What do you think is causing the incel epidemic?

What do you think is causing the incel epidemic?

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the internet

just like it's causing the anti-vaxx, flat earth and race realist epidemics

>race realist epidemic
what the fuck is this?

race is real, obviously. human races are basically different subspecies

there is no "epidemic" except by anti-science race denialists

hating a race or thinking it is inferior is stupid, pathetic. but denying the biological reality of race [human subspecies] is even more retarded, honestly

virtually 100% of people were 'race realist' before the internet

>What do you think is causing the incel epidemic?

Strong, athletic black men

It's 100% women and the fact that all blame is being put on men is destroying western society.

Most incels are non-white. This is coming from a black man, just kill yourself you fucking coping individual.

Wrong. Scientifically there's no such thing as race. The concept of race is a 17th century invention

lmao stay mad whitey, u mad hahaha

Tell me what are these differences rebuild user .

>inb4 iQ

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>race is real, obviously

You clearly don't know anything about genetics. There are differences in populations, but what we think of as "white" and "black" are cultural constructs, which change over time. Irish people previously weren't considered white. Hispanic people are sometimes white and sometimes not. The modern movement of "race realism" is a response to this scientific idea which has gained traction over the internet.

Tell me of this "western society"

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The thing that makes this race realism shit retarded is the subspecies argument. It has no basis in reality. There's literally no difference between human races outside of what we look like. We're not different enough to be different subspecies. We're all homo sapien sapien.

people with rh-negative blood are literally a different species

People comparing themselves to what they see on social media

Nigger have little head so that make he dumb animal!

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This. There's literally more genetic diversity in the average troop of chimpanzees than in the entire human population.

That's not what species means.

nothing is causing it, it's always been like this. when will this meme end? its social media that is making it more noticeable

>That's not what species means.

Yea, it is. (I'm a biologist)

Fucking absolute retard.

human races are rather a gradient than subspecies. You can determine them by the DNA they share with a common ancestor... For example a person with a large distinct portion of their autosomal DNA traceable to european hunters/gatherers and ancient northern eurasians will probably be phenotypically white.

Wouldnt call it race or subspecies. Since the DNA variation is too low.

>hurr durr f-fucking r-retard

lol kill yourself you low iq sperg

It's obvious - the internet, larget dating pools, devolution of monogamy (in the past if you had a shit marriage you were told to just get on with it but now people are empowered to get divorced) and a hyper-vain culture.

In the past you came across less potential mates and you were limited to the town or village you lived in. You typically found someone you clicked with and then call it a day. Now you're bombarded by beautiful people. Apps like tinder and such create a sense of saturation with a meat market. It's become the norm to want to be extraordinary. Everybody has 'antagonist syndrome' where they want to feel special. Everybody is trying to become an 'influencer' and they want to be beautiful with beautiful partners. That's why 80% of women go for the top 20% of men. Because of how abundent these beautiful people seem.

In reality most really attractive men are just pump and dumping on tinder

>Scientifically there's no such thing as race
yes there is. it's just a large, extended family

>The concept of race is a 17th century invention
that's not a refutation at all.

it doesn't work that way. are you saying your family doesn't exist because there are no very specific differences?

the differences are GENES

check pic related

>You clearly don't know anything about genetics. There are differences in populations, but what we think of as "white" and "black" are cultural constructs, which change over time.
nonsense. "species" is a mere cultural construct. nobody said races aren't cultural constructs, that doesn't mean they're not real

Charles Darwin:
>From these remarks it will be seen that I look at the term species as one arbitrarily given, for the sake of convenience, to a set of individuals closely resembling each other, and that it does not essentially differ from the term variety, which is given to less distinct and more fluctuating forms. The term variety, again, in comparison with mere individual differences, is also applied arbitrarily, for convenience sake.

>Irish people previously weren't considered white
wrong. they were always considered 'white' by law, when only white people could be US citizens. find ONE (01) anthropologist that claimed otherwise. just one

>Hispanic people are sometimes white and sometimes not.
100% correct. "hispanic" is not a racial group though

>The modern movement of "race realism" is a response to this scientific idea which has gained traction over the internet.
i don't know what "movement" you speak of, but man is polytypic with regards to subspecies if we apply the same standards we apply to all other species

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It's decaying pretty fast, Apple iPhone user.

You clearly aren't, since you don't know what a species is.

