
How do you know when a girl is legitimately interested rather than just trying to keep you around as an orbiter? I've been talking to six different women and two of them straight up ignore me except for very occasional messages if I stop messaging them (I consider them "friends" and don't care), two of them are in regular contact but are unfuckable uglies and it's just casual small talk and literally nothing else.

Of the remaining two, I've gone on two dates with one who contacts me if I don't say anything to her for one to two days, but she's boring as fuck and whenever we text she only says stupid shit and she can't hold a normal conversation at all, so her messages just seem like weird filler to keep the ball rolling, and I've mostly lost interest just because of that. She randomly stops replying to me too and will just pick up the conversation with more random shit later on. I simply cannot have a normal human conversation with her for these reasons. The other one contacts me daily if I don't message her and tells me about her potential Chads and likes to make weird underhanded compliments and seems to imply that I'm attractive intelligent whatever but then tells me she's not interested in a serious relationship with me and all sorts of other crazy stuff even when I didn't ask her. I barely talk to her unless she says something interesting and then we have long conversations. She's hot but she's a light skinned latina chick so I'm not interested in that at all because I don't want spic kids and I don't really even want to fuck around with a girl who I'm not going to marry.

It seems like all women are like this. My strategy so far has been to just stop talking to them when they get weird and I can't read their intentions anymore so I don't end up as an orbiter, but I fear I'm going to be alone forever with that attitude.

Looking for opinions, lads. I hate women. The worst part is that white women are all straight up whores. It's just disgusting

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usually I just ignore frog and wojak posters because their posts are fucking awful but this time I decided to give your thread a chance, and now I regret it, it was fucking awful kill yourself

>usually I just ignore frog and wojak posters because their posts are fucking awful but this time I decided to give your thread a chance, and now I regret it, it was fucking awful kill yourself
Critique my post so I can improve. I've only been on this site since 2016 when I found it via Reddit but before that I spent a looot of time on the gamefaqs forums so basically I know all the memes already.

>she's not interested in a serious relationship
Thats cause she wants to just fuck, why can't you understand this?

>She's hot but she's a light skinned latina chick so I'm not interested in that at all because I don't want spic kids
If shes lightskin that means close enough to white, go for it. They know how to fuck and have fun. Which is apparently something you can't.

Who said anything about having kids? Fuck sake you and her are probably in your young 20's. Just fuck and have fun. You don't need or want to have kids right now anyway with any women.

>My strategy so far has been to just stop talking to them when they get weird and I can't read their intentions
This is good but you also need to improve your ability to read the intentions because you seem like a fucking retard.

> The worst part is that white women are all straight up whores.
So if you don't want a white whore, whats wrong with a lightskin latina? Thats the next best thing and most are catholic. And all of them have huge families with an emphasis on family values.

>two of them are in regular contact but are unfuckable uglies and it's just casual small talk and literally nothing else.
And you're what? Some great fucking catch? You aren't. you'd be lucky to stick your dick in a breathing and willing girl.

>she's boring as fuck and whenever we text she only says stupid shit and she can't hold a normal conversation at all
This girl sounds autistic. Or very low IQ, sorta like you OP. Either way, avoid it.

>I don't really even want to fuck around with a girl who I'm not going to marry.

I forgot to add this - how are you gonna know who you want to marry unless you try them out first (dating) and get some knowledge? Do you think you'll just slide over a marriage / birthing contract to a girl you haven't even had a conversation with outside of school and expect them to sign it? Are you really this fucking autistic?

>just like "have fun" brah just fuck random sluts
>If shes lightskin that means close enough to white
Top kek, what the fuck? If I want to produce nasty little spic kids or fuck a whore, I'll just kill two birds with one stone get a latina escort and save myself the trouble, you degenerate retard.

>I forgot to add this - how are you gonna know who you want to marry unless you try them out first (dating) and get some knowledge?
You say this as though I didn't already disclose the fact that I'm dating some of these women in the OP. Can you not read? You talk about IQ and you demonstrate that you're some kind of retard-tier nigger in the same sentence.

It's not about knowing the memes, jackass, it's about understanding the meta. You have to consider how your posts are gonna be received.

>random sluts
But shes not random... OP has been texting her for a few days or at least a week or two... Do you label all women whores right off the get go?Do you know what condoms and birth control is? King incel right here.

Going out on one date doesn't mean your dating them, dating is an exclusive relationship. If it is exclusive then you are fucking around with them. And sex is a part of that.

Samefag OP.
Also OP is a virgin. How old are you OP?

I can see why you're a virgin incel by the way you talk. Forgot to add that in

>Durrr how u gonna know if u wanna marry them without fucking them first?
We're all doomed... and this guy called OP a retard... yikes

Focus on what matters, your legitimate interest on her.

