Self pitty thread

Why is it so difficult to talk to girls online?. Even if you do by some miracle, happen to get their contact, they will end up ghosting. You can be funny, kind, witty, aproach them as a friend, aproach them as a potential romantic partner, treat them as another "bro", try to be there for them emotionaly, try to cut the distance by offering to meet up doesn't fucking matter, it all ends the same way: they stop talking to you.

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Stick to online dating apps, user. If you fuck that up then at least you no for certain then it's because you're fugly.

Do you have a story to tell us user? What happened?

Not really much to say but
First one
>talking to a femanon (didn't know she was a femanon at the start)
>really like her. Put a load of effort into my emails
>she hasn't responded to my last email
Second one
>acts really bitchy from the get go
>never mind, probably just moody.
>try and be funny
>doesn't work
>vent on r9k. She find out
>calls me pathetic. Stops talking to me
>sperg out a couple of more times (been having some a misserable time with my medication, been giving me moods swings etc)
>have to change my email because if you google it you find a load of threads of me behaving like an idiot
The rest don't have much of a story to them as it mostly involves me been ignored after 2-3 messages

Hahahaha this is your third day making these threads.


>add any girl ever
>she loses interest in you because of the sea of incoming beta orbiters

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Oh its you again lmao give us some more updates about that girl from yesterday who you rambled to.

You people are the worst. Can't a man vent in peace anymore?. Like i said it was my medication causing me to behave like a sperg. I'm on different meds now

Youre sperging out now nothing has changed at all.

I'm not here for your entertainment dude, so fuck off. I'll sperg out whenever i want to sperg out

I managed to find the threads on the archive.

Fucking lmao OP, how young are you?

Fuck you dude. I'm 22 years old. Great fun to laugh at someone loosing their marbles after taking the wrong meds huh

God this board is terrible and i regret wasting a single moment of my life with you people

I'm sorry, if it's any consolation I ghost because I have intense social anxiety and talking to robots intimidates me. it has nothing to do with you

Ha! I always knew it wasn't my fault!. my sympathies though user, i used to be like that too. Then i realised putting on a character helps when talking to people. You can do it if you try, i believe in you



What where the other 34 about if i may ask

jesus christ m8, this is your 3rd thread lmfao

That's just, like, your opinion, man.

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It's not really her anymore, but my general incapability to talk to women and other people, that upsets me. I'm not hung on a woman i barely exchanged more than a dozen messages with, in case that's what you think

This is your third thread about her m8

Not my fault you can't read, "mate"

Not my fault you are autistic, m8. Did you send her mail from a different account as suggested? A million dollars says you did.

You will never be as funny, kind of witty as another women, so it's natural they ignore you and talk to their friends instead.

You should be grateful whenever she decides to strike up a conversation with you, and act accordingly.

where do you find online girls to talk to? On here, or dating sites?

>I'm not hung on a woman i barely exchanged more than a dozen messages with, in case that's what you think

You have a point there, youre the one who flooded her inbox with spergouts so it makes sense why she barely replies with you

I'll answer the question depending on who gets the million dollars

If you are talking to a girl on a Dating app you should ask what she is looking for.
Every women what you to be interesting so talk about ANYTHING it doesn't matter if is you day to day or something you know. You need to put a theme on the table and go from there

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give us her email pls spread the wealth

Like i said i wasn't myself when i did that. Talking to her was a stint of madness that won't repeat itself cause she was honestly a shitty person (from what i could gather). When you're lonely and slightly out of your mind you end up doing stupid shit. I hope you never have to experience that

he did send me email from a different account actually, at least he was honest about it i guess

Well there you go people. The girl herself is in the thread. Why don't you ask her all the fucking questions, i'm out of herw

>it was all the medicine
>it was an all act

lots of doubt but yeah ok

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You must have a very boring life if getting messages from a nutcase is the most exciting thing to happen to you. Btw it looks like i'm your only friend, judging by your inbox

>no replies
I knew it was you samefaggin all along. Wanna hug?

Not quite broskie, looks like I fucking stole your girl.
Funny thing is I did it by actually treating her as a friend and not like some thirsty autist craving the puss.

Also thanks a lot for doxing me. When anons asked for your email, maybe i should have just gave it to them huh

>treating her as a friend
But deep down inside you're a thirsty autist cravin "the puss". Btw i didn't give a shit about fucking her, as she lives in the US and i live in europe. Nice character assasination tho, next you'll be calling me an incel

this is a throwaway though, i guess those meds dont cure retardation either

No there is no medication to cure retardation. Otherwise the would be selling it to people like you by the bucketfull.

