck sake I shouldn't even explain that it's what friends do half of the time
You should be more humble. Don't compare yourself with others, your first and only rival is yourself. That girl wants to tell you somebody is out of your league, just fucking ignore her.
>getting rattled by a lv1 shit-test
get a grip
She wanted to fuck you, you retard. She was negging you and you a sperged tf out
She has a bf who was in the room with me
let it go. people have their opinions it doesn't mean anything. most girls find me ugly but some find me handsome, that's life
Girls say cruel shit all the time - it's just how they naturally test men for weakness. Not even Chad is exempt from shit tests.
You gotta learn to deal with it, or you'll be condemned to incelibacy.
Thanks man :^)
Interesting, so all men prior to the 19th century were niggers?
>what is relativity
Not OP but you made me hate myself. Do you feel that way about yourself too? I'm trying to improve lifting and losing weight. It's been 2 years on and off and while I still suck and I'm fat I am way better than I was