Imagine having no worries and just being owned by someone who loves you unconditionally.
I'm jealous of animals
I couldn't handle that sort of thing, it's just an escapist fantasy I have.
>deleted post
What was it?
come be my pet, op! you could wear a cute collar.
I mean humans can be pets but its only seen in a sexual way.
Doesn't have to be. Though it would probably eventually progress in that direction.
Having a qt catboy hanging around just for company/petting could work wonders for stress relief.
Yeah, I'm not all that interested in the sexual aspect of things. I just like the idea of being taken care of and told what to do. Sex would probably happen eventually but it isn't something I care all that much about.
Enticing, what kind of collar?
If you're in the boulder/denver area we can try this OP, I love my dog and often wish he could speak english. Or if you are into internet shit I can post my discord or whatever, I'll love you unconditionally because I am alone
any kind you like! it could have your name on it.
Why aren't cat people real and why couldn't I have been born as one?
A few states away, sorry user. I wish I could talk to animals too.
I think I'd like one that was picked out for me more than one I picked myself, if that makes sense.
it makes total sense! it's hard to choose one for you since i don't know you, though. the ones i chose for my dogs were based on their personality.
Oh I always thought it was more of an aesthetic thing than a personality thing. What kind of collars suit what personalities?
You're forgetting all the stray ones who lived in the street.
for active/hyper dogs i choose colors like red or orange. when it comes to prints, i think the ones with fruits or animals fit them too.
for shy/calmer dogs i choose lighter, even pastel colors. if i have to choose one collar with print, i think floral ones like pic related are cute.
Ok I think I misunderstood the purpose of this thread. You are just roleplaying for an evening? Its not an actual driving fantasy for you, just an idle thought you made into a thread.
Your post reminds me of one I saw here a while ago about a girl who lived as a guy's cat for a while. He would lock her in her room (she had a key for emergencies but wasn't allowed to use it otherwise) and she would hang out in there while he was gone. When he got home he'd let her out and she'd just chill with him, being a cat. It was completely nonsexual. He also had a girl who would come dressed as a maid and clean the place who would let her out while she was cleaning. It went on for a number of months, maybe a year or so, and at the end he gave her a bunch of money or something to help her on her way in life. It was fascinating but I don't think I could find the post now.
>it was fascinating
>interesting. what kind? oh cool.
I fucking hate Jow Forums. Doors open in front of you every fucking day and we are too autistic to walk through them. We take pictures of them, we analyze them, we think about them. But never ever walk through. Not we, not me. Fuck everyone in this thread.
Top schizopost, my shpleebly.
Imagine having being castrated
Imagine being put in an animal shelter because they decided they didn't to deal with you anymore
Imagine having to suffer at a no kill shelter where they leave you in a small box surrounded by noisy animals and getting poked and prodded by people that -might- take you in
Read the thread again and tell me OP would actually live as someone's pet ever, or perhaps you are right and I should go back to /x/ or just go to sleep
You forgot about animal abuse and torture.
Stop it! I can only get so hard!
That's not all animals, you dibbaloab. Just domesticated ones. Imagine being a grasshopper. Yeah, insects are animals too. Everything tries to eat grasshoppers. Does being a stupid bird's lunch sound good to you?
Pretty sure this always happens, user. Most people are too scared. I remember there was an user that posted they wanted a bf. They turned everyone down because "they were too far." Turned out I lived in the same state, and in response I got, "great to know there's othere here!" Lol
i wish you were my cat. i starve and beat him when i am angry. jelly?
Every living creature dies eventually.