Creative general, spread your autism and suicidal thoughts.
Ill start with my yt shit
Creative general, spread your autism and suicidal thoughts.
Ill start with my yt shit
Other urls found in this thread:
uploaded a new song
i dont get a single thing going on in this video
not bad but i wouldn't say it's creative my guy except maybe the end of the video
It's about freaking time you guys made one of these! I saw some guys talking about making comics in another one of these threads and I'm thinking of making one too, based on a sketch of a character I drew in 2015.
do it then, you won't
I think I'm gonna prove you wrong, dude.
Well, this thread sure died quickly.
World War Z exclusive on epic store
it's a not so upbeat kind of strange funkish forest feel
you're trying too hard to be like your favorite griefer
>dude repetitive melody with a beat and random samples thrown in
why do so many faggots think this shit is anything but shit sucking garbage
at least learn the first thing about orchestration and instrumentation before you rape my ears again you wannabe john cage
Everyone's a critic. lmao
I checked out some of the stuff you replied to to see if it was as bad as you say it is. This guy's song wasn't that good, but had a decent number. If you're expecting professionals and virtuosos, you're in the wrong place, dude.
>being this insecure you have to samefag
Do you seriously think it's samefagging, or do you just not like being disagreed with and were desperate for a rebuttal? Sorry about your ego, but if you can't take it, don't dish it. Anyway, here. You can "criticize" me for phoneposting.
>being this insecure you have to phonepost
>Do you seriously think it's samefagging
yes. why hasn't the poster come out to defend themselves?
pretty blatant samefagging going on here.
>lole heres a screencap
have one back
>Gets proven wrong
>Edits proof as retaliation
You sure showed me, user.
>too retarded to get the point of the image
The poster count hasn't gone up after my post. Who are you then?
In short, another cuck foreverially owned :^)
>The poster count hasn't gone up after my post. Who are you then?
Oh ffs. If you want to see a retard, look in the mirror.
This is what happens when phoneposting norman redditors flood the site my dude. They don't understand hardly anything that goes on here.
Yep, you've been found out. You can have the last reply, as I'm sure anyone browsing the thread is well aware of the situation now. See you never fag
Also, you forgot to edit the (You) into my reply where I quoted '009. Very sloppy.
>Yep, you've been found out.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, dude. You didn't prove anything and made a fool out of yourself because you couldn't handle being disagreed with.
Nice copout, btw.
why do you think isn't good?
It's just kinda boring to me, personally. I'm sorry if you're the creator of that song.
dont be sorry, you dont have to like it, was just curious
>creative threads always come up when I'm busy and can't take a long time out of my day to look at other people's stuff
anyway I guess I'll post some of my videos and hope the thread is still up for me to look at it later.
made this, plz no hate, criticism welcome
two tracks i finished this week
first one is sorta house-y, might sound like shit if you dont have good headphones since theres some deep sub bass, but you might think it sounds like shit anyway
second one is noisy rock, im a big fan of the first two wavves albums
im kinda limited in what i can make since im just one dude with not a lot of experience but im trying my best
honestly senpai i have no idea wtf is goin on in this but it doesnt seem like a shit video tho so good job
pretty nice, makes me think of space engine and minecraft, a sense of discovery and wonder
I do photography and try to make music
pic related
I like first place loser and kazoo song
yo thanks man, thats cool to hear
Stick at it. Listen to any good feedback you get. One day you may be able to make this your neetbux :^) ayyy
I see some of your stuff, good shit.
I'll say use the momentum you have now and build a fanbase, build a discord, build a community.
before the algorithm changes and what not.
strike while the steel is hot, oh and in terms of video production just keep doing what you're doing, it's great. it really is awesome.
>before the algorithm changes and what not.
I think it already did. My new video didn't get nearly as many views as the last one. Someone must have posted it to the video section of reddit or something. I doubt I'll get that lucky again. Easy come, easy go I guess. mmmh mhhh
Lol good shit I saw the second one last week great work
eyy nibba I've been getting recommendations for your videos the last few days.
SAVYY! Ah shit, I've been meaning to watch your vids. Fucking killer that you're picked up now.
this is pure garbage, you should make shorter videos
im very happy how this song came out
nigga KYS desu
wow we need more OC creatoes like you here man, keep teh gud werk
It sounds unfinished, empty and repetitive.
It sounds finished, full and original.
I am writing the next great american novel rn.