>But deep down inside you're a thirsty autist cravin "the puss".
Nope I have a personal rule about not trying to get with anyone online. Literally just see her as a friend, a damn good one too. you really fucked up here bro, because she's easily the best friend I've ever had.
>next you'll be calling me an incel
Nope, I actually sympathize a lot with incels, and if I didn't believe I could go to a bar and grab some shitty roastie puss whenever the hell I wanted I would consider myself one.

But seriously bro, don't say "I'm gunna torture you mentally and then i'm gunna love you." that's creepy, even to me.

lol cope harder and keep crying to r9k about it

>>But deep down inside you're a thirsty autist cravin "the puss".
>Nope I have a personal rule about not trying to get with anyone online. Literally just see her as a friend, a damn good one too. you really fucked up here bro, because she's easily the best friend I've ever had.
>>next you'll be calling me an incel
>Nope, I actually sympathize a lot with incels, and if I didn't believe I could go to a bar and grab some shitty roastie puss whenever the hell I wanted I would consider myself one.

>But seriously bro, don't say "I'm gunna torture you mentally and then i'm gunna love you." that's creepy, even to me.
K. You don't fucking know me "dude". Stop trying to give me lectures on how i need to behave as a person

aw come now, I think over the course of conversation I've learned a lot about you. like how your a pathetic thirsty autist that ruined a chance at having a great friend with your autism, dude. now bro just listen ok man? you really need to stop telling people you're going to torture them, it sounds creepy. tell them you want to torture other people. or alternatively. spend some time with your friends, throwing people into pits.
also you type like a woman despite clearly being a boy, so perhaps you should think about properly transitioning.

I would but venting on this board has been ruinned by normalfags like you

>like girl
>girl likes me
>gives me a chance
>i puss out and dont make a move
>still seeks me, goes out of her way to talk to me, draws a smiley face on my hand
>there was a party last night
>I was decided to make a move on her
>she didnt go
>was probably fucking Chad
fuck dammit i feel so fucking retarded i just want to split my head open with an axe

Chill out dude theres no need to make yourself look worse

>Ruinned a change at having a friend
She told me at the start she wasn't thinking of ever getting a chance in the first place so no. The "torture" thing was a retarded joke that a backtracked later because i new it was retarded
I'm not thirsty. Like i've said multiple times i'm looking for friends. But obviously coming to look for them in this place was a big fucking mistake. I hope you enjoy being friends with someone who will probably stab you in the back eventually tho. Btw can we stop this dumb thread now? Thanks. I would delete it but it's too fucking old

>Btw can we stop this dumb thread now? Thanks. I would delete it but it's too fucking old

See you tomorrow then my dude. Peace out

honestly man, it seems like she's legit. you should just text her, DON'T ACT LIKE AN AUTIST AN ACCUSE HER OF FUCKING CHAD OR SOMETHING JESUS CHRIST. just say something like "Hey what's up, were you at that party last night?" or something like that. ask if she wants to hang out, if she says yes. then hang the fuck out with her, don't act all spitefull and creepy and autismo. she PROBABLY didn't do anything. she likely just didn't feel like going out,or didn't like some of the people at the party, or any of the billions of other reasons a woman could come up with. just be act like you normally do. if hanging out goes well. bite the fucking bullet and ask her out on a date. ok man? you're probably still fine, it's entirely likely you're overreacting. you still have a good shot, it's not over man.

Thats why you were messaging fembots, to be friends with them lmao

>I hope you enjoy being friends with someone who will probably stab you in the back eventually tho.
the only person stabbing someone in the back is you, flipping the fuck out and throwing this massive shitfit on Jow Forums. I have unironically never met anyone in my entire life as trustworthy and as good a person as her. and you whigging out and talking mad shit and being an autist is just sad.
and still think about transitioning, because you type more like a woman than the actual woman does, so you should take a deep look into yourself and figure out whatever weird tranny brain complex you have.

Some of the best friends i've made from here have been women, i find them to be for the most part kind and empathetic with my problems, which i always apreciate. I guess the odds can't always be in my favour though. I don't expect anybody to believe me but no, i don't give a shit about talking to women online only for anything other than frienship


Fucking ouch how much sadder can this get for you m8?

