/mbti/ INTP x ENFJ part deux

>MBTI notes

Alright everyone! Post your type and your ideal son/daughter.

Also, remember not to feed the trolls! We can all help create harmonious threads with better content and discussion, so long as each of us does our part. It only takes a moment to filter/scroll past the detritus - if you feel the need to reply, it may be best to hide postand forget about it.

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first for give me penis

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INFJ-T!!! ^o^
>ideal son/daughter
Cute, sweet, talented, friendly, doesn't bully, smart, inclusive, happy, healthy, kinda sensitive, helpful, loyal, childlike! UwU


Kinda I guess... :3c

i laughed at this, i found this funny.

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>Do you always eat ice cream when you see it
yes mostly, unless I don't want it.

are you a cute girl?

>ideal son/daughter
like me but better, that includes being a girl

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>all xSFx should be genocided
change my mind

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no i'm a boy, but you can still take me if you're nice and cute enough

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ISFP reporting in, lifes great but also sad

In b4 self hating INFJ projects.

It's ok, we are evil.

You make it so tempting. Are you well practiced in seduction? How nice and cute are you though? That's the important question. I guess it's also important to ask if you live close enough for me to get my dick to you.

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why do people say infjs are evil again?

>ENFJ edition again
Yes but where are all the harmony dispensing ENFJs?

ENTP here, having way too much fun winning.

Spring is in the air lads, and love is on sale

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idk man

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>tfw INTP
>spend years here fucked up my brain
>now I cannot even think or study

Fucking end me already

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They're all living actual lives with actual people and actual feelings. The internet is an interstitial between thought and action; it allows us to express thoughts, but not act. ENFJs are actors. They cannot survive in a world such as the internet, yet nonetheless, you may find them from time to time if you wish hard enough.

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I'm INT?, for some reason it's always 50/50 P or J. What did they mean by this?

>>fucking end me already
>mfw ENTP wins again
every time kek

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don't know about distance friend, i'm from the eu. also i always got rated 6/10 on soc, lots of people told me i could get to 7 or 8 if i styled my hair though (i always keep it messy)

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>hate studying
>hate having to learn anything from anyone else but myself
>never do my homework and assignments during school, always tried to come up with logical plans as to why i never did any of my work
>somehow used to always get the BEST marks in school when i was way younger
>then i end up being average, usually just 2 or 3 points bellow the BEST mark
>always keep at average even when i don't learn shit, even the retards who struggled to get at least a passing mark had to learn at some point but i never touched the books yet somehow kept getting passing marks no matter what
I don't know if this is made luck or what but I'm happy with it so far.

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INFJs are deceptive, manipulative, and evil

but ENFJs are hot

You sound like me, test taking is a good skill but won't necessarily get you through college. Most importantly, GO TO CLASS
>t. ENTP, flunked out twice

Just apply yourself faggot, it'll actually make shit easier for you down the line. Also, you're probably absorbing more info from the actual lecture than those students simply taking notes on it.

ISFP here, is it normal to view cooking as an art? Because it is. Cooking is an act of love and also an incredible craft. I love learning new recipes.

>deceptive, manipulative, and evil
thats INTPs

Typical of the typing, it's also a huge drawback though. Your Ti makes you able to solve issues easily but getting into the habit of daydreaming while everyone else studies fucks you in the long term, eventually things will get too dofficult for you to half-ass and you'll be competing with people who have had to push themselves to study all their lives, it's also why smart kids in general get fucked by modern schooling, they're bored to tears having to slow themselves down for the average kids.

I make studying less tedious by working it into my playtime, every now and then i'll pause a game and read a quick page or two of a book, or do a couple of questions while waiting for something to cook.

It also helps to activate your Ne and take in the parts that interest you when dealing with the dull bits, reminds you why you're doing something.

i failed to see how this is the case when INTPs strive for competency (skill) with things, and INFJs strive for competency (control) with people. the fundamental motivations are different. the functions clearly describe this.

what type am i?