Not worrying that much about things you can't control has been a life protip for a very long time

>Going out on one date doesn't mean your dating them
you have to go back

No. I said you get to know them through hanging out and dating. And having sex comes with hanging out and going on dates. It's chemicals, it hormones, its realistic. But what would a incel like you know about that?

Unless you're religious, then saving yourself for marriage is just weird and unexplained. Most women in the modern world want sex just as much as men and put out before getting married lol.

He said hes going on dates with multiple girls, that means he isn't in a relationship as BF/GF because they are still free to see other people...At best they are just hanging out while he foots the bill for it and sending mixed signals.

You faggots are so clueless its actually sad.

what does it mean when a girl does these things
>full teeth smiles at you all the time
>makes unwavering eye contact whenever you talk
>talks at length about her interests around you
>initiates texts on a fairly regular basis
>laughs hard at a lot of the things you say
>is fairly touchy-feely around you
>is okay with you doing things like patting her head, feeling her hands, and playfully punching her

from everything I've seen from my friends and some people I know interacting with girls, it means that she's a very good female friend. she's very sociable, gets lots of text messages all the time, and has lots of male and female friends who she hangs out with all the time. she's way more socially competent than I see myself being able to achieve in a very long time. she is my first close female friend so I don't know if these are just normal things they do or something else. boys don't generally interact like this, so it's very strange to me.

>incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel
Typical failed normie retard posting "advice" on Jow Forums while being an insecure faggot himself. Just fuck off already.

I agree with about half of what you said, but the other half just smacks of someone who is about 24 and grew up in a poor or trashy area and spent time mostly around sluts. I can tell why you're on this site by the way you write, especially that IQ stuff, even though you can't even spell "you're" correctly LOL

she's a slut and finds you attractive

>saving yourself for marriage is just weird and unexplained

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No see if I were a "failed normie", that'd make me an incel like you. But I'm not.
How does it feel to know that you never have been or will be inside a women?

So me saying a girl whose a different race and deserves some level of respect by not being assumed to be a whore indicates who I am and how I grew up? The fact I question OPs intelligence because he doesn't seem to pick up on obvious signs that a girl is interested in having some fun makes me trashy? How did I not use "you're" correctly Mr. Grammar wizard.

Seems like your on a bit of a stretch and are just projecting your own insecurities.

>incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel I'm a spic or s o y faggot incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel

No girl wants an untrained virgin aspie are the age of 20+. Have fun on your wedding night when she wants to have fun and you cum in 3 pumps.

>How did I not use "you're" correctly Mr. Grammar wizard.
>Seems like your on a bit of a stretch

>call someone else incel repeatedly in response to valid retort
>no arguments
>incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel
>you're insecure!
Christ I hate failed normies so god damn much. Literally kill yourself.

>No girl wants an untrained virgin aspie are the age of 20+. Have fun on your wedding night when she wants to have fun and you cum in 3 pumps.
That's a chart for women, you illiterate faggot.
>incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel
Would it blow your mind that I've had sex? What's your response after that?

Not a spic or a basedboy.
I'm a man that gets pussy. Hbu?

How is OP not an incel? Hes calling a women a whore who he doesn't even know, yet he talks to her. Then he goes onto say a few of the girls are unfuckable, as if he's some hot shit that any girl should be begging over.

You did get that grammar right in that one instance, you go me there.

>I'm a man that gets pussy.
>If you disagree, you're an incel
>LOL nice chart faggot you must be an incel

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>Would it blow your mind that I've had sex? What's your response after that?
I wasn't gonna call you autistic until your reply
But now... It seems like it.

Also, having sex one time with a girl 6 years ago doesn't really impress anyone of your capabilities of being a normal socially functioning individual.

>Then he goes onto say a few of the girls are unfuckable, as if he's some hot shit that any girl should be begging over.
lel what the fuck you must be one of those betas who are responsible for the fact that fat chicks think they should be able to pull 10/10 male models and here you are giving life advice

>Literally no retort
You are probably a 5/10 dude who has fucked some 3/10 whales and thinks he knows everything about women now. Just stop posting lol it's sad.

I started dating a girl that has been interested in me for a very long time.
I dont know what to tell you OP, I had no fucking clue she liked me until she started to act very comfortable and getting touchy feely in places a friend wouldnt touch.
There were hints looking back but let me tell you that the way every girl flirts is different and sometimes it's just them being funny or nice.
Basically Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, don't try to understand them just try to take everything in stride and be adaptable.

