How the fuck am I supposed to get my 2500kcal+ if I'm doing OMAD?

How the fuck am I supposed to get my 2500kcal+ if I'm doing OMAD?
I eat everything I can, my belly is close to implosion, and I don't eat as much as I did by eating three normal meals.

My wife does OMAD too, and it's nice because she's thin and toned, but how the fuck am I supposed to maintain my weight and mass like that?

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Don’t do OMAD? Do IF 16/8 or 20/4.

Have you tried eating multiple meals a day?

My wife does OMAD too so it's simple for us to make one big meal together, and I kind of like it, no breaks within my day, it's tiring to eat three times a day, without forgetting it may be good to have a 20 hours long fast for the body too.

>eating 3x is tiring
>2500 daily kcals
Hello skeleton. Surely you don’t care about weight gain so who cares. Just stop eating altogether. Drink your meals

You don't have to shove it all down your gob in 10 minutes, just keep your eating window small, like 3-4 hours

2500 is plenty nigger
Anyone can bulk on 2500

Realistically it's pretty hard to train yourself to be able to eat 2500 calories in one sitting. Even at my bulkest my biggest meals were at most 1500.

If your issue is that your wife is doing OMAD with you, and you want to eat more, just have a protein shake afterwards. That or devise a bunch of smaller second meals you can easily prepare for yourself; greek yogurt in granola, a bunch of eggs, cottage cheese,something like that.

Op here, I think I'm going to try having a second meal like two hours after the first one, and if it doesn't work I'll go back to three meals a day.

Jesus fuck my stomach may explode right now.

Takes a bit of practice. I ate 4000kcal when doing OMAD. Had to lay disabled on my side for a while after that, but was rewarding af.

If you’re a manlet, a woman, a dyel, or a starving Ethiopian, you are correct. Everyone else would require more. Especially if you’re a muscular, normal sized male. Post body and prove me wrong.

If eating only one meal is such an important thing to you than do this
>Go to store
>Buy a bunch of snacks
>Eat that stuff throughout the day to fit in some calories
>beef jerky,nuts, protein bars
If you're one a dirty bulk
>Sweet stuff

You should strive for an explosion rather than implosion my friend. Hope that helped.

Okay catch you later then.

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>snacking all day long
Does not compute mate.

>3 scoops peanut butter
>A few cups of whole milk
>Flax seed/chia seed/some random small nuts/seed
>Protein powder

Should be 800kcals easy. Just eat a normal meal and then down a shake in an hour or so after

Nah because of the mass and the pressure of the food inside the stomach, an implosion can occur and after that the creation of a small black hole.

What the fuck do you want us to say? Stuff your fucking face and cover everything with butter if you're not willing to have multiple meals or snacks


this post is shit and you are shit, fuck off

Have sex.

Make a big smoothie with like 1000 cals in it and drink it after your meal.

I only omad when I'm cutting and even then I just do a ~2 hour feeding window and have like 2-3 small meals that basically count as 1