>be me, in my dads balls
>dad rapes some random girl then disappears

>I born
>midwife is someone my mom knows, I born in some random home
>mom doesn't cares so government doesn't knows I exist
>she never feeds me properly
>live a life of abuse
>she doesn't even sends me to school
>learn to read from some learning toy/laptop I found in a dumpster
>I use mom's pc when she's out
>If she finds out she would propably kill me

>I discover Jow Forums
>Not the best place for a 11 year old
>Spend my time here getting more degenerate
>Still not eating properly
>Still no education

>She beats the fuck outta me
>I woke up in hospital
>no one believes I don't have a ID
>I'm forced get one
>I don't hear about her again

>Everyone in my age is in uni
>I start crashing empty houses, a bit dangerous bc of junkies
>Steal books and start studying

>I learn she passed out one month ago
>some "relative" paid for her funeral
>then found me to charge me about funeral stuff
>I get angry and attack her
>Take all her money and run
>Buy a phone and sim
>still have some money left
>buy more advanced books with it
>seller is suprised and gives them for free, with some pocket money
>currently studying basic physics

Is life finally getting better for me? I'm a 5'5 manlet thanks to not having food so I can't do anything socially but I think I can get in IT if I study enough...

Attached: questioning_pepe.jpg (250x191, 6K)

This is probably a work of fiction but good luck in your life anyway

I know it looks like a joke for some people but this is my life. And thank you.

Shouldve got a tablet and sim instead of phone, considering the whole no friends or family.

>i know this looks like a joke
>posts funny frog man and makes sperm joke right off the bat
No this isn't real. Stop lying it's sad.

What country you from? And where are you living these days?

I thought about that. But I've heard Android tablets being problematic and I'm not gonna buy a iPad
Also having it small is nice, easier to carry around

Ive got an android tablet and no problems, as long as you go with a decent brand theyre fine. And I assume you have a backpack so not too hard to throw it in there as opposwd to phone in pocket. And aside from the obvious benefits like better screen and specs for the money, and cheaper data only plans, tablets have 10x better battery life than phones which would be really useful for someone like you that doesn't always have access to a outlet. You really fucked up guy.

>posts funny frog man and makes sperm joke right off the bat
People often use humorous language when describing their situation on Jow Forums no matter how dire it is
The fact that its written the way it is makes it more plausible brainlet

What should've I posted? I don't have much pics here.
Long story short, mom is German, idk about my dad. Probably a kurd or something. Then came to Turkey while she was pregnant. So I guess I'm Turkish?
Currently living in a empty school building, they gonna demolish it tho. But the weather is getting nice so outside won't be a problem

Fucking rape babies, but it's good that you are trying to get better, you are a good rape baby still dangerous

Fuck you are right. Maybe I'll resell my phone later. Outlet isn't a big problem actually. I can simply go in a mall and sit in a corner where no one cares
I'm sorry for using this pic now

I didn't choose to be like this user.
Also I'm too small to be dangerous

Well shit user, must be rough living the homeless life over there.
At least there a lot of street cats and dogs for you to feed and befriend. They're pretty cute.

You said you didn't go to school ... Khan Academy is a pretty good resource for educational videos up to a high school level if you can get free wifi.

Nah, a phone is good. You can listen to podcasts while you walk around or curl up somewhere comfy.
I know they're a bit of a meme I found Free Domain Radio and Jordan B Peterson's podcasts genuinely helpful when I was going through a rough place in my life. Both genuinely helped me sort things out.

Actually I think it's one of the easiest places to live as a homeless. People are wing willing to help and shitloads of foundations to help you.
Are you hungry? Go to any non-corporate restaurant any tell them you are hungry. No Turk will leave you hungry. Do you need money to travel? Ask someone random and they will use their own card for you. Need internet? Go to the nearest internet cafe, tell them what you gonna check and they'll let you stay for hours. The problem is I don't like getting help from people unless I really need it.
Also yeah I used Khan for a bit. But I don't like their mobile app. Still good enough..

But if I were a Syrian or something I'd have free life. Government loves them.
I'm not a podcast guy... I have no trouble at reading/writing but my listening is pretty bad. English is different while talking.
But I listen to music. Just discovered "A Perfect Cirle" they make perfect background musics for my walks...

