Incels would have gone to the concentration camps

>Incels would have gone to the concentration camps
>They still want a fascist state
If you're a loser now you'd be a dead loser then

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>fear mongering commie

>Implying I want totalitarian bullshit
>Implying I care about politics
I just want to go to concerts, play vidyas, and eat pizza, man.

Still, can't beat a nice swimming pool

>Thinking incels wouldn't have been sent to the Gulag
Fascism is still fascism even if it's left wing

Incels wouldn't have gone to gulags and probably would have gotten a state issued gf, just saying...

>more commie fear mongering

>Fascism is still fascism even if it's left wing
How can someone be this illiterate? My God...

>This dictionary says fascism is only right wing so it MUST be true

Anyone who disagrees must be a commie huh?

I was researching about slavery in America yesterday and I was thinking.
Despite technological disadvantages compared to today, whites in America were living like rockstars. All drugs are legal. You can sexually torture, rape your slaves as much as you want. Lands are handed out for free. Conscience is eased through religion.
No wonder why all whites in America want to go back.

>we want a fascist state

Since when? Stop getting your info about us from some feminist blogger who conflates us with Jow Forums

most whites in the south didn't own slaves. Rich whites owned slaves, poor whites had to move into the middle of nowhere because they couldn't compete with slave labor.

Free land was nice though, we need redistributive programs like that today (and not just for whites).

>when the day of the rope comes, I'll be in charge!

I don't think I've ever met a Jow Forumsfag who didn't think this shit.

You're an absolute idiot. A main feature of fascism is corporatism. It's main point is to have a hierarchy. It makes no sense whatsoever to say it's left wing.

>hurr durr y it called national socialism den xdddd

Well, by that logic, North Korea is democratic

Incels wouldn't have existed because monogamy was enforced.

>most whites in the south didn't own slaves.
Wrong. 100% of all whites owned black slaves across the world

So North Korea and the USSR are right wing, as are people who want state communism, such as Reddit?

I don't think that will ever happen though. Land value is absolutely huge these days that even governments compete over land. Maybe once we discover habitable planet that offer might be back on table.

These people genuinely think their memesters like Richard Spencer will be leaders during the next American civil war. Not even trying to be a centrist, but these people are genuinely out of their gord.

>>hurr authoritarianism is bad
>t. never read the Doctrine of Fascism
>t. never read any Stalinist literature, probably not even the communist manifesto
kys yourself, freedomcuck


>I need the state to ensure people don't step all over me
Lmao. Let me guess, you also believe Jews are genociding whites.

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Fuck nazis, commies, capitalists and socialists. Nuclear enforced anarcho primitivism when?

Yes. Reddit is full of alpha right winger Chads.

This. Hitler was right about literally everything.

He was right about everything except Jews.

>I need the state to ensure that internationalaka western corporations that only care about profits and don't give a shit about the people's values, culture and overall wellbeing don't step all over me
>muh jews
I don't care about you Western wh*toids, no

Ignoring ethnic cohesion and making "melting pot" is just a way to make people easily exploitable and OP and all """""anti-racists""""" are just useful idiots for the rich.
Ethnostates are a good thing for every people.

>most whites in the south didn't own slaves

That's because they couldn't even afford slaves to begin with. I find it hilarious that a lot of southern whites hate niggers (a lot of it justified), but the reason they're even over in America in the first place is because the southern elite wanted to be royalty, just like the British aristocracy. So instead of paying a bunch of white farmers a decent wage to pick their fucking cotton, they imported a bunch of africans to do it for "free", and how have to live with the fallout from all those years of wanting slave labor.

Now it's somehow the niggers' fault for everything wrong in their lives, despite it being the white elites that created the fucking problem in the first place because they didn't want to pay their god damn workers. Now these same people are complaining about any minimum wage increase.

How many niggers they shipped to America? Millions? How many slaves does one rich white family need?

>If you're a loser now you'd be a dead loser then


There's no white slave owners in the south doing that shit now. When niggers kill whites nowadays, of course whites get pissed off at niggers.
When the poor of the different races turn against each other it's a symptom of the diversity and it's just another argument in favor of nationalism. The ones turning to racism aren't the cause of the problem and fighting them is just like when they fight the other race.
Just like you think they should blame the ones who caused the diversity rather than niggers resorting to crime after growing up in poor ghettos, you should also blame the ones who caused the diversity rather than the ones suffering from that diversity.

The one's that want fascism are pretty young though, early to mid teens.

It's a pretty understandable reaction at that age really. If everyone started acting like zombies it would be the people that didn't that want a fascist state. ie rounding up the zombies and murdering/imprisoning them to protect the sane.......

incels are a form of life that can only exist in democratic neoliberal capitalism

>That's because they couldn't even afford slaves to begin with.
not an argument though

"I'm not a thief, I've never stolen anything" "That's only cause you can't afford going to prison dude"

>having nothing to strive or work for
>get a fair shot at the top spot
Your prejudice about 'le incel' shows, leddit

>implying most of the NSDAP leadership wouldn't be considered incels by modern standards
>implying Aryan robots wouldn't be forced serve in the wehrmacht or SS which means they could choose their wives as well as rape slav girls during invasions
Seriously if you read people's accounts of himmler goebells or even Hitler you can tell these guys were considered weirdos even in their time. The only one who seemed Chad was Herrman goring.

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>incels are a form of life that can only exist in democratic neoliberal capitalism