>like boy
>boy likes me
>I hope he asks me out
>He friendzones me
>is probably fucking stacy
>don't give up
>show him what he's missing out of
>there's a party
>he's probably going there with Stacy
>ditch the party
>fucking Stacy

You seem to be the one with a fixation for trannies bud not me. So i type like a woman, so what? You're not a mysoginist are you?


you dodged a bullet

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It's not "frienzoned" if you never wanted anything but frienship in the first place. Or are you retarded?

Just going to whiz on past the fact that you acted like a traitorous donkey sucking cock hound huh? Just going to act like you can walk right past you being a bongoloid fuckmonger eh? you think you can avoid facing the fact that you are a despicable unremarkable penis mongler?

Also props for trying the "I just wanted to be friends move" you have to have some solid brass balls to try that shit after you explode into someones email like a premature ejaculating thirsty tranny.

You also seem to have a fixation with the male genital area. 10/1 you're a tranny yourself. How am i traitorous exactly?. And thirdly, me "exploding into her email like a premature ejaculating thirsty tranny" was me being retarded. Partly due to taking meds that didn't suit me, and partly due to me being a retard. Yeah it's embarrasing for everybody to see that but hey i don't think it's fair to accuse me of being "thirsty" or whatever the hell you're trying to pin on me. Oh yeah and stop getting so fucking angry, it's making me nervous

>this thread though
>one creepy autist fucker who can't take a hint
>one twelve year old who thinks he's the shit because some thot gives him attention
>some thot posting her inbox

This is r9k now Find the goddamn rope, I want to end me.

Fuck you dude. I may be autistic but i'm not creepy, i don't think it's fair to say that

Based thot blew a creepy autist the fuck out.

Thats exactly what someone who got friendzoned would say m8.

nigger, you're a creepy dense motherfucker take a hint ffs

>You also seem to have a fixation with the male genital area.
the only one fixated with big fat donglers here is you meatmuncher
>me "exploding into her email like a premature ejaculating thirsty tranny" was me being retarded.
I'm glad you acknowledge your own retardation, however I reccomend you work on acknowledging your thirst, as well as your vast autism.
>Partly due to taking meds that didn't suit me
My man don't you even try that shit.
>Oh yeah and stop getting so fucking angry, it's making me nervous
What the fuck did you just say to me you anal blasting cum goblin? you whore mongering dog rapist? you worthless pile of human refuse? you truly are nothing more than a pathetic thirsty transsexual fuccboi.

Bruh I'm not twelve and I don't need other peoples attention to know that I'm fucking amazing

>Why is it so difficult to talk to girls online?
Fuck off you thirsty faggot eat shit


I am a baby faced manlet loser. I am not fucking Stacy. I am not fucking anyone. You can see it in my eyes that I haven't got laid in ages. And she is very attractive. There is no way in hell I am fucking anyone hotter than her. And it's evident.

>Hi. Your inbox is probably so full right now...Maybe i'm the lucky guy?. What are you looking for exactly? A friend? a boyfriend?. I can fulfil both rolls...

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>My man don't you even try that shit.
Oh really motherfucker?. You think you know the first thing about me or what i go through on a daily basis?. What the fuck have you done today to make the world a better place anyway. Yeah i fucking thought so

>What the fuck have you done today to make the world a better place anyway.
I spent some time with some homeless people talking through their problems and making sure that they know that someone somewhere cares about them and is rooting for them to get better. this is something I frequently do. Alongside helping them out with jobs and housing.
What about you my thirsty transsexual friend? what have you done?

Wonder when OP will delete this thread

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so I'm not the guy you responded to, I'm and honestly theirs a solid chance that dude is righter than you think. women are weird, and pretty chicks often get only hit on by chads because anyone lower is too afraid to ask them out. if they have any self awareness to know not go with with the chads (this happens more often than you think) or just low self esteem it's entirely possible for that situation to happen.

Nah she gets hit on by half the planet. That's why i think she took a liking to me. I haven't really flirted with her, I just talk to her like I'd talk to a friend or a sister, but I've never tried to hide that I like her. Perhaps being boring is charming to someone who gets tried to impress by everyone all the time.
However, it is clear as day that I'd be dating up and she'd be dating down if we were. I seriously doubt a girl out of my league is going to bother chasing me that much.

