The region with the tallest man in the world is the coast of croatia. The average height is 183.7 (6 feet). How does that make you feel?
Croatia is the country of chads.
>cherry picking
pipe down, little boy
Read the article, tiny friend.
Pic related: 6'9
Unsurprisingly, his face and body are hideous, and no women would find him attractive.
7'4. you were saying, little boy?
He only need mention his height and the panties will flood
You arent winning any arguments by posting one monstruous guy. Its about the national average.
>He only need mention his height and the gay man's panties will flood
Fixed that for you.
The tallest men both in europe and whole world are the Dutch lol
Cope harder buddy. Women literally cream themselves because of him.
Why is there so much variance in height among humans of the same gender and ethnicity, from the same regions? Adult animals in other species don't quite seem to get this as obviously as we do.
You can have a 5'2" anglo adult male standing next to a 6'4" anglo adult male, and this is usual.
This is a new study.
The average dutch is 183.
You're so obviously gay for him, and projecting your lust on women.
Probably because humans evolved more genetic variations. Not sure. Its very interesting tho.
>its only one guy
cope more lol
>gay for him
Im straight for him.
Well none of us was right
Beep boop beep. You cant fight facts with a few abnormalities.
Read the original post again. And the article also. New study, i tell you.
>beep boop beep
lmao, stay triggered boy.
This article is December 2018. What could change in 5 months?
Nothing. They are still the tallest recorded.
Aww will you look at that.
that doesnt bother me, 5'8-5'10 aint even so bad lmao
Not saying its bad, just proving my point.
speak up, lad. youre all the way down there and im up here.
>be 181cm
>get called manlet on Jow Forums regularly
>mfw I am only 2cm shorter than the average man in the "region of the tallest men"
I'm 167cm and have fucked a Croatian chick, in addition to at least 40. How does that make you feel?
Ok. Doesnt effect me.
Thats because this is Jow Forums. You are a manlet only if you're shorter than a girl (that makes little sense)
>be on teh internets
>people try to make me even more insecure than I already am
wew boi, u no have a brain or somthng?
Nice projecting. You cant possibly have confidence in shit you're posting.
>you cant possibly be this confident
lmao, who's projecting BUDDY?
Short guy seems big to just short
Why would anyone want t to be taller than 6'6 it would suck
>short guy
kek thats Fedor and hes 6ft
I know a 6'6 guy irl. Im so used to him that i consider everyone shorter than him average.
He doesn't look it
6'0 is big everywhere
Tfw 6'5 manlet