Be me

>be me
>had multiple gfs and active sexual life

You faggots are much taller than me but you are still thinking you can't get laid. Have some courage. You can do it.

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hey I made that meme thanks for using it

I may be taller, but I'm socially incompetent, and have zero ability to form romantic relationships.
Also I don't look manly at all, and I also look very young for my age, so women probably see me as a younger brother or something.

Yet you still can't escape depression or procrastinating by coming here. Kek you literally have a lot more reasons to have your life together but you spend your time larping or braggin in an anonymous imageboard. At least I'll never be as insecure.

You must have an attractive face. I'm also 5'7" but I have an ugly fat face, and women either don't notice me or they look at me with disgust/pity.

This happens literally every time I go out no matter where I am. It's happened with women anywhere from early teen age to young adulthood to even middle age.

I look like a 15yo boy
You are insecure enough to see a encouraging thread as a bragging thread. I can't think anything beyond this
I don't think so. 6/10 at best. My jaw and lips are too uneven to be attractive.
And of course they are gonna look at you like this. This is our destiny.

>be me
>had multiple gfs and active sexual life
You really can't go wrong at this height.

It's literally all about your face and hair. But you knew that

post stamp fag, just blur your eyes

I dated a guy who was 167 meanwhile i am 175. He was very skinny. It wasnt unattractive. Still miss him to this day. Rejecting tall dudes even tho men think women just want gigantic men. He was special.

tell us what makes him special then?

Like I said, my face is 6 at best. Maybe 7 from right because I have a jawline at my right side. And my hair is just a mess
I'm not falling for this again. I posted my chin once because Anons didn't believed how uneven it is.
I got banned.

But I consider myself having a good personality

His beautiful hazel eyes. His mind was or at least seemed so pure. his voice. how he talked. what he talked about. what he has been through.

5'7" is a pretty sweet height. Short enough to not be intimidating. Tall enough to not be a walking joke.

I slam all the time

owo if you were 178 I would be sure you are my ex.
Also this hurt me.
Actually I think being 5'7 is a joke.
I would too but I'm too insecure about my penis size I have to refuse most of the offers I got.

tits or gtfo your fat retard

did it go to the thighs

the weight I mean
just wanna know
>t. definitely not a pervert

Also the perfect height for looksmaxing. You can easily look good, dress well, and get Jow Forums . Not to mention you have no restrictions on sex with girls of any height, you can do everything with both short and tall girls. A tall guy with a small girl will not be able to do some sex things because the height difference is too big. And a tall guy with a tall girl is just awkward sex.

Well then how the hell do you get a good personality that makes you likable to women? How do you even meet them in the first place?

Idk I guess you born with it. Also I kinda act like Juuzou (Tokyo ghoul) and never cared about anything in my life. I've always believed I'm gonna die anyway so I'm not a pussy.
And you go out and talk with people. Just go sit next to a cute girl at the bus and ask her what's she's listening to.

I wish I could simply not care about anything. My social anxiety makes me way too afraid of messing up and making people not like me, which is caused by me caring too much about what people think about me.
I wish I could make myself not care, and I know consciously that I shouldn't care about what strangers think about me, but I just can't change it.

Imagine the worst outcome. Its you, dying. And if it happens nothing will matter anymore.

Not really, I don't care if I die. I would rather die than be embarrassed in front of a bunch of people.


try being 5'5 and getting laid. Granted it was only in college and high school and ive fucked up my life totally since then but i am pretty proud of that accomplishment because things are not looking good for me in the real world.

It's not like you being 6'5" would have made your life any better

I'm a nigger
Barely 6'0"
I'm overweight
Live with my parents

Of course, none of that is nearly as much of a factor than being a shut in who doesn't meet any women whatsoever.
Normalfags don't understand you can't just go out and fuck women. You need a social circle that isn't limited to some insular nerds in a basement.

Not him but it would fix my whole life. I lost my shit because of being short throught my life. Dropped out of school because everyone was almost 15 cm taller than me. Also I was bullied pretty bad.
I stopped going out of home because I couldn't take it. Everyone is taller.

I'm not interesting. I have bored every single girl and male for that matter from ever wanting to have a relationship/friendship with me

You would have found another excuse such as "I'm ugly" if you were 6'5". You would have dropped out of school just the same. You would just have a different excuse.

>imagine getting jumped on and losing the fight because you are ugly on a daily basis

Lose weight and get a job.

I'm literally the same height as you but I've never had sex because I A: really don't want to because of how women AND men act today and B: pretty sure people don't want to have sex with me

>perfect height for looksmaxxing

Okay lets not get ahead of ourselves lmao

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