>bad social anxiety
>always fearful people will dislike me and be mean to me and laugh at me
>if i dont like someone i'll let them annoy me for like a year before i just decide to cut them out of my life and never look back
>my room is very messy but i dont clean it because i know where everything is
>i have no irl friends and don't talk to my family even though i live with them
>all my friends are online
>it takes me a long time to get to know somebody but when i do i'm the class clown type who is relentlessly funny but only around them if there's anyone else there i dont know i get more shy
>i think anime is stupid and gay because it's too emotionally driven and relies on your emotional attachment
>mild scoliosis/bad posture from sitting down most of my life
>jerk off too much
>my favorite comedians are ones who combine physical comedy with funny ideas, like Sam Hyde and Eric Andre
>obese since i was 12
>want true love with a female companion to exist but i think it cannot happen because biologically women can't form deep bonds like males can
>want a mommy gf but i also want to be able to dom her when i want
>idk what political ideologies i subscribe to my ideas are always changing but i tend to stick with alt-right as a base because it makes the most sense to me

Ofcourse cooking is art in general sense.

intp here. make me feel unique and special


you and everyone else here

>>i think anime is stupid and gay because it's too emotionally driven and relies on your emotional attachment
i think this type is called shit taste

If you are good at it is handicraft
If you are good at it and do it in original way then it is an art

I would want my son to be smart from a very young age, I would teach him myself in hope for him to be interested in math and physics.
Personality wise I'd like him to be steadfast and fair.
The rest is for him to develop by himself.
When he's got his own place I could finally kill myself.

are you me?
that implies extra work though
i'm exhausted as is, I'm sleep deprived for no good reason, and i have no concentration or motivation for reading these difficult engineering books and solving useless equations that a computer can do in a fraction of a second
And I have life questions I want to work on, I want to work on getting a girlfriend, on getting stronger, starting gym, learning things that interest me and are useful. Not apply myself for some worthless grade.
In any case, I have to work for university, so between that and the little leisure time I have, I can't do any of the things that I want (or I half-ass them because there's no time). I'm not willing to trade all of that for a better grade in a subject that I will never again need.
>take in the parts that interest you when dealing with the dull bits
I have a 350 page book on my table that I have to know basically by heart in ~40 days. It is 350 pages of boring. Nothing in that book interests me. What do?

>what type am i?
you're the 13 year old atheist

get in shape, faggot, and drop the edgyness.

Found this guy's channel today, he's done a few videos related to MBTI stuff, I thought it was pretty interesting, check it out if you want to.


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fuck off your lack of human bonding is no excuse for you to get attached to drawn cartoon characters with over-exaggerated personalities to fill the hole that mommy left

whats wrong with being edgy? i want to be a 13 year old edgelord forever. it's cool

Sounds cute, I like messy hair and the attitudes it promotes. How to you usually get your dicks anyway?

BTW you're supposed to state your mbti type at some point.

INTP sexist pig, like most intps it seems.

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>INTP sexist pig, like most intps it seems.
realism != sexism
most of us aren't spiteful or prejudiced against women at all. we just don't trust human nature. of either gender.

i don't ''get'' any dicks. i never reached that point, not yet at least anyway.
also i'm intp

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>These all sound like very unhealthy INFJs though.
No, that's just what an integrated shadow looks like seeing the darkest demons of the heart brought to conscious form, and accepting that demon is also a part of me. I am not corrupted by my shadow or an unhealthy INFJ. I am very religious and guided by Jesus's teachings to keep my morals in check. I don't control the demon myself because it is too powerful, but I let Jesus command the demon to obey me but I must obey Jesus in return. Seeing the world as having pricetags to kindness and relationships that later demand payment is a result of my developed Ti child function. The cold hard logic applied to transactions of kindness and love. Using my Si demon, I've already casted my judgement that 99% of humanity is destined to hell or purgatory because they have not integrated their shadow yet. Despite this, Jesus says I must forgive and love these sinners and enemies destined for damnation, so I will obey Him. INFJ's goal to take other people's souls is so that I can give these souls to be pleasing to God. I can enjoy the company of these beautiful souls for the short time in this lifetime.

what the fuck are u on about m8? you're a soul harvester for god? sounds more like the devils work to me. also sounds very cold and lifeless. better check and make sure you aren't being subverted by the devil.


