>tfw still waiting on a girl to ask me out
Tfw still waiting on a girl to ask me out
>still waiting waiting waiting on the world to change
You'd have a better chance of winning the genetic lottery
>You'd have a better chance of winning the genetic lottery
explain pls
>tfw 27 and still waiting on a girl to ask me out
Let me know if it happens to you.
The guy is expected to make the first move retard. Unless you're a literal suave Chad the chances of a girl asking (You) out are slim to none
You can't reroll your account though. You only get one chance at life.
>Unless you're a literal suave Chad the chances of a girl asking (You) out are slim to none
Literally never going to happen. Guys always have to ask the girl out.
>slime to none
It is how I lost my v-card though.
>a literal suave Chad
More like an avoidant dinosaur
>More like an avoidant dinosaur
:3 lets go out
>tfw I literally cannot imagine, even semi-realistically, a situation where a girl being even slightly interested in me, romantically or not
>tfw the thought of me being in an intimate situation with a human female seems so far away that at this point I can't even picture other people in it, like complete fantasy
>tfw merely having women present or mentioned in my presence makes me extremely depressed
Prove your XX chromosomes and we can see if we have any chemistry.
It's not that bad user. You already know what you have to do. Become the best version of yourself both physically and mentally. Go to the fucking gym and get in shape. Get a normalfag haircut, stay hygienic, and start approaching girls or use tinder. Don't take any faggot looking noob pictures either. It's really the only way. This is a normalfag world, build for normalfags by normlafags. You gotta play the game by their rules or you're gonna fucking LOSE. You can do it brooooooo
>Prove your XX chromosomes
You're a racist
I did say slim to none didn't I? You're the minority. This isn't a common thing that happens irl and you know it.
It's so strange seeing people with women in their friendship groups.
>Waiting for that feminism and equality to kick in
A-any day now...
>>Waiting for that feminism and equality to kick in
user....its been kicked in for like 40 years....
Original Comment Required.
orig nale
>still waiting for that feminist dominant girl to make the first move and ask me out
Feminism was always about having the benefits of being a man without the responsibility of being a man.
They still expect you to do all the difficult parts of a relationship, while giving nothing in return.
>its been kicking us in the balls for like 40 years
fixed that for you.
And not even the ballbusting fetishists find the way it does that enjoyable.
And who decided that?
You bet I am.
Even if I always thought only we males thought women an alien species. The more you know.
god youre cute, I'm gonna fuck ur ass
I'm 25 and have never had a gf. I invited a woman I intern with out and she invited our boss with us. It took everything I had in me to ask, and it was for nothing, really. It's gotten to such a point that the biological desire is literally tearing my mind apart and once again I've turned to alcoholism and horseshit as a surrogate. I want this to end.
Yeah that is true.
But who the hell can honestly say he want a common girl as his partner?
And you CAN only ever get the uncommon chances if you at least allow for the possibility of them happening.
You know, leaving the cave, not trying the chad "holler at her" approach that you have zero capability in, etc.
I wish for a Misaki at my door too, but that is a little much asked.
Now that's the dream right there. I want the kind of girl who's so dominant that everyone assumes she's a lesbian to just straight up tell me that we're together, like I don't even have a choice in the matter.
Evolution you stupid anime watching FUCK, now be a man and start asking some bitches out
>waiting for a girl to message me back.
She left me on read over a week ago. A-any day now, right, guys?
fuck evolution and fuck womyn.
Hot. Wear a condom, though
Then it's a good thing that you will make literally zero contribution to the future of the human race and your genetic line will stop at you. I wouldn't want someone so pathetic reproducing.
>Wear a condom, though
ugh -_-
I did. They lost interest after the first date... natural selection is a bitch
you realize mostly unintelligent people reproduce right?
Stop talking for user, user.
But nice way to remove faggot, 8/10
>play the game by their rules
Worst thing to attempt and why you will fail if you are in anyway not a normalfag. Act like your rules are the only thing that matters and you get at least a diceroll.
>going to the gym and getting a decent haircut is the worst thing to attempt
This entire board is hopeless lmao, enjoy your celibate life man.
>>going to the gym and getting a decent haircut is the worst thing to attempt
>This entire board is hopeless lmao,
top fucking lel
You are a fool if you do not play to your strengths and instead to improve yourself in thing where you are miles behind even the average, nevermind the winners.
But you'll grow up to learn that in time, if you not kill yourself over it before.
I don't even need a girl to ask me out, just show my ugly ass signs that they're interested would be enough.
If you are in your mid twenties and do not have a well paying career (80k+) you are fucked. Girls won't even consider you no matter how good you look. I work for the gov. And every male here is married to a fat girl or a divorced fat mother. They are cucks. I'm in the same boat right now the only girls that like me are fat or have children. It must be because I don't make enough to attract average basic girls.
