Weedfags will hate me for this

alcohol >>>>> weed

prove me wrong retard

at least alcohol doesn't fuck with your psyche the way weed does. also it doesn't turn you into an effeminate, passive piece of shit - on the contrary it makes you more social and daring.

alcohol is truly the pleasure of a real masculine man.

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Another good thread killed by a dibbaloab like you.

>at least alcohol doesn't fuck with your psyche the way weed does
Ever had a hangover?

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what? lay off the weed faggot

Psychadelics are better then both of them. Dopamine is for normies.

the effects are 100% physical though.
everything about alcohol is physical.
it doesn't try to fucking change who you are as a person. weed is psycho-active. alcohol isn't.

I much rather have fun while NOT developing fucking schizophrenia thank you very much.

Just how weak is your mind?

Alcohol rapidly increases your aging and expanding gut, which in turn makes you less inclined to do many physical activities. Hangovers, testosterone drops, balding, death when going cold turkey. Why do you think alcohol has been for normal fags all this time.
I used weed to discipline myself, after abusing it for escapism. Both are terrible substances to consume in excess however.

take the psych pill, shroom productivity is a very real phenomena.

>also it doesn't turn you into an effeminate
It actually does and weed doesn't. Memes aren't sources.

op is a dumbcunt but i know where hes coming from
weeds just a fucking drain man, especially if it gets to the point of every day. you wake up without any motivation whatsoever, other than smoking the weed

Alcohol is for whites.
Weed is for negroids and pajeets.

>have unironic anxiety
>weed makes it worse
>alcohol makes it better
>but im 20 and drinking laws make getting weed 10x easier
guess im not leaving my room for another year.

>expanding gut
Only for beer. Stick to spirits. Drinking spirits will also encourage you to drink water or other fluids alongside it, which well help avoid hangovers the following day.

maybe alcohol does destroy my brain cells and health.
guess fucking what? what are video games and gym?
>video games restore brain cells
>gym restores health
best of both worlds
I'm in my end 20s and abuse alcohol regularly yet I'm unironically more fit and mentally agile than most people my age
alcohol is only harmful if you are a fucking s o y boy with shit genes

still alcohol is better. it is the drug of the alphas. weed is the drug of fucking betas.
I much rather be an impulsive badass who gets into bar fights than a fucking pussy who closes himself at home being totally oblivious to the real world instead of confronting and conquering it.

>video games restore brain cells

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alcohol sucks dude.
Weed gives me motivation.
Case in point I love smoking a joint and going for a run.
Can't exercise for shit on alcohol

>just how weak is your mind?
loool user is fucking right, if you can't fucking handle that then weed is obviously nothing for you

I've never been suicidal or depressed on weed but I have on whiskey so it can affect your psyche.
Also you can smoke all the weed you want and never worry about vomiting or getting a hang over so yeah.
Fuck your spirits.

do some fucking research, it is true.

of course it depends what genre you are playing but just let's pick FPS and strategy. do you know how mentally awake and agile you have to be to avoid being killed in 1 second in a FPS? And how many fucking decisions you have to make in a strategy game almost every fucking second to stand a change? That shit is fucking good for your brain. Again it depends what games you're playing but there are many MANY games who are far more complex and demanding than your average job with you having to memorize hundreds of facts and developing a good understanding of tactics/strategy. Like it or not. Video games make you smart.

>it is true.
No it isn't, you fibbing dibbaloab.

when you're that dense you even smell like florida

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Science says it's true faggot

While I am inclined to agree with you, that's the shittiest article to use to prove your point.

I want to but i don't know any trustful sources to acquire them.
I only drink water these days anyway, i can't stand the taste of anything strong either. The smell of some drinks alone, are enough to make me gag.
>video games restore brain cells
>gym restores health
The gym is supposed to be uncomfortable for your body user, those games seem to be really working.

They are both shit but weed culture is the gayest shit on Earth. Alcohol decreases testosterone and increases estrogen though

onionsites mate.
I would never buy street drugs when there are so many trusted vendors out there.

>The gym is supposed to be uncomfortable for your body user
lol look at this faggot
how is an activity which releases fucking dopamine and other feel good chemicals supposed to make me uncomfortable
>confirmed for never having given 100% in the gym
If you work out till you can't stand anymore and then go home that's the best fucking feeling in the world. Better than fapping. Probably on par with cocaine.

>weed is psycho-active alcohol isn't.
Are you retarded? for the record I prefer alcohol too but you have no idea what you are talking about

>everything about alcohol is physical
You've clearly never had anymore than 4 pints then.

There's something about it helping form new connections in the brain, but it won't restore damaged brain cells. The best it will do is bypass them. Brain damage is permanent.
Also, it's more about learning new things. If you play the same FPS every day, like your typical fortnite player, then you won't get any of those benefits.

>Exercise releases chemicals in your brain that make you feel good.
No shit, keyword is body. If body and brain belong in the same category, my mistake then.

>If you play the same FPS every day, like your typical fortnite player, then you won't get any of those benefits.
Speak for yourself faggot.
I play a game for like 40 hours then move to the next one, unless that game is really good then I put more time into it. I've played around ~500-1000 games. Variety is key.

Please entertain me with a link towards ''weed culture'' so i can join you on your crusade against weed.
>If you play the same FPS
>I (you) play a game for like 40 hours then move to the next one
You're really not making a good impression for nu-gamers

You do know alcohol can cause pyschosis right? Both acutely and during withdrawal.

only if you're weak minded desu

How's your liver doing?

You're still in the water, doesn't matter if others sink faster. Both substances will corrode your body and mind over time.

Weed can trigger psychosis and schizophrenia in people with certain genetical predispositions

Alcohol is a psychoactive substance. That's why it makes you drunk. Any substance that gives you a mental stimuli is psychoactive, even cigarettes.

I need to smoke and drunk copious amounts to feel anything, so.

it depends on the person. long term effects of alcohol are worse than weed. of course it also ruins your psyche wtf. try to drink for years and do the same with weed. i wouldn't be surprised if the drinker dies first.

>weed is psycho-active. alcohol isn't.

That is all i need to read to know how retarded you are.

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I personally can't stand weed, it essentially gives me an instant panic attack, but you're treating something subjective as if it were objective. I've noticed a lot of druggies are prone to doing this. If you say you don't like their drug of choice they'll act like you are committing some type of logical error.

based. weed is for fags

>it doesn't try to fucking change who you are as a person.
>on the contrary it makes you more social and daring.

You gotta learn your limits. I have the same problem so I would just take a hit and wait a few minutes and repeat until I was at a comfortable level. In mild doses it eased my anxiety.

what if you like to mix both heavily to catch a buzz? i prefer alcohol but consuming both gives me the best of both

Alcohol slaughters your endocrine system and is a proven neurotoxin, amonst other nasty issues, like being so physically addictive withdrawal can be fatal. Is it still 70% of fatal car accidents and 50% of murdets have alcohal as contributing factors? Either bait or you are comically uninformed.