Fembot feels

Fellow fembots, post your feels in the thread.

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saw this pic keep getting posted on this board but no one bothers to rotate it
jesus christ you fags

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Sorry user, it never crossed our minds

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Looks better not rotated thanks

I feel bad for waiting for my friend to break up with her ex whom im currently dating because i thought i could treat him better but i think im worse than she was

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>but i think im worse than she was
how come?

He acts like my own personal achievers are hurting him because i should focus just on him and i shouldnt aim for more than a future with him

i meant to say achievements i am sorry

does it count if I'm not a fembot but my feels are tfw no fembot gf?

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This might be a duplicate post because my post isn't showing up, but yes it counts. Will you share with me this moment user?
>tfw no fembot gf to love and cherish

he sounds toxic then, dont bother yourself with it

ur a good guy

>ur a good guy
no he not

>does it count if I'm not a fembot but my feels are tfw no fembot gf?

I nuked my chance with perfectly cute chad manlet because I am stupid. Aaaaaaa

Thank you frens

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where are you from? origiginally

stop posting this ugly fuck

Do fembots really exist? Prove it.

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I'm from Europe but I could relocate at any time if I actually find a fembot gf who loves me

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wow thats very rude of you why would yo usay that

you're from romania, right? i'm very far and i'm a neet

Yep I'm from Romania, also
>i'm very far
how far are we talking?

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Oh its ryu trying to get a fembot gf again

pathetic beta lmao

move to poland or we could move somewhere together pls

Are you bio. a girl though? Not him btw but also in EU

Yes. Where abouts are u?

My plan is to move to the US so if you'd be okay with that, sure

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another continent :(

Italy, how old are you

Oh yeah nah id rather move to africa than the Us

Cute my grandma was italian unfortunately i havent spoken italian in 16 years since her death. im 22 turning 23 in the summer, you?

why havent you spoken to him? And same here but 23 in sept.

which continent?
do you have any preferences then? I'd move to Poland but it's basically Romania 2.0 and I wanna see some new environments.

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america (i don't live in the us though)

Because shes dead
Poland isnt bad i have a good life here but i dislike the people. I kinda miss australia, but its easier to get a visa to new zealand. very expensive to move there as well so that would need to wait a little XD

giff fembot gf
ill be good boy

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Sorry to hear that, my condolences. I hope you're living a happy life or at least doing okay. My grandad is old and sooner or later he might pass away.

Really wish I didnt look like a 12 year old. Im 19 and in university and I have a job and Im saving for my own place but people call me sweetie and dear and are just super patronizing like Im a retard all the time. HOW DO I MAKE IT STOP

yes ofc i am

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Hello ryu haha

If any of you wanna get to know each other better, I can give you my contact

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I can give you mine, Ryu#1337

Yeah its not that bad im just very bored of current life and trying to ascend. You okay?

Maybe you should find something you'd enjoy andd also make you somwhat happy, just get new goals or new things to achieve. Yeah I am, atm.

DAMMIT how do people keep recognizing me
am I the only person into old anime on this board?

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because you fucking retard spam your tag everywhere begging for a gf lmao. just give up already no one is going to talk to you that way m8

>humble bragging on r9k
you know you're only going to get compliments for it.

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I didn't even post my tag in this thread, someone else did

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>my tag

>fellow femb-
Fembots by nature cannot exist.

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>Fembots by nature cannot exist.
yes we do sweaty

I feel fembots should be worshipped

Why dont all the robots and fembots smash? W

>Why dont all the robots and fembots smash?
the ratio is wrong

does it matter? females have 2 holes though

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Thinking of losing my verginity with my boyfriend

you're in a relationship byut havent sex yet? how old are you lol?

I'm 18, we've been together for 9 months, I'm really scared of losing it desu, he's a virgin too

i miss my boyfriend, i cant see him often and it sucks
he doesnt like me as much as i like him and it makes me sad bc sometimes i feel like hes just tolerating me and keeping me around for attention and affection until he finds a better girl
i think im in love with him ..

9 months is a long time to not have had sex while dating

this the only truth, I broke up with my ex gf bc of that. I want a normal girl or at least with not too many mental shit, someone who's there for me and loves me for who I am. Not just some crybaby adult girl. No.

i mean, im a bit mental but not in a way that dramatically affects our relationship
i support him thru everything and do my best to make him happy and i do what he tells me so i dont know why its not good enough

>im a bit mental
who on this board isnt

heh, thats very true

she is hawt af. prob had miles of chad dick

>break up
>with ex
normie gtfo

because """fembots" are just trannies larping

>literally all fem"bots" are in a relationship and/or have friends

what even is the point of these threads?

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Are you blind? she looks like a mong. Eyes are about a mile too far apart.