Honestly if this is true, best of luck to you user. Just try to stay low for a while, if the law catches up to you for essentially robbing a person you're gonna burn any hint of progress you got. And if you can get ahold of it, eat some decent food. You're obviously not going to be 6 ft, but you might get to 5"7 or something.

Don't worry user I'm good at stealing stuff
Also non-corporate markets don't even care unless you overdo yourself
Also, don't we stop growing at 19? How is it even possible?

Kinda interesting, do you have access to camera?
You could post some pictures of your surroundings, makes your story more believable.
Anyways, good thing that you're trying to get yourself educated, there's possible happiness for you in the future, if you just keep that attitude and keep studying.
Also, if you like A Perfect Circle, you should check out Tool. The bands are kinda similar and have few same members.

>>I born
Get the fuck out, underage.

Well, I have my phone camera, kinda does the job.
My current place is a bit too recogniseable because they made childs paint school. I don't want someone finding the actual places and calling the cops.
Alright user I'll check them out when I find free WiFi

>not knowing basic math

1999-2016 is 17 retard.

2019-2005 is 26 you retard

Attached: 1549263041097.jpg (680x681, 24K)

Op, you seem to be turning your life around despite the ods set against you. Make us robots proud and become the one success story from this shithole

Free Domain Radio and Peterson have good material but beware as they can get cult like at times. I recommend the Joe Rogan experience for your walks. As for music goes, I have a big list of recommendations if you want it.

KhanAcademy is good for learning and it's 100% free. Are you going into programming? I'm reading Head First Java, maybe that will help you. I don't know how things are in Germany, but look for soup kitchens at least.

>>be me, in my dads balls

fucking faggot

I hope user...
Recommendations are always welcome user.
I'll have to learn programming but not now. I have to focus on my studies for now. I'll learn programming in uni. Also I'm in Turkey...
Idk how your life started but that's how most people's life starts like




>Recommendations are always welcome user.

Kid A
In Rainbows
OK Computer
A Moon Shaped Pool

Mothers of Invention:
Absolutely Free
We're Only in it for the Money
Uncle Meat

The Mollusk


Death Grips:
The Money Store

Neutral Milk Hotel:
On Avery Island
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea

Flaming Lips:
Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots
At War with the Mystics

Long Season

Tyler the Creator:
Flower Boy

>I get angry and attack her
>Take all her money and run
>Buy a phone and sim
>still have some money left
>buy more advanced books with it
>seller is suprised and gives them for free, with some pocket money
>currently studying basic physics
This is where it started getting better OP, assuming she can't find you again.

If this is real I'll send you my old college physics textbook, probably worth about 200-250 when it was new. Covers from basic vectors and motion through E&M and relativity (though this was an intro, non-calc based course which is shitty). You got discord?

>>be me, in my dads balls

thats really fucking gay

Also my old chem textbooks, took two gen chem courses and I still have both textbooks. Pretty comprehensive for the intro stuff. I love science and want to help others who love it as well.

I have some books if you want. I also am pursing a Doctorate in math. So if this is real and you have access to a computer, I may be able to remotely help you occasionally.

> All the stories and information posted here are creative works of fiction. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact


I saw you liked A Perfect Circle. If you like them then try the other bands by the singer. Tool and Puscifer. They helped me through tough times. Also, the band Yes is like happy Tool and APC.

I was thinking about seeing Yes this coming June in AC. I wonder if any other bots or jojo fans will be there.

legit sad, and people wonder why no ones having kids. At least people today are accepting they aren't mature enough for them.

>legit sad,

your life? i agree

The ones who are having kids are the ones who are too dumb to admit they'e immature, like 3/5 are single mothers and suicidal drug addicts who treat their kids like unwanted pets.

Thanks user! Screenshoted. I'll download them when I find wifi
I don't think she could do it again. She was scared.
Also for whatever the fucking reason I was smiling so she was actually scared..

Thank you user but international shipping would cost us a lot. Also I can use PDFs now thanks to having a phone (128gb, basically unlimited for books) so I only need to buy test/exercise books.
Thank you again tho. Means a lot.