It can't be that you all are otherwise undesirable
>m-muh career
Here is a tip: If you are going for lying golddiggers anyway(no accounting for taste), at least return the favor.
Lie about your career and fake having money.
>hehehe le froggy kek lel kekky kek kek
Not an argument
>implying you can't play your strengths and get in shape and get a hair cut
Mate, there is literally not a single argument against getting physically fit and getting a good haircut. Those two things really can make a difference for a man no matter how ugly you are. They're relatively simple tasks too, if you'd just quit being a lazy sack of shit sitting on your mountain of excuses you get from fucking r9k. No one's saying you need to be swole like the rock either. The guy who's in shape and has a good hair cut is going to have a much easier time finding a mate than some skinny long haired faggot who looks like a fucking meth head.
>If you are in your mid twenties and do not have a well paying career (80k+) you are fucked
I don't know what kind of reality you live in, but i'm a 25 yo neet and i fuck thots from tinder almost every weekend.
fucking isn't dating, larper
I could if i wanted to, but there is no benefit from it.
>skinny long haired faggot who looks like a fucking meth head.
If you ever wiped the protein shake out of your eyes, you might just notice how many of those fuckers are actually having a gf instead of trying to chestpound about being the manly man on some imageboard.
Personally I feel guys like you must seriously be some semi-gays on a recruiting spree when they so emotionally invested into advertising what never quit works.
>you might just notice how many of those fuckers are actually having a gf instead of trying to chestpound about being the manly man on some imageboard.
but those people are socially competent -to an extent at least- unlike, allegedly, people on this board
admittedly, going to the gym may not be the best to improve socially and you need to put in work to get anything out of it, but it has a myriad of other benefits and it's better than rotting on your room bitching about not having a gf; on the other hand, getting a decent haircut is effortless and it can improve your looks massively
>>hehehe le froggy kek lel kekky kek kek
>Not an argument
I was siding with you while laughing at the exchange....
d-did you say h-horseshit?
Pic related happened to me yesterday.
Sure thing, budderoo
Nice blog, dog. Nice poem, Paul. Nice story , Dorrie
i live in the Bay Area where the cost of living is fucking ridiculous and i make 35k and i have a tiny Asian gf
like ten years ago i went to a bar a group of girls bought me a beer, sweating i didn't make a move to them. the bar tender said they're leaving.
Oh, then I apologize my friend
Again, I said that the latter would have an easier time, obviously there are people who've managed to get girls without going to the gym, but keep in mind those guys are well rounded socially, can successfully carry a conversation and somewhat charismatic, all qualities people browsing this shit hole of a board lack. Keep in mind, the whole reason why I'm pushing this gym and hair cut shit so hard is I'm just suggesting aspects that you faggots can improve on to increase your chances since you're so lacking in the other areas that I mentioned before (the social aspect).
>getting a decent haircut is effortless
You know shitall about the people here if you think that, lol.
Sorry though, you probably mean well.
It is simply that the 'just go improve yourself bro!" bullshit is not as viable as you may think for many, and so it starts squeezing my venom glands.
Social tardness while have a good bod is sure more healthy for anyone in a way.
But when guys jump on that bandwagon and as the shiny reward end up seeing immovable blob-tier guys with qt gfs while still being alone, you have really done more harm then good to them mentally.
I'm glad there's someone else with a fucking brain backing me up, I'm not even samefagging and this dude literally took the words right out of my mouth. Thank you user, you are based and redpilled.
It's like you're not even listening to what we're saying. I'm sure there are guys who've taken the advice and gotten in shape and gotten hair cuts and still have found it difficult to find mates, what we're saying is at the very least give it a shot and see if it works for you. Don't just sit on your ass and say
>durrrrr well all these dudes have done it and it didn't work for them so why should I try it
And speaking of which, I challenge you to find me these dudes you're speaking of who've done what we've suggested and have gotten the same exact results from before they tried where getting women is concerned. That is, if you're not just pulling all of this out of your unwashed asshole to support your shitty argument.
Do you own legwork, faggot.
Just take a peak at soc or some posters here and you will notice that I am right.
There's plenty of guys on soc who (and who knows if they're lying or not, because there are some virgins on there too) claim to have had sex before, and understandably so. You literally see them there all the time brag posting with nudes of their ex girlfriends and stories about the coworkers they've fucked. Albeit, they do fall to the way side to some degree for reasons of their own. Why the fuck do you think r9k hates that place? If anything soc proves my point. I'm not guaranteeing that the advice I gave will promise anyone a gf with 100% certainty, but that you'll definitely have much better look considering the standard that most women want nowadays.
>Why the fuck do you think r9k hates that place?
Because they are contrarian fucks who think themselfs funny, mostly.
Bet half of the posters are on both boards.
28 here its happened alot since I'm good looking but I let my looks slide lately and still a virgin