
Nearly a third of the way through 2019 edition

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Just saw a Pole stop outside a Polski sklep in a C class Merc


don't want to go out with anyone except this girl i knew 7 years ago but i haven't spoken to her since then and she's a massive slut

crazy int it lads

poles > pakis

simple as

What am I meant to be looking at here lad?

I find the more people you meet, the less oneitises mean to you. Just got to find a way of meeting girls, then you'll fall in love with one.

Not saying much since both are subhuman

guess you're right, lad. haven't been out much lately. cheers

It's from a street outside the secondary school I went to, and shows a pupil mooning the Street View car

yeah but poles are white

Don't get why people give a hoot about the countryside or stuff like the high street. Whole world is urbanising, move to a city innit or enjoy having nothing to do out in the middle of nowhere.

That's the spirit! Go get 'em user

Nigger sitting near me is playing music from his phone without using headphones

want to kill globalists

i have the same sentiments as the previous poster, but say 10 years instead of 7 and i haven't talked to a girl outside of work. and yes they are all taken by thier respective men. women just arnt interesnted in me and traps are 200% gay. all i want is a nice little tomboy to tease and tickle till we fall asleep in each others arms. where do i find girls that are not directly on the path home from work or actually in my house?(i live alone)

Ah not so much. I actually dated mine for a couple months after not seeing her for 2 years. Sucks now and I kinda wish things stayed as they were before.

Please explain why you have 5,000 kg of fertiliser in your backyard and a list of every MP who supported Remain with their home address

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oi'm just a humble mulch salesman, m'lurd

You find music party girls at gigs for example so to find tomboys at places usually frequented by men; hobby shops, climbing walls, camping clubs (don't know if they exist), archery ranges.

Yeah, that's what they all say
Come with me down to the station sunshine, you'll need to answer a few questions for us

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Hate stupid girls tbqh lads.

you should hate stupid people indiscriminately

hate slags
love weeb qts
simple as

Tech savy lads I need help:
I'm on my parents laptop who haven't a clue about technology. I'm a bit stumped though. How do I access the recovery to look at files? When I open it it only says "This area of your hard disk (or partition) contains files used for your system recovery. Do not delete or alter these files. Any change to this partition could prevent any recovery later." how do I access the files in this drive? It's on a HP

You don't, they're only there for system restores.
There's no personal data, it's just system files and reg entries.

I just think the proportion of stupid girls is higher than for guys.

Right I see lad. Basically we had an old PC and had loads of documents and my dad got someone to out these documents on their new laptop. I assumed it was in that drive because I can't find the files anywhere.

girl brains are much stupider then mens are

according to the bell curve and averages, that's wrong
but if you consider everyone dumber than you to be stupid then it's probably right

the ghoster becomes the ghostie

They won't be there, it's an automated process when you first set up the laptop. You can still view the files though, if you really want to confirm it.

Do you still have the old PC? It might be that the files are just buried on the laptop somewhere.

>tfw big brain boy

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Ghosting is subhuman behaviour.

15 y/o brother caught a glimpse of my futanari centaur folder

The only thing I can think of is a .dll file from 2006 on here which is I guess from the old PC since we got in 2006. Can't open the .dll because don't have any program to open it. Could this be it

>Ghosting is subhuman behaviour.
I agree

exposing underaged children to pornography is an offence
you've sexually assaulted a family member

absolute wrongun

my post was satire, officer

no that's not it
talk to the guy who moved the files

it's called ignoring you goddamn millennials

Don't worry lad, found em! Cheers for the help

shut up or my fortnite clan will yeet you, boomer

probbly a good point, but from my experience there are no grills there, only shit numales, especially in hobby shops. climbing walls are a numale paradise, you can find all the dyel m8s there. 2 to 3 thick females who, err.. have thier own agenda, getting them thick thighs toned and all that
>tfw no tomboy who sees you walking home and goes "yo man what you up to?"

dont you have a lawn to mow boomer

Would be interested to see actual distribution graphs of iq for men and women with a large sample size actually.

i'm smarter that me mum and sister, i'll sell you that for free and won't charge ye

>tfw dancing around to this song as a child not having a clue what they are talking about


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>cut grass 40+ hours a week

Its nice lad

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what does fondulating mean

My mum is the smartest person in our family. Then again she did marry my dad which wasnt too bright of her

Why is it so windy? Is this Global Winding?

