Tweeting this then proceeding to beat her once youre done pretending that you arent bothered

>Tweeting this then proceeding to beat her once youre done pretending that you arent bothered

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You niggas aint shiiiiit

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He's right. He's basically pimping his gf. Both he and his gf look down on the betas that buy pictures of her ass. He's actually fucking this girl and there are men spending $20/month just to watch her take a bath. I doubt he's bothered at all.

Imagine how fucking retarded you have to be to buy nudes of some roastie when you can get on Bing and find a video of a girl erotically eating her own feces. There's so much free porn out here, why wouldn't they make fun of you for paying for it in its tamest form.

You can make fun of people paying for porn without being a cuck.

Microsoft is getting weirdly desperate in its Bing shilling. Ain't nobody beating Google, you dumb fucks. Yandex is it's only real competitor because they don't dumb down their AI to be more PC.

The trick says to the pimp, "hey cuck! I picked up your gf last night, gave her $100 and she sucked my dick!"

The pimp responds, "thanks. She'll be at the same spot tonight."

While the reasonable person shakes their head at the degeneracy of all involved.

You just know he stares at his wife as she sleeps and has violent thoughts.

I want to stare at a sleeping woman.

Buying nudes is sad, but the boyfriend is worse.

If he were just pimping someone it would be different.

But her being his actual girlfriend and the "lol I'm coming out ahead on this" cope definitely has weird cucky vibes.

Message the guy and ask if you can buy a video of his girlfriend sleeping.

the boyfriend is above her paypigs, he gets to fuck her and cuddle her.

Most pimps consider their hoes their girlfriends. They buy them clothes, gifts for their birthdays and holidays, tell them that they love them, tell them lies like "me and you against the world", they live with their women a lot of the time. The only thing they don't do is have sex with them on a regular basis because sex would make a pimp the same as any other man. The woman has to believe her pimp is in love with her and has the deepest kind of love for her or else she won't be able to justify what she's doing for him in her own head.

I read a lot of pimp books when I was younger because the lifestyle both disgusted and fascinated me.

idk sounds like you're projecting your own thoughts on him to me

I used to think this

But Bing is God Tier for porn really.

why be mad at her for doing what she does when they choose to date a camwhore or stripper.

I aint mad at the whore im mad at the guys for willingly cucking themselves

He also has to deal with all her shit and stripper personality. So it's pretty fair.

The fact that he bothers to write up and post about how unbothered he is suggests he's bothered.

Sure, but it's like:
Paypig < This guy < Single guy < Guy with normal girlfriend

Wow, good infopost. Thanks user.
That makes pimping not only seem creepier, but also a tad pathetic on the part of the pimp.

There's a line between being bothered and punching your girlfriend user

I'd date a girl who sells nudes but she'd have to be really smart or a massive pseud who pretends as if it's some sort of artistic social statement.

my gf has a patreon and she just bought me a new video card for my computer

She posted about her beating her over two months ago

yw faggot.

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Lmao should've started by saying it that well then go on i'm gone

I don't know that we've ever had a pimpfag on Jow Forums before, so in my mind at least, you are now Anonymous Pimpus. Congratulations.

I was gonna write something like this.
Pimps make their girls believe they are actually supporting them. They give 0 shits about them, they are only something to be exploited for money and sex.

Which makes them based

If i implied in my post then you clearly did not need to hear that again absolute brainlet

Pimping is unsettling as fuck when you watch how a pimp interacts with his hoes. The fact that there's almost a father-daughter relationship going on, the way a grown woman will say "yes daddy" when a man the same age as her tells her to shut the fuck up. The way a pimp claims they're able to see a normal, square civilian woman and tell she's not above selling her body just by the way she walks and speaks. The way pimps take pride in the fact that they're almost asexual but are also oddly feminine in their mannerisms and fashion.

People think pimps are just stupid perverts who take advantage of women, but they're actually incredibly smart people and see themselves above the average criminal since they avoid violence, which makes what they do way calculated and weirder.

>they are only something to be exploited for money and sex
It's a mindset that I can't even comprehend. I've heard pimps say that when they see a beautiful women, the thought of fucking her doesn't even go through their mind, the first thing they think is "how much money can I get out of her?"

They're like male roasties desu.

Its like the user above said, they are not normal criminals. Its some mafia boss shit almost.

>when you can get on Bing and find a video
Yeah, I refuse to believe someone organically wrote that sentence.

I dated a camgirl for a while, it's not nice but it doesn't bother you 99% of the time, people who say stuff like this are very bothered by it

Bing for porn posts have been around for years