Well you're a poor one because you blood type doesn't determine your species you goddamn clown.

t. novices

move along crumpets

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>The thing that makes this race realism shit retarded is the subspecies argument. It has no basis in reality. There's literally no difference between human races outside of what we look like. We're not different enough to be different subspecies. We're all homo sapien sapien.

but the genetic distance between races exceeds the genetic distance between some subspecies of other species

also that argument is nonsense and there is no objective standard to determine what is "different enough"

In response to questionable interpretations of the U.S. Endangered Species Act, and to help ensure the evolutionary significance of populations deemed "subspecies," a set of criteria was outlined in the early 1990s by John C. Avise, R. Martin Ball, Jr.[1], Stephen J. O'Brien and Ernst Mayr [2] which is as follows: "members of a subspecies would share a unique, geographic locale, a set of phylogenetically concordant phenotypic characters, and a unique natural history relative to other subdivisions of the species. Although subspecies are not reproductively isolated, they will normally be allopatric and exhibit recognizable phylogenetic partitioning." Furthermore, "evidence for phylogenetic distinction must normally come from the concordant distributions of multiple, independent genetically based traits."[3]

1. scinapse.io/papers/1244776683
2. science.sciencemag.org/content/251/4998/1187
3. onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1046/j.1523-1739.1996.10041115.x
The "Humans aren't genetically diverse enough" hoax

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Social media and retarded memes.
And pol for desperately trying hard to weaponize beta insecurities.

>yes there is. it's just a large, extended family
Before the modern definition of the word, race literally used to mean family or tribe. Different families from the same places have genetic differences. Different ethnic groups from the same place have genetic differences, so on and so on. You just disproved your own point. Race isn't real, it's just a word for extended family. Are you and your neighbors of the same "race" different subspecies just because you both have different last names?

>Since the DNA variation is too low.
there's no proof of that. in fact, it's totally bogus. there is no determinant for that 'too low' claim. see: also pic related. it's just bogus

continuous or gradual changes may add up to very large differences between groups as the geographic distance increases. an extreme example is ring species, where some groups within the species no longer even have the ability to interbreed. this means that even if all human genetic change is continuous, then this is perfectly compatible with there being large genetic differences between different human populations regarding characteristics

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The "Humans aren't very genetically diverse" hoax

- Most of this is based on mtDNA, rather than heterozygosity

- mtDNA has high mutation rate, no recombination (preventing independent evolution), and is easy to collect

- It is true that humans have relatively low mitochondrial diversity compared to great apes

- however, mtDNA makes up just a few millionths of the human genome, and as a single locus, carries little statistical weight

- In general, genetic diversity is synonymous with mean heterozygosity -- generally defined as the percentage of individuals in a population that are heterozygous (have two different alleles) at a random locus

- Humans [0.776; 0.70-0.76; 0.588-0.807] have comparable (or higher) heterozygosity compared to chimpanzees [0.63; 0.73], and much higher compared to bonobos [0.48]

- A 2001 study found a mean level of 5.1% heterozygosity for protein variation in 321 mammal species; In comparison Takahata (1995) found 10-14% heterozygosity in humans. Nei (1987) gives us a heterozygosity for classical protein polymorphisms of 0.148 in humans, and said "in invertebrates, a large fraction of species again show an average heterozygosity lower than 0.1"

- Humans clearly are not at the low end of genetic diversity, in relation to other mammals

- Sarich and Meile (2004) have suggested that racial differences in craniofacial morphology are typically around 10 times the corresponding differences between the sexes within a given race, which they note, is larger than the comparable differences that taxonomists use in distinguishing common chimpanzees from bonobos: "The differences in morphology (cranial and facial features) between human races are typically around ten times the corresponding differences between the sexes within a given race, larger even than the comparable differences taxonomists use to distinguish the two chimpanzee species from each other. "

probably this


Ignorant low self awareness scumbags.

The reason for all the worlds problems really.
people are waking up to the brainwashing that says someone can be considered evil by someone who IS one of these scumbag types though.

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>Race isn't real, it's just a word for extended family
it is real, even though your 2nd part is true. i don't understand why you think family isn't real? why do you deny the existence of families?

>Are you and your neighbors of the same "race" different subspecies just because you both have different last names?
you're confused

race is real

homo sapiens is polytypic with regards to subspecies

the "major races" are analogous to human subspecies

there is a 'caucasoid race' but that is sub-divided into 'nordic race' and 'mediterranean race' and 'alpine race' and others. and say, nordic, is sub-divided into 'halstatt race' or 'keltic nordic race' or all sorts of others

but i would say only caucasoid is a valid subspecies

only the MAJOR RACES are basically subspecies.

and yes, your immediate family can be a 'race' i guess, but it wouldnt' be a separate subspecies

you're very, very confused, unfortunately

please read what a 'subspecies' is defined as, according to experts:

You ain't even know what an incel is, just another insult you use, fucking normal fag dickhead

Liberals say: "Race is a social construct, so it doesn't actually exist, biologically" -- but this logic is flawed. Using the same "logic" as these liberals, food does not exist. Let me explain:

There are no labels in nature on plants and animals demarcating them between "edible" and "non-edible" things. In some parts of the world, desperately poor people even eat dirt/clay, check out "Haitians eat dirt cookies" on google/youtube.