She's probably a control freak narcisist

>hedoesn't listen to the superior remix

My cheerup songs

Raindrops keep falling on my head
Mr Blue Sky

Shippy had beans again last night

House to myself today. Might order a pizza wizza

That'll be the 5th one this week lad...

Dont remember a single thing about the film I saw twice on day. At some point the police stopped me for a reason I cant remember. Asked me what I was doing "rolling a joint officer" they went okay and walked off. The rest of my bars disappeared without trace :( oh well the cunts got NDD

I havent ordered a pizza in over a month

What was she like lad? Is she fit?

pizza express is shit
16 quid for a pizza that was only ok

bloody waste of money, would be better spent on chinese

>standing outside a hotel having a fag
>lad walks past and says I have lovely red hair
>consider I might still have some degree of attractiveness
Goodbye plebs!

new Touhou animation from minusT

Really good, better than Endgame.

went in there once years ago coz they had a promotion for free doughballs

they were okay I guess, nothing mind blowing

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>when you nut then go to shit and piss
Feels like I'm cleansing my body. So much expelled.

*sits with his back to the wall and looks around nervously*

You alright lad? Do you need a hug?

The Norf is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it. It began with the baking of the Great Rolls. Three were given to the Scouse Lads, resourceful, friendliest and fairest of all beings. Seven to the Mancunians, great weavers and craftsmen of the Satanic Mills. And nine, nine rolls were gifted to the Footie Lads, who, above all else, desire a victory for Norf FC. But they were, all of them, deceived, for another roll was made. In the city of London, in the bakeries of the State, the Dark Lady Thatcher cooked in secret a Master Roll, to control all others. And into this roll she poured her cruelty, her malice and her will to destroy all of the North.

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i think so, lad. long straight blonde hair, blue eyes that tilt up at the outer corners. thin upper lip with a prominent cupid's bow, cleft chin. quite a big nose and slightly broad shoulders, but i like that. small tits (sad), but big ass

went to bed at 1
woke up at 1

If i wake up after 12 one more fucking time I'm going postal

i apparently had good sleep last night

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*pulls out a shiv*

get back bruv you aint raping me

I shall grant you exactly one (You) for this wonderful post

Halirious. This post won't get the recognition it deserves

beautiful user, your prose is godly

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A love like ours is love that's hard to find
How could we let it slip away?
We've come too far to leave it all behind
How could we end it all this way?
When tomorrow comes and we'll both regret
The things we said today

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tfw so depressed i dont even want to drink, open a bottle, take two sips and let it sit for an hour

imagine going back to the middle ages and playing nightcore remixes of club bangers to the royal court haha

They would kill you for being a witch and having bad taste

anyone seen that bloody bastard clive?
i've got his daily star, baccy and skol here

it's always darkest before the dawn, wee lad

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Cities are shite. Noise, pollution, crime, fuck that. There's plenty to do in the middle of nowhere, depends how you get your kicks I suppose.

I can vouch for him orifice, He was going to sell it to me for my crops.

Do you know it is an offence to mock a police officer young lad?

Going to the shop hope some scaffolding doesnt blow into me

I've researched that, I used to be in mensa and it was a common topic to discuss. There's no variation on the bell curve between men and women. It gets really interesting when black people are discussed and usually ends in an argument.

Do you guys ever think about how we are made from the stardust that originated from the big bang and that we are the universe experiencing itself.
And that your name, personal identity and how you are feeling are all symbols that man throughout the majority of human history had no way of contemplating, Prehistoric man never thought about his feeling of ennui. No one did, until man made it with a symbol of language. If we lose all these symbols of the self and ego we can experience a true form of being.
Like, does anyone else think like that?
The self is a meme.

>and that we are the universe experiencing itself

God I feel old
t. oldfag

It means middle class people who bond over their love of molten cheese parties.

Got any baccy bruv?

*blows cigarette smoke in your face*
gay wanker

Ooo oh, no, baby please don't go.

Nah I don't because I'm not a teenager who just had his first puff of a joint

Oim not mockin', oim I faarmer.

We are all made of stars and utterly inconsequential in the scale of things.

*shivs you, cracks you with a pool ball in a sock and steals your baccy*
cheers bruv, see you on the landings with my boys

Im at one with the universe man, you just dont understand