Today is the day, I'm ending it early in the morning before my parents wake up. I havent slept in about 30 hours.
Goodbye, and thank you for the fun times.
Live stream link + explanation:
Today is the day, I'm ending it early in the morning before my parents wake up. I havent slept in about 30 hours.
Goodbye, and thank you for the fun times.
Live stream link + explanation:
Based and instant death pilled
See you on the other side
dont do it, fagget. your ghost will be stuck on this board and youll be even more miserable
see you on ylyl threads
>Live stream link
>link is to a shitty discord group
nice bait faggot
Stob id right there faggy
We need you, there is a greater goal the you could serve
based discord advertising. 10/10 bait ad. Wont report either. best discord shilling i have witnessed so far.
Fuck. Never mind, guys. It's a fucking discord link in the pastebin. God damn, I can't believe I'm upset at not getting to see a suicide.
Humanity has so much potential. Even one life can make a difference
Its bait, click the link.
However how is he needed by the group you called "we"?
Lmao OP baited us all with his shitty discord server.
Why do you retards buy the most expensive guns to shoot yourself with? Get a 100 dollar single shot 12 from a pawn shop, you mong
Don't do it user. Kill all discord trannies instead, here's the link
At least take out a mosque or something while you're at it. If you're going to do it, might as well go all the way
is it just me or are traps getting cleverer
post programming socks u fags
good bye user I hope you rest well
>Even one life can make a difference
How'd you get the gun? I want to shoot myself but can't find anyone to sell to me.
don't worry about it fren
don't need money when you're dead
Another coward traumatizing their parents. Great.
at least take some social garbage like niggers with you
you got me you sly faggot. Won't join your discord though
at least kill some mudslimes first
>traumatizing their parents
They probably deserve it.
maybe the parents should have been better parents then this wouldn't happen
No youre not because thats my gun. Get your own pics, loser.
This discord is just some people talking about music, fucking bullshit, I hope you will kill yourself tho.
Baited into joining a Auschwitz role play server.
>Live stream link + explanation
>gives discord server
The discord fags are getting smarter with their baits.
they could've made an actual explanation and linked a livestream that just has the discord link plastered all over it. I might've actually been baited that way
this, it needed to go an extra step
Please just fucking kill yourself, you miserable faggot.