No reasonable person would argue that anything you can stick in your mouth, chew, and swallow is necessarily a "food". You can eat plastic, but that doesn't make it a "food" really.

The fact is, there is no agreed upon objective definition of "food", there is no agreement on what things objectively constitute "food" and many are considered "food" in one culture / time period and wouldn't be considered such in another.

It is wrong to assume that being a valid biological category and being a social construct are mutually exclusive. Anytime we categorize objects we decide to group things one way as opposed to another. In this sense, all categories are social constructs.

We could get rid of the category "food" and, in its place, invent new categories: "edible plants" and "edible animals" but it is obviously useful to have a single category which denotes all edible (and nourishing) things, so that is what we use. The point is that we "go with" one category scheme and not the other, so there is something "social" or "artificial" about all these categories.

This is not specific to race, species, or food. All categories, including scientific ones, are tools and their validity must be determined by whether or not they are useful. Further, one must accept that "socially constructed" categories are also "biologically real" because they are socially constructed ways to organize natural biological variation.

calm down dude, whats ur problem

Social media is making incels think fiction is reality.

>Using the same "logic" as these liberals, food does not exist
That's so stupid I don't even need to read the rest of your post

>That's so stupid
no shit, it's just as illogical as saying "race doesn't exist"

the point was to show how fucking stupid their "logic" is by using it to prove that food doesn't. obviously food exists, but if you use their "logic" you can prove that it doesn't.

Yeah, food technically doesn't exist. It's just a word we use to describe things that we can eat that give us nutrients and energy and doesn't make us sick. Depending on who you ask, a lot of the things we eat aren't even food. In America, we don't consider dogs or insects to be food. If you go to Asia, both can be food. Americans don't think of snails as food, the French do. Indians don't think of cows as food, Americans do. Vegans don't believe that any living being is food. The concept of food depends on where and who you are.

You really thought you had a point with that one, huh?

>food technically doesn't exist

actually, it does exist.

something being a "social construct" doesn't make it nonexistent

by that same "logic" species does not exist

From Johan Blumenbach, founder of physical anthropology, when arguing that a 5 race scheme is better than 4 or 6:
>Five principal varieties of mankind may be reckoned. As, however, even among these arbitrary kinds of divisions, one is said to be better and preferable to another, after a long an attentive consideration, all mankind, as far as it is at present known to us, seems to me as if it may best, according to natural truth, be divided into the five following varieties: which may be designated and distinguished from each-other by the names Caucasian, Mongolian, Ethiopian, American, and Malay.

Charles Darwin:
> From these remarks it will be seen that I look at the term species as one arbitrarily given, for the sake of convenience, to a set of individuals closely resembling each other, and that it does not essentially differ from the term variety, which is given to less distinct and more fluctuating forms. The term variety, again, in comparison with mere individual differences, is also applied arbitrarily, and for mere convenience' sake.

The real answer is this is just the normal dynamic of nature. In the wild, the female wolves mate with the alpha male wolf, what do you think happens to the other wolves? The simply accept their place in the hierarchy, and continue living their lives until they hopefully get another chances to challenge the alpha and win. There are always sexless males in almost every species. What I find interesting is how in every species besides humans, the sexless males don't seem to be bothered by this fact. I guess the reason why this is such a big issue in human society is because of this false idea of entitlement, that there's always someone out there for you, which there might be, but...oh what do I know, I'm just some faggot posting on a mongolian horse back riding forum.

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The "fiction" is quite real, I assure you...

>You really thought you had a point with that one, huh?
yep, and you really proved my point

liberals will say "food doesn't exist"
haha, what fucking morons

The real answer is that it's becoming more common for young kids to grow up with computers their whole lives and not correctly socialized

On the old days when a woman was hopeless, she had to get herself a man, regardless of how beta he was

Now she can just have a shitty job like everyone else and be independent, without the burden of wasting her life submitting to what are obviously inferior males.

t. Woman has had sex with about 50 people

how do you know that they arent bothered ?

Incel seals literally rape penguins

>What I find interesting is how in every species besides humans, the sexless males don't seem to be bothered by this fact

is there any proof of this?

A combination of two factors
>men have higher standards for girlfriends than for hookups
>the threshold for when you have sex with someone you're attracted to is low
A 1/1 guy can't get a 1/1 gf because even if she wants a relationship and not casual sex, she'll prefer the 3/10 guy who thinks she's hot enough to fuck. The 3/10 guy settles for fucking the 1/10 girl even if he doesn't want a relationship for her since he can't get a 3/10 gf because the 3/10 girl gets flirted with by a 5/10 guy.
This makes it harder for both sexes to get relationships. No one wins except the ones who only want casual sex.

