Why do I get so pissed off when I see guys happy with fat, really unattractive girlfriends...

Why do I get so pissed off when I see guys happy with fat, really unattractive girlfriends? It's really bothered me for a long time and I've never really sat down to analyze myself and figure out why. I could never do that, if I touch a fat girl (which I have before) I wouldn't want anyone I know to find out about it, literally a pump and dump situation and nothing more. When I see guys acting like their disgusting girlfriend shouldn't be a source of shame it bothers me.

Pic related is an example, like, who do these people think they are fooling? How could you actually be happy about this? How could you go out in public with this girl? Are there really so many people in the world so afraid of being single yet also so driven to not improve themselves so that they blatently lie to themselves and everyone around them about actually being attracted to shit like this?

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That's a numale, my friend.

he is dating his looksmatch, as he is ugly and fat as well

That's just an example, the specific people in the OP aren't important.

Why wouldn't you just be single in that case? Or make yourself more attractive so that in a year or two or three you don't have to put up with that shit anymore? Look at boogie2988, regardless of how you feel about the man compare how he looks in his latest video to something he put up two years ago. He obviously couldn't take not getting laid anymore and he snapped, and while he's still obese he looks so, so much better.

It's because that takes effort, and the vast majority of people would rather take the easier road regardless of how many long term sacrifices they have to make for it.

from what i've seen, usually those types of couples started with a long friendship before developing into an actual relationship. they have no interest in bettering themselves and are content with where they are in life so they'll look for someone that's as low maintenance as they are. it's probably as simple as "she's the only one here right now and she makes me happy."

Man, haven't seen Paulsego in a while, how's the dead podcast going?

some people are attracted mainly to people in their league more than to chads or stacies. i always liked nerdy lanky megane girls more than instagram thots, even though average man would probably find them repulsive. i guess it's the same for them.

That's the thing, in my opinion it would take more effort to be with a woman you're not physically attracted to.

Given where we are, I don't know if you've ever had a gf but surely you've known people with them and can you imagine putting up with that massive amount of stress, bullshit, and responsibility for one of these girls? Not to mention I honestly cannot believe that having a gross gf does not make everyone around you respect you less. I just couldn't do it, I'd feel ashamed.

I don't think it's dead, they have like 4,300 patrons giving them 5 bucks a month. And they almost never cancel, unlike DP. Do you watch DP still? I don't.

I appreciate the actual answers, I will spend time thinking this stuff over. I guess my brain just doesn't work that way.

>needing an entire thread to decipher why two people are in love

most people bond over shared interests/outlooks instead of just physical attractiveness. everyone I've ever been attracted too has become more attractive once I realized they shared similar hobbies or worldviews.

I've actually turned down multiple girls with extremely attractive personalities that I really liked for being fat before. I could not, would not date an unattractive girl. If this means I have to have several year long dry spells, and I have, so be it. If this means I have to pay prostitutes, and I have, so be it. I feel like having a partner that you're attracted to and you can show off is a requirement for a girlfriend.

The "respect" thing is probably not an issue if you're a gross slob yourself. I agree it's not worth it, and would not be able to date a gross slob of a girl myself, but look at the average normie my dude. Respect from other people doesn't even register unless it's overt. They've fooled themselves into thinking what they are doing is fine, and morally above the likes of you or me.

How attractive are you, then?

Love is only really genuine when both parties are 5/10 or 10/10, everything else is bullshit.

That's the hilarious thing. People would look down on me for paying whores like the one in this picture that used to charge me 400 dollars a fuck. The thing is, I'm the one in power in the situation. I've clearly got the money to burn, and I'm literally getting the best part of having a female companion without ANY of the bullshit whatsoever. She's worthless to me. How is that not more respectable than someone who has to make all of the necessary sacrifices and all the give and take needed to make a relationship work while they bend over backwards to please some disgusting whore that almost definitely doesn't put out very much.

Considering women find 80% of men below average in looks, probably not attractive. I probably couldn't be "truly" attractive without surgery. To try and answer your question though, I'll give some information about my appearance, but I hit the character limit so I need to write a second post.

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Whew, so you visit prostitutes? user, that's fucking disgusting. Yeah, I will look down on you, because you are a slut just like those whores.

I'll give some stats about myself, I'm not stupid enough to post a picture here.

I do work out and I count calories, I make a concentrated effort to be healthy and I am not fat. I'm not jacked or in extremely good shape either, don't have that idea.
I don't leave the house without a shower, brushing my teeth and using mouthwash.
I think I dress well but this is obviously an opinion and I don't have any way of proving it.
The biggest flaw in my appearance is the acne scars I have on my face, but I no longer have actual acne itself.
I have my own car, my own apartment and a full time job.

I think, by all accounts I should at least be able to meet the necessary requirements to not be below average. Honestly the biggest reason I'm single isn't my looks, it's my lifestyle.

The beautiful thing about it is that there's literally no way any girl I ever meet could find out about it. I don't care if you look down on me, your reasons are stupid.

I just really hate whores and sluts, I think it's humiliating and disgusting. I would happily keep my average thin gf than pay women for sex.

Thin isn't average in the USA. At least where I live. Finding a girl that's not overweight that doesn't already have a boyfriend is nearly impossible. And when one does crop up, Chad swoops in.

Another detail I think is worth mentioning, since prostitution is not legal in america when I say "prostitutes" I mean girls that live in my area that I meet on seekingarrangements or okcupid or something that are open to taking my money to fuck. They aren't career prostitutes that work in a brothel or something like that. As far as I know, what they do with me behind closed doors is kept secret and completely unrelated to the rest of their lives. I'm not saying they AREN'T whores, I just feel the distinction is worth bringing up.

Good on you for being so savvy. I'd be fucking the shit out of prostitutes too if I had the money. Besides, all women are prostitutes in some way. Marriage was designed as a legal contract where the women gave breeding rights to the man for support and protection. Sounds like prostitution in that context.

-the guy looks pretty ugly himself

-some people have taste others would find weird. maybe he likes fat girls. maybe he has a thing for dyed hair.

-some people give 0 fucks what anyone else thinks about anything and wouldn't even consider other people's opinions on her looks etc

-they probably get along great and have lots of fun together

The guy in the OP is an e-celeb and I've consumed enough of his content over the years to know god damn well that he 100% finds thin "normally attractive" women to be hot. Yet he always blatantly lies about finding his girlfriend cute. I have no doubt in my mind that you could be attracted to both, as I've said I've also fucked disgusting fat girls but that was something I would never brag about and I wouldn't want anyone to know about. What I don't understand is actually dating/committing to a person like that.

idk why i see that also. my friend got married to a fat girl. i'm not attractive to fat girls either, i was into two girls at work. one i called chubby luna and another gir she is married and has a kid. she got away from me twice. i asked co-worker if she is available she said she's not your kind, i met her up in a hospital i was at. the outpatient part i was at. i learned you never know who knows Italian in my life.

I haven't watched DFF or DP in a while, both are pretty boring. I still watch those 10h Brett Keane compilations though, they are always hilarious