The female body is disgusting.
The Female Body
go to /hm/
It looks like a peanut plant...
so weird to think that under my chest I have fat that looks like that. very strange!
Wow you are retarded.
Agreed. The male body is beautiful. Look at this pic, and tell me you wouldn't want to bury your face in that fuzzy butt.
Even roasties hate them. Fucking meme gender.
It isn't fat? I thought boobs are just firm collections of fat, but what is it? (I know I could probably look on wikipedia but lazy zzzz)
milk glands you fucking mong
I have never seen weirder nipples
The pic is of glands you vapid cunt. Oh well, every day is a school day.
this really fucks me up, it's like trypophobia but something else entirely. similar feeling
They can also grow people inside of their bodies like a weird flesh cage
the fuck, this is what mammary glans look like?
just kill yourself you stupid bitch, honestly
I also feel really discussed and uncomfortable, I hope I forget about it
the thing is, i also feel a kind of weird fascination toward it. they look like flowers
honestly looks pretty cute desu, they kinda look like flowers
>tfw no gf who lets you skin her alive
I have chest flowers that can feed babies COOL
No doubt you munch birth control pills and will kill anything that does manage to quicken in your otherwise barren womb.
now that is fucking weird if you ask me
No way. Not on birth control because I am not sexually active, and I plan on having lots of kids after I get married
No doubt you're phone posting from a third world country.
>lots of kids when married
Sounds like a solid waifu, well played
dont worry, the 5G and gmo has likely already destroyed your reproductive organs