Incels should be genocided

Incels should be genocided

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Women should be less shallow

Shut up untermensch you should be in an oven

What should Incels do? We were born in a time period that just hates ugly men

They don't need to be, they're not gonna reproduce.

Stop existing already

But they are all potential rapists

Everyone's a potential rapist.

We don't need genocidairres, we just need socratic guardians to curb-stomp the ones who start getting uppity and talking about school-shootings. That'll keep the rest in line.

>Everyone's a potential rapist.
Not normal men who are sexually active, i have never had similar ideas. Only sexually frustrated subhumans have these desires, and usually it is the same group of people who commit other kinds of crimes and terrorist attacks.
Society doesn't need them.

you will be genocided instead

It's the cucks making them a bigger deal than they are.

Joke's on you, I wanted to rope today but I'll continue coping because of this post

It's you that should be killed man. Just think about it for a while.

Incels, Whores, Gays, Jews, Atheists, what else?

impossible. ugly short women will continue to share their genes. therefore there will always be incels

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A robot(male) is a person who has these 3 mandatory prerequisites in descending importance/priority:
>1. Outcast/history of being one
>2. Male
>3. Virgin

I can't believe how many newfaggots have been introduced to the idea that a robot is simply an incel, when that was never the case. There is a reason reddit incel faggots used to be quite hated here, and that's because most of them were never outcasts, and they were a bunch of sex obsessed faggots. There are only 2 mandatory prerequisites to being an incel, those being:

Fuck all the r/incels faggots who flooded here after their subleddit got shutdown, if I ever met one of those faggots in real life, I would blow their brains out with my AR. They are a bunch of sex obsessed faggots, whose main identifying trait is their virginity. At least robots have something more substantial to their identity, that is their main identifying trait of being an outcast and aren't really sex obsessed, although the want is still there.

guys i've managed to find a picture of OP

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Niggers ofc

>he thinks you have to be ugly to be a virgin

the laws and feminism has made it extremely dangerous to have sex with women. you have to be dumb as rocks to have sex with women after more then 100 years of feminism.

kill them too


tony stark dies in avengers endgame.

sorry for ruing your favourite capeshit movie cuck

Based. Fuck marvel movies.

Whoa you sure showed them. Movie watchers will never recover from this faggotry.

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Die. Natural selection. No one has ever wanted ugly men

incel problem will fixe itself

Daily reminder that Hitler and the Nazis wanted to put all NEETs in gas chambers

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