You don't know the first thing about me and you never will. Character assasination is very easy when you have all the cards in your hand. How about you show the world your own dirty laundery?. This is a thread i made to vent, because i was feeling like shit and you all came here to shit on me. But hey, i can't do anything about that really. Wanting to care about someone and have someone care about you isn't a fucking crime last time i checked. Yeah i'm lightyears away from being a deceant person, but i do give a shit about bettering myself. And you know what?. I think someday i will become someone i can be proud off. And it will be despite judgmental shits like you. I've met plenty off people like you and i know your game by now and i honestly no longer give a flying fuck what you think because thinking was never your strongpoint in the first place. So goodbye. This has been one of the worst weeks i've had in a long time and if there's one thing i regreat about this experience is not being a more kind and loving person. But i'll learn from it and hopefully i'll become a better and stronger man.
tl;dr: go and fuck yourselves!
If lying makes you feel like a better person then carry lying. Btw i'm not transexual but my cousin is and i'm proud of him for having to put up with cunts like you on a daily basis. Eat shit

bro just trust me ok? I keep telling you women are weird and you don't seem to be internalizing that properly. it is literally LITERALLY entirely possible for her to be head over heals over you for whatever reason women come up with for this kind of thing. they don't think like guys, it could be anything from her feeling safe around you, to how you smell, to how you style your hair. women are fucking weird. you have my word though. that if you let yourself spiral into paranoia and depression, if you come out accusing her of sleeping with chad and acting like a sperg, if you don't just man the fuck up and ask her to hang out. you will regret it every single day for the rest of your life.

Sound like sociopath or you faked that chat

Thats a funny way of saying you got btfo my dude

>Wanting to care about someone and have someone care about you isn't a fucking crime last time i checked.

making fun of autists isnt a crime either get dabbed on

You're blowing this out of proportion. I am a loser who blew a chance with a hot girl. Shit happens. It sucks but it doesnt have a great impact in my life. It has happened before, it will happen again and maybe someday shit will work out.
I just needed to vent a bit. I'm not looking for advice, but if I dont at least talk about it online I'll keep thinking about it all day and lose focus on other important things.

>If lying makes you feel like a better person then carry lying. Btw i'm not transexual but my cousin is and i'm proud of him for having to put up with cunts like you on a daily basis. Eat shit
1. I'm not lieing, don't you fucking dare say that I am, I don't lie.
and 2. that's extremely fucked up. you cousin is sick, there is something wrong with his brain and you are just feeding into his illness. I've talked with several transsexuals and after convincing them that no there is an issue with their brain they need to get actual help. they thanked me for helping them
also you are almost certainly transexual.

you didn't blow anything my dude. just fucking TALK TO HER. jesus fuck man come on.

Bro you made yourself look like a fucking moron even before the thot showed us her inbox.

How does it feel knowing that I'll be plowing your cousin's faggot ass like he's a bitch?

what an absolute psycho.

i love it

uuuh, I think you sent that to the wrong person bruh.

I genuinely feel bad for Op. He just wanted to make some frens

As a femanon who has talked to a lot of robots off here the main issue is always that it's plain to tell that the only reason they're talking to me is because I'm female, not for any of my actual qualities.

That's kinda depressing. I'm a robot and i'm honestly guilty of that to some degree. But i like talking to fembots because overall they are kinder and more understanding that other anons. They make better friends over all than my fellow robots

Being female is a quality

But I mean if they just met you how can they know your other qualities.

Yeah it's depressing, and I can see that being true.

But my personal experience is different, the nicest people I've found were regular sad robots while not mentioning my gender at all. On the flipside all femanons (very few) I've talked to have either been vile either due to mental illness like BPD or because they're degenerates who think they belong here because they're outcasts despite having been with over 5 men and do drugs.

I meant quality in the sense of personality.

So you're a real fembot then?. Nice to know some of you actually exist. But yeah you're kind of right most "fembots" can actually be pretty evil. But then the same thing could probably be said about robots idk

Calm your thirst down boyo.

I wasn't being thirsty...

Weird. Same shit happened to me. I'm 22 as well. I'm probably just fucking boring and didn't really ask the girl about herself.

Oh well. It was a learning experience.

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>t. OP

He was a faggot indeed.

Because you're looking for relationships online instead of one in person. You're doing that because you're scared of rejection.

Online "relationships" often end in ghosting or cheating. It's the nature of the distance as well as (what you're probably aware of) is women having men just throw themselves at her on the internet.

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why would you want to talk to girls online? Digitalization is a serious harm to the mind. Meet them like everything else in nature, my dear.

Lmao i acted like a thirsty weirdo and sh was still cool because she found me funny. Just be charming all it takes