Smash your fucking face in, you waste of life
well, threads over
fucks sake
see you guys next time
i am not a brony
Well, why'd you post it then, there's very little reason to be posting that shit here if you're not shilling
I finally figured out how to inspect various Halo models ripped from the games and I'm currently very slowly making 3d printable versions of them. Then comes HAAH WAAW: an unofficial ruleset for gaming with them. Funnily enough this has killed my interest in actually playing games because it's actually rather fun. Expect to see more of me over the coming weeks in the 3d general on /tg/. Retirement is fun.
i am shilling deadass
>Retirement is fun
How old are you?
Dorby poSki fag hihi
hey dude cool videohaah
>file deleted...
WOH WOAH WOAHHHH what was it?????????
I am mapmaking user. I have been doing population statistics.
Feel free to comment. I am gonna do city stats next.
I do not know where to find good rappers to work with
Gotta not go sloppy though if you can avoid it :/
Do another one but with more precision
Working on a more serious, with vocals and everything, project for realsies now. I'll try to record an entire album, maybe 30 to 45 minutes and put that on a new account when the time comes. Will have to come up with a decent name and get some proper album art
Im not very good with precision,
but I do like to go FASSTTTTTTT
tfw people love my art but it's never good enough gor me
It looks like a slight upgrade of Chris Chan's "art" style.
i dont think so user
or7igi 4 nal78
I like this shit. Good guitar tone as well.
Oh I remember this piece - very cute user, the shapes are easy on the eyes
thanks, its pretty much me just speeding up and down different minor pentatonic scales (basic rock scale) because that is what I have the most fun with.
Also the amp is pretty far away but my mic and room acoustics are good enough for it to sound decent.
No problem. How'd you practice doing speedpicking like that? Specifically the picking hand movement? I'm absolutely garbage at lead playing. Could use a few pointers.
Also, I can tell you had fun playing this stuff. lol
I mostly just use hammer ons and pull offs to go up and down the scale quickly. I could send you a video of me playing it more slowly if that would help at all
Oh, I'm alright with hammer-ons and pull-offs and scales. My fretting hand is fine. The problem I have is with my picking hand. Can't find an efficient method of making the notes sound clear, loud, smooth and fast because I'm shit at speedpicking.
This is trash. As if it wasn't bad enough, you went going to a lo-fi aesthetic and botched it horrifically.
I would say that learning early metallica solos helped me a lot with speedpicking. A lot of the stuff from kill em all is good to practice in terms of fast guitar solos
>tfw spent the last few months making a incest webcomic
this shit is cool as hell
>metallica solos helped me a lot with speedpicking
Oh ok. Do you pick from the wrist when speedpicking?
A good composition. I would consider this the homework required for a final huge work,something I fill my sketchbooks with. Taking your time and go carefully,and this could be a spectacular final work. Just do the final draft on Bristol board or other quality surface.
The strip I did here was one that needed a lot of background research. Taking pains on designing bits of pictures is always worth your time,since if you cannot use a particular bit in the picture you are working on,then you can refer to it for another work. This picture had two main areas of design and an underlying theme. The armory and staff were made by a sexist rabbit anthromorph wizard who liked his palace filled with near naked ladies. The pillars are submissive slave girls,and the staff connotates those slaves rallying behind the welder of the staff. Both took a dozen tries each,but the final results well worth it. Consider this with your future art projects.
>tfw no friend to ask how the coriolis forces exerted on a 2000mi radius oneill cylinder space station spinning to 1G would affect the flight patterns and mid-air corrections commuting genetically-engineered space angels would have to perform to navigate huge cityscapes on balconies thousands of feet in the air in my autistic space opera worldbuilding project
I cum to this
lol blue painting user here back with another abstract painting
well what don't you like about it? lack of realism? you don't like how your figures look?
also stop using fucking markers. it's no wonder you don't like your work when your coloring is punctuated with those awful marker overlap stripes
Funneled all my autism into another retro anime review. Would appreciate some constructive criticism. Let me know what you think.
yeah, it's really just a wrist motion. Practice some good speedpicking exercises everyday and you will be gucci in no time.
I drew this.
Kobold booty is good booty.
You have a tumblr/insta/twitter/ whatever?
Thanks, user! Keep shredding. I hope I'll be able to one day as well.
good luck to you my man, it takes lots and lots of practice but it's worth it if you enjoy it a lot
Surprised- got published my shit art in an official NASA video (my really early stuff).
Citizen Scientists: Data for the World
the blue ones at 0:30 and the one at 4:12 were from me
I have done better since. But my 1st big score!
a sketch i just did for a request
another recent one ooirogiro
just a doodle
Please make more of these
Have a blog or something to contact you from?
OP here again, if you guys thought the video in the post was ok, tell me what you think of this new video i just did talking about the epidemic of onions
ahem. i liked it
I had one but I deleted it a few months back. Otherwise I don't have any online place where I post, unfortunately. I'm sorry :