This test fucking rocks. I had never heard of MOTIV before today.

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>dude it's not sexist to say women are inferior and objects, it's just realism lmao

Even cuter, you were giving off the impression you recieve peni on the regular and that meant there was some sort of ettiqute/formula/ritual you'd developed around it is all. It's getting a bit late in the year but I've always wanted to share a scarf with anouther man we wouldn't have to skip straight to animalistic rutting, unless that's what you wanted of course.
How do you feel about women?

>This is your brain on INFJ

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I am NTP for sure, but idk if introverted or extroverted, it always seems 50/50, once I am an INTP and the other time ENTP.

WHY EVERYONE ARE INTPs???????????????????????

it's not really about how you are but how you WANT to be. how you want to spend time what activities make you happy.
introverts can do social stuff but they'll quickly get tired
extraverts can do solitary stuff but they'll get bored

>Ti-Ne v. Ne-Ti: INTPs are highly critical and want to figure out how an entire system works by carefully analyzing and categorizing information into a coherent and well-defined mental model. ENTPs are highly exploratory and look at many ideas and possibilities in order to figure out which ones are worth pursuing. This means that ENTPs are generally more action-oriented in terms of wanting to actualize the possibilities they envision and more willing to recruit people to their ventures (higher Fe), whereas INTPs are more passive in terms of merely wanting to understand how something works and more independent in pursuing ideas (inferior Fe). Both types might enjoy "debating" but for different reasons. INTPs debate to verify factual truth and how to systematize details with greater precision and accuracy. ENTPs debate to gather as many ideas as possible in order to discover the best one, usually by seeing ideas through other vantage points in order to not miss any important facts and details. The observable differences would be subtle.
>Ne-Si v. Ti-Fe: INTPs need to balance these functions in order to transform ideas into tangible results, meaning that they need to ground their ideas in reality well enough to be effective or more goal-oriented, otherwise, they would remain too ineffective, passive, or detached. ENTPs need to balance these functions so that they can account for both analytical truth and human values when actualizing their ideas, meaning that they need to factor in moral intentions into their analyses in order to come up with ideas that are maximally beneficial, otherwise, they would be overly self-centered or even destructive in extreme cases.

sex is easier to do and talk about than feelings i guess. but the scarf thing sounds cute, yeah.
i like women too, i don't mind. i'm bi anyway

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I'm pretty sure I'm not devil worshiping because I can still use my INFJ functions like Fe just fine to make other people feel happy and relaxed. If was overtaken and fully corrupted by my shadow, I wouldn't be able to use my INFJ functions and be trapped using my ISTJ superego functions to become literally Hitler and genocide everyone like they should be. It's about being flexible and still being able to use your old functions even though you are trying out new ones.

Hello, Turbie! What thread do you think you saw me in? I don't think I've posted much anywhere the past few days.

INTP is literally just you being a fucking loser.

>tfw INTP and going to change my major tomorrow because I'm perpetually stuck in the state of not being able to assess my expectations with reality
>tfw only in college because too pussy to hear my dad rage at me
I hope things go smoothly with the administration, I really don't feel like going over any complicated process.

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>sex is easier to do and talk about than feelings i guess
maybe for some people lol.

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well yeah sorry, i'm bad with feeling

how do i decipher this tough nut?

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Centaur is a male feminist, making the fact he's a virgin slightly funnier.

Also notice how he had no rational argument against the INTP, the type best correlated with giftedness, while he himself is a ESxx, a combination not known best known for intellect.

