Any cute /balk/ bots or fembots here?

any cute /balk/ bots or fembots here?

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I'm Romanian , m

jesus christ, go to fucking you literal retard

I can fuck you in ur vagina if you're a grill.

slovenianon here, soc and photofeeler average puts me at 7
why ask? we're not trannies and faggotry is against the slav ways

Romanian reporting in

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Wtf, how many Romanians are on this board?

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Many, i am from romania too kek


Thankfully I seem to be the only Slovene. Not-so-great is the fact that there are no Slovenian qts to be my gf.

Not enough

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Quite a lot of em.

Wait, so Attica and the Peloponnese aren't part of the Balkans? Are we just anticipating their eventual re-absorption by the Turks?

Is Romania really becoming the Roastieland?
Anyway r9k meet up when?

Alright so we know there's a lot of Romanians on this board but despite that I've never ever seen a Romanian fembot.
Really makes you think, doesn't it?

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They don't exist, user. This isn't a place normal people browse. Women are by definition normies. Normie tastes, normie problems, normie mindset.

> This isn't a place normal people browse

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one from close to the capital here

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serbanon here
i guess i'm a minority on this site

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It sure does. A lot of Romanian girls are attention whores, claiming to be depressed while talking to about 7 guys at the same time. When you show interest in them, they feel flattered only to tell you that you're a good friend.
Even the chads get fooled. They shower them with money and attention but get nothing in return. Eventually they get replaced by another moron and it goes on...
Also this.
I'm also living close to the capital, hate the south of this country. Transilvania is a lot better, used to live there, but I had to move.

There is that whore that flaunts her body around and is supposedly a virgin. So take what you will from that.

And yes Romania is just the mix of poor and pretentious cunts.They get their ideas from the western left but at the same time they still expect men to provide and be strong etc etc without doing anything to deserve such things.

I live in the southeast on the coast.

>Transilvania is a lot better
It's nice but it's also really boring. There's barely anything to do here.

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pomoz bog fellow serbanon

At least you have beautiful architecture, a little more money, great nature.
Ploiesti is hell on earth. Dirty, polluted, boring. It's nice being relatively close to the mountains, but tourists ruin it.

I live in Suceava but i will have to move to Iasi

More then you would think.

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My grandmother lived in Cluj-Napoca before heading to the states a few years before the iron curtain fell.

Not sure if that'd count, anyways

cute croat here

romanian cunt reporting in
if any of you faggots are real romanians you would join this fucking irc channel instead of talking on disCOCK

wow nice lots of romanian boys around here, me too

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