ITT we question why any of us are still in the Midwest

ITT we question why any of us are still in the Midwest

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Because I was born here and don't have enough money to move?

Pretty much this.

>tfw I can't even be in one of the nice cool or interesting parts of the midwest like Chicago
>tfw stuck in fucking Indianapolis

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Still the best US region to live in

Waiting for climatological nuclear destruction in my comfy zone.

Americans are fucking trash.

Yall hate us cause you aint us

Chicago is miserable. I don't have anywhere else to compare it to, but it sometimes feels like you're an animal raised in a zoo, when released you wouldn't be able to live in the wild.

It can get so much worse OP - folks moved from midwest to deep south and its much more poor and violent, god I miss snow and white majority so much.

Depends on where in the midwest.

>Best scenery
>Nicest people
>New York light/flat corn fields
>Best food/Illinois's vacation home
>Best fishing/oddly high immigrant population
>Most average
>The south light

Also that guy saying Chicago is great needs to take a vacation. That place is a mess right now

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>I suffer on a continental landmass

t. Icelander

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>chicago is a mess right now

Indiana is pure flyover trash, with nothing going on.

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Believe me there are other interesting places to live without all the baggage

Honestly a fan of the snow. I love this weather, even this late. Beats the humidity in the summer

Damn the food in Wisconsin is fantastic

It could be worse user, I live in cleveland and cant leave because I have a good job. I heard Nap town is nice

You're being sarcastic but spotted cow/brats are my jam

Daytonfag here. Whaddup?

I'm finishing up college in a month. I will have zero student debt or anything tying me to this place, where should I go? I've been thinking about Montana or Colorado

Indianapolis is the worst city in the US imo

Cleveland is cooler than Indiapolis

As shitty as Indy is, it still has more opportunities than Dayton.

Try living in southern Indiana aka North Kentucky. All the things that make Indiana bad but nothing that makes Kentucky good. No good fertile soil all swampy clay. Hilly bastard.

What's your methhead population like

I was just in Butte MT and while beautiful it was falling apart and the mining poisoned the ground so much there is an open toxic pond as a tourist trap.

Missoula is a college town and better maintained. You'll need at least awd to get around anywhere to hike.

Colorado/Utah is warmer, less "hillbilly" and full cool people. I'd recommend that.

You a little bit made me feel better about living in cleveland, thanks user

There's a reason they call it naptown, it's boring as sin. I've been to Cleveland once (I was trying out for The Voice, didn't get in) and it seemed nice.

Apparently the weed's real good in Colorado.

I honestly can't argue with you. I've lived here my whole life and I hate the place.

High but my town is the producing area. And exports it out so it's not as bad.

I mean yeah sure it gets pretty dull sometimes, but there's a whole lot of worse places to live.

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Yeah for real, Chicago is a shithole

I'm going to DO med school even if I get into an MD midwest school just so I can move out of here. Doubt it will change anything. Worth a shot I guess