I really think we're really making some headway into figuring out the issue with the namefags and why they inflict their distasteful presence among us.

>do you always eat ice cream when you see it, too?
Ideally yes, but in reality only if I'm not full and it's preferably free~! :3c

To be honest, my ideal child doesn't even need to be a son or a daughter, or they can be both. I would still love them! like me but better
Good taste! I kind of wanted to say this instead of listing a bunch of adjectives and phrases! ^_^

Eh... I can't change your mind, but I disagree! One of the regulars here is an ISFJ, and he's one of the sweetest, nicest, kindest, and best persons! He does NOT deserve a genocide!!! :'( :(

ENFJs and INTPs make excellent teams! UwU

Good for you~!

Almost the same, except also a nearly complete T/F balance! Except 16p says I'm an obvious INFJ-T!!! \(^w^)/

It could be luck, or maybe you have talent! ^.^

You're probably smart and good with systems and logic! INTPs are underrated and deserve more love!

Does anyone have any good resources for figuring out if you're INFJ or ISFJ?

did someone say something? haha guess not ;P

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There's no such thing as -T in official MBTI you fucking retard. Stop taking meme facebook tests so you can attention whore. You're likely an E**P.

>Ni and Si are totally different and oriented in completely opposing directions. The only thing they have in common is that they both utilize past knowledge but in completely different ways and for different reasons. Si needs familiarity and this makes it prone to fearing future outcomes. ISFJs have inferior Ne which means they can indeed be intuitive but they are much more likely to intuit the future in a negative light and doubt their intuitions. Ni seeks understanding of things from as many different perspectives as possible; it wants to form a unified theory of reality so that it can accurately predict what is to come with great certainty. Ni only thinks about the past as a means to understanding the future, unlike Si which fundamentally needs the past in order to maintain an internal sense of stability into the future. They both care about the future but for very different reasons. Ni looks for patterns and context, but Si looks for facts and details. Ni looks for gaps in understanding but Si looks for the known to cover up the gaps. It sounds like you're not very clear about the differences between S/N, so read up on that because it is a fundamental concept. If you cannot understand the difference between Ni and Si, then the easiest way forward is probably to understand the inferior function in more detail as a way to confirm the dominant function.

>I really think we're really making some headway into figuring out the issue with the namefags and why they inflict their distasteful presence among us.
You mean that they're chronically pathetic individuals who never learned why others disliked them and went through a long series of failed social endeavors only to end up on Jow Forums, the only place they're lucky enough they can't actually be banned from just for being themselves? Yeah, we're making headway I suppose. You might say they're the Jews of the internet.

as an enfp, what does Jow Forums think of people like me?

are infj's the most annoying type?

>i'm going to hold everyone to impossibly high standards that even I cannot reach
>No ones thoughts exist except for me so I must tell everyone what they already fucking know over and over
>wants to believe they "get/understand" everyone despite the above point
>pictured infj stuck in insecurity/ failure-to-launch stage due to perfectionism

also learn to drive you vegan autists.

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Looking at your inferior function, since it's easier to notice it than other functions. Your inferior function you find it kind of useless and unimportant at first. Se Inferior means you don't seek out new experiences and sensations. You could be an ascetic monk and think seeking sex and other material pleasures as a waste of time when you are on your quest to enlightenment with your Ni. For Si dominant, you prefer to stick with what reliably works based on past experiences, so you favor stability and security instead of trying new future opportunities (Ne inferior) because you fear trying new things because you don't know if it will work with no past history.

I have a very low opinion of ExFPs thanks to my mom and a former girl friend. I don't know why an extrovert would be on Jow Forums, you're probably a normie.

Two faced and ditzy.

we're real smaht when we soak in KNOOLAGE and actually fucking READ BOOKS (Tia Lopez is actually an ENFP) we make great salesmen and can easily manipulate people even without us realising it. To us perceptions ARE reality if you can change someones mind it becomes the """"truth"""". If we can convince people around us of our bullshit it literally becomes fact to us.