>Hates women
>Wants a gf
Pick one

>>Hates women
>>Wants a gf
>Pick one
audible kek

Well you can't really disagree if I get pussy. and I didn't ask you to. It's a fact I've been in women. I asked if you people have been inside of a women.

Also, I didn't imply that the chart poster was an incel. I implied he was a virgin. Not some women hating wizard who blames others for his problems. Sorta like some of you guys here.


This attitude is why you are disgusting to women.

Again I ask all of you, no lies, how many women have you fucked? Because if its fewer than 5 you have no real perspective.
If the only time you've fucked a girl is on prom night 6+ years ago then you have no perspective.

How does it feel to be a bunch of grown up little boys?

the level of samefagging in this thread is sad

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she's only ever had two previous boyfriends though, and she doesn't go to parties as far as I know since she's always in school and I'm always around her because we work in the same lab. she just has a lot of friends from her classes.

also it doesn't make sense for her to be attracted to me; I'm a 5'4" skelly flip hapa with nowhere near the amount of friends, social experience, or social capital she has.

If ur not attracted to women mentally then try men. If ur not attracted to men physically but are mentally, just be gay and don't fuck. Adopt if u want children. Simple

Or shes just putting on the moves since the poster is to much of a bitch to take the first step and ask her out like a man.

You can sit there and wonder why she likes you, or you can do something about it and profit. Stop self doubting. Just be honest and be yourself.

I agree with this post despite the fact that you're a loser and probably only fucked landwhales and can't get over the fact that you've had sex

ellmao this is the email sperging guy isn't it?
dude just keeps on giving top kek

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it's not like I'm afraid of rejection; I've been rejected from lots of things before and I recognize it as simply part of the learning process. I think I just have a crippling fear of relationships because every single one I've encountered and been close to, even my parents who were in a long term marriage, has ended horribly. plus I always feel like I have to catch up to her in terms of that social stuff, and I'm not sure how to get over those.

I'm also not sure how to actually go about it if I choose to do it. we're both very busy people and I'm not really sure how we could fit it in. we do spend a lot of time alone, and I did invite her to hang out over the summer after we both graduate. as of right now I think I'm just trying to gain as much experience as I can interacting with her, since I recognize that I have to make up for 21 years of no experience.

women always put the first moves.

Stop projecting your life onto mine user.
How am I loser? I can make actual connections with men and women. You sit here and fantasize about it.

I'm probably more successful than 70% of this board in terms of overall life. And the only reason I've talked about the fact I fuck women is because this is a thread... about women. So it does give me an advantage over you faggots who sit in your own shit all day while your mommy pays the bills.

it's about girls though

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>plus I always feel like I have to catch up to her in terms of that social stuff, and I'm not sure how to get over those.
Not really. Just be yourself and do your own thing. She can either be with it or she can fuck off. There's so many men and women in this world that there is no need to stress over one.

>we do spend a lot of time alone, and I did invite her to hang out over the summer after we both graduate. as of right now I think I'm just trying to gain as much experience as I can interacting with her
Sounds like you're doing everything right. You're on the right path. After you chill with her just think about what you could've done a little better but don't forgot to give yourself credit for what you did do right. Only thing I'd do different was to put an actual day to hang out, not "sometime" that's vague and sends a mixed message that you're into her, just not into her enough to dedicate a day or time frame. Just keep trying and don't end up like half the faggots on this board who have never touched a women.

No idea why people in this board care about girls' personalities. The way they are is the catch, not the price. You gotta deal with annoying bitches at some point if you wanna ever stop fucking your hand.

>it's about girls though
Thats a problem, you say girls. They are women. Grown women and you're a grown man. Start acting like it. This isn't grade school anymore. Step up and be the fucking man that these women need.

These incel faggots don't understand women, and they blame women, and that is why they will never fuck women. They are sad little boys.

>just be honest and be yourself
>just be yourself
mate you can't be serious

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You're right. If any of these pussy ass incel little boys act how they truely are they will be forever alone and repulsed like they are now.

I'm talking to the person who I've been replying to because he doesn't seem completely fucked. He knows he has shortcomings and hes working on them. That honest and attractive.

I don't understand women either, and I hate their personalities, but I like their bodies. If they were pleasant to be around all the time they'd be heavenly beings.

that's good, I'd very much like to improve, and I think I've gotten a lot better with the teasing/playfully touching/banter stuff over the past few months. we do do things like go out to eat together and go shopping and stuff like that, and a few days ago our lab supervisor invited us to his house and we got to play with his little kids together which was a lot of fun. there was a fairly long drive together (I was the driver) before and after that too which was nice, but I think I got caught up with my favorite baseball team playing on the radio kek.