We find it hard to form concrete logical thoughts because of our shotgun-spread visions of the future always making us unsure, NOTHING is certain EVERYTHING is subjective, EVERYTHING is up to interpretation.

And all the stereotypes are pretty much true. Having sex with strangers is our defence mechanism.

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basically ENTPs with a soul

not really. i've been bullied when I was younger. Pretty much rejected by most people. cant really hold a long term friendship(most people will act condescending, mock me or just flat out leave me). 18 year old virgin. trying to overcome my enfp laziness and work hard in school in hope of a better future.

That's exactly what I meant, thanks user.

OwO, who is probably the most hated namefag in these threads is an ExFx, take from that what you will

I find it strange on how I keep getting my mom's (INTJ I think.) and ISFJ. I answer honestly but keep getting chosen for either one when I take a test.

You mean ENTPs but more selfish.

ENFP are the purest and most child-like souls to exist next to INFP. The one soul which I want the most is the ENFP's soul. I'll give you my soul in exchange for your soul.

>To us perceptions ARE reality if you can change someones mind it becomes the """"truth""""
that's pretty cool.

more selfish + feelies to empathise and further manipulate to enhance selfishness...

Although this is only because the virtue & vice of the ENFP is Charity Vs. Depravity. A well endowed ENFP can be quite generous and giving, but a poor neet ENFP will use his powers for bad and shifty shifty to get some emone.

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should i join courses for mechanical engineering or computing/cyber systems? im good at programing and get the hang of it pretty well but death>cubicle 8hrs a day

t. ISTP involuntary being dragged out of my wtf years

more freedom in it/infosec. they think we're wizards or something

>father: obnoxious ENFP closet faggot
>mother: cock mongling, sperm gargling ESFP whore
>me: "everyo else is wrong and retarded but me" INTP
How does this shit even work exactly?
Shouldn't I have been something else related to their own personalities or is it dependant on other growing up factors as well?

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How does an ENFP unfuck themselves from a shitty situation as a 24yo NEET?

Especially when they have no career they're interested in?

Just give me a face, adress and some bitcoins.

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Maturity for an ENFP is a huge deal and can make all the difference.

Bottled Lightning: I ran across someone on the internet talking about research were they gave the different MBTI types brain scans. When they gave the subject a question or something to think about, the other types only used two or three area of the brain. In an ENFP, the whole brain lit up lit up like a Christmas tree.
This seems to be caused by the way an ENFP stores and retrieves information and explains why an ENFP's change topics without warning and also come up with so many random ideals and thoughts. ( FYI: Handy if you are a writer.)

IMO: The thing is, this activity requires a great deal of nero-chemicals to feed the hungry brain - hence, the craving for new experiences, challenges, mindless sensations, and drugs to feed the beast and then the need for down time to re-energize and start the cycle anew. ( Remember things like drugs, like so many other choices in life, is just exchanging one set of problem for another.)

It is crucially important for you to stop squandering your energy by pursuing too many different things. You must use your feeling judgment more to discriminate better between an interesting idea and something which is worthwhile pursuing. Plan some things out step by step. Make plans and know what you are getting into.

Being an ENFP can be hard, but worth it.

My type is INTP.
My ideal child would like to try new things but wouldn't be fearless. They would be honest, confident, funny, patient, open-minded, open-hearted, persevering, and bright. They'd be an extrovert so I wouldn't pass all my bad habits onto them.

ENFP morning checklist:

-Are you under stress? Are you being extra driven, inconsiderate, and uncharacteristically authoritative? Looks for early signs and make needed adjustments ASAP. And be aware, a turbulent ENFP may be overusing their N e in a negative way, and see endless negative possibilities.

-Give yourself some space and time alone to sort out your feelings, time to "escape" and rest / nap/ think

-Ask yourself every morning....
What are you procrastinating about! Are you waiting until the absolute last minute to start things? This can easily happen when there is no deadline. Remember, not doing some things can be the source of a large amount of long term unhappiness and regrets. (and it feels good to "check it off" the list.)

-What mundane task are you avoiding?

-Are you biting off more than you can chew in any areas? Surprisingly, this can happen more when you are under stress. I think it is a way to avoid the real task at hand.

-What projects are you not finishing? We are the golden retriever going from point A to point B and then sees a squirrel. Beware of bright shiny objects to distract you.

-What promises are you not keeping? Learn to say, "We will see." or I will try." Promises are contracts. Our word is who we are.

-How are you not taking care of yourself? Eat right. Take supplements as needed. Learn "Nootropics."

-What are you currently obsessing about?

-What can you do to be more grounded? Have "some" routine / structure in your day. Learn some "J" Skills.

-Are you seeking mindless experiences and sensations? Don't let it control you. (And Don't control, be in control.)

-And remember to periodically make lists of goals and accomplishments. Revisit your goals and accomplishments often to maintain a sense of direction. Make goals "Dreams with a deadline."

-Spend time alone regularly for the purpose of thinking through issues in your life. Learn /take time to think deep. You can do it! Work on your life calendar.

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More like an INXX! UwU
(Slightly prefer F and J, tho~! Do the math! :3c)

In my experience, ENFPs are nice, friendly, and very creative! And they get along well with many kinds of people! I only remember having good experiences of ENFPs!!!

>-What promises are you not keeping? Learn to say, "We will see." or I will try." Promises are contracts. Our word is who we are.

But r9k and Jow Forums always told me that nobody is owed anything and that it's okay to do whatever the hell you want????

>ideal son/daughter: an intensely self-sufficient martial arts master raised sequestered from society, is set free at age 18 to either stop or commit crimes, the last part is up to their discretion

I think I kinda realized I should probably go with my gut feeling more (I believe I was incorrectly calling myself an IN(T/F)P before so I'm just now getting a better understanding of myself.)

The only thing that I have that even resembles a plan right now would be getting a job and becoming financially independent. But idk which job to get.

All my life I wanted to become an Architect, but I realized around.. highschool, that it wasn't for me. Due to the schooling, and lack of freedom.

>Give yourself some space and time alone to sort out your feelings, time to "escape" and rest / nap/ think

I've kinda done that already and it just leads to procrastination and more stress

>What are you procrastinating about! Are you waiting until the absolute last minute to start things? This can easily happen when there is no deadline. Remember, not doing some things can be the source of a large amount of long term unhappiness and regrets.

Pretty much exactly me. I live with my parents and they haven't really forced me out... yet. So I guess in my head I don't have a deadline to grab a job. And yes, I do tend to work better/do all the work right before deadlines.

>What mundane task are you avoiding?

Working on resume/programming projects and looking for jobs

>How are you not taking care of yourself? Eat right. Take supplements as needed. Learn "Nootropics."

I'd love to, but I have no money and parents cook. I'm lazy and spoiled which I'm hoping I can fix.

>What are you currently obsessing about?

Throwing my life away. Legit not being able to focus and go after my dreams.

>What can you do to be more grounded? Have "some" routine / structure in your day. Learn some "J" Skills.

Idk. What are some J skills?

>Are you seeking mindless experiences and sensations?

Games, internet browsing.

I don't know how to stay in control. I do it for a few days then something comes up/i get bored/i lose confidence, etc and drop it.

>how do i decipher this tough nut?

>Make goals "Dreams with a deadline."

How do I stick to the deadlines when they are abstract and created by me?

not your mom spud, get at it

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Here is a very original penis

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I can't tell if I'm an INFP that can talk a lot and be mischievous or an ENFP with crippling social anxiety

halp pls

nice! i suck now

Look at your inferior function - Te or Si.

What it mean for either of them to be inferior functions?

Inferior is basically your weak point. Read up about it at mbti tumblr notes.

Is that why my INTP bestie always hurts my feelings?