Let's celebrate human genetic diversity

Categorization of humans in biomedical research: genes, race and disease

93% of biology text books accept medical definition of race

70% of biologists and 49% of physical anthrologists believe race is real

50% of european biologists believe race is real vs 48%

On the Concept of Race in Chinese Biological Anthropology: Alive and Well

Is Homo sapiens polytypic? Human taxonomic diversity and its implications

The Race FAQ - John Goodrum

1. Researchers outside of Western Europe are more likely to believe in race
2. Biologists are more likely than anthropologists to believe in race
3. Young researchers are more likely to believe in race than middle age ones, and the use of race in textbooks is increasing, suggesting that belief in race is on the rise in academia
4. The only place that has a 100% consensus on race is China. The consensus is that biological race exists.
5. If race is defined as "human subspecies" it obviously exists. However, many other definitions can surely be contrived to prove that "race does not exist"

Loving women too much to allow oneself to contact them

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The lack of connection between people, no strong father figure in family, radical feminism, social media and etc.

Black Chads (Tyrones) taking all the Stacies
and Chad is taking all the other girls less than 8/10
which leaves incels with nothing but shit turd crums

>I guess the reason why this is such a big issue in human society is because of this false idea of entitlement, that there's always someone out there for you, which there might be, but...oh what do I know, I'm just some faggot posting on a mongolian horse back riding forum.
It's a big deal because you can't have a functioning society if the majority of men are neglected romantically/sexually. You think you're going to get people to work and contribute if they're told that they're undesirable genetic dead ends and that only Chad gets to fuck? The whole point of society was to get rid of that dynamic you described, to equalize things so that we're no longer bound by such animalistic tendencies.

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>this thread

kek why does bmww stuff make so many people on this site angry? The damage is already done. Getting upset won't change anything.

>women are naturally hypergamous and will only pursue the most desirable men
>women now have sexual freedom
>women use this freedom to act on their hypergamy, leaving out others and creating incels
Simple as that. The solution is to obviously take away women's sexual freedom.

r9k is completely retarded wtf is wrong with you people
Literally every measure of genetic variance and heterozygosity between human races is equal to that or greater than that required to determine different subspecies for other organisms.
You have no arguments and have no idea what you are talking about.

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evidence here. race denialists are mouth breathers without question.

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Virgins unironically sharing alt-right memes about women.

The increase in polygamous actions that aren't actually full blown polygamy
Polygamy leads to unstable societies which leads to collapse
So two options
1: people are actively pushing for it because they want America to collapse
2: people are stupid and assume more sex= more happy

i never saw a incel in person (while knowing). maybe you're just too focused on them? well... we can't know.

>Race isn't real, its just a word for extended family
does extended familiy exist?
and race is a stand in word for extended family?
boom race exists. stop playing retard word games.

My mum ruining every other women.
Literally they don't compare physically emotionally or mentally.
Based thicc brap milkmom

>Literally every measure of genetic variance and heterozygosity between human races is equal to that or greater than that required to determine different subspecies for other organisms.


and on top of that, there is no numerical cutoff, it's a total red herring!

definition of subspecies is here: note that there is no numerical values given in the definition: they don't exist!

>You have no arguments and have no idea what you are talking about.
they are 100% ideologically motivated. they NEED to believe that "race does not exist" and it all hinges on fallacious arguments. some (((expert))) says "the differences are not big enough!" and they find that as proof. of course, there is literally NO CONSENSUS on that... except in china, where the consensus is that race is 100% biologically real.

>devolution of monogamy
And with this inevitably comes the devolution of civilized society. It's no surprise sexual and cultural degeneracy as well as tribalism are more rampant than ever. With less stable relationships and more leftover frustrated men, we are slowly but surely reverting back to caveman behavior.

Nice sources I mainly have alt hype as sources but ill add what you got to my library.
Yeah the main people egalitarians have is turkheimer and gould, tukheimer is a blatant fraud and gould make the argument of IQ being a result of "reification" which is simply bullshit sophistry and unscientific and beside the point.
>tfw you know your oppositions' arguments better than they do

this one is good


everything they do is a strawman. they redefine 'race' into total absurdity, and then refute the goofy definition they have created. it's totally bogus!

the fact is, if we apply the same standard we apply to all other species, humans would absolutely be separated into subspecies


A hallmark of self-deceiving cowards is their acceptance of authority as their truth - rather than the truth as their authority.

these people are so insane that they cannot accept true information because they think it is a trick by racists to make people think other people are "inferior" or something. LOL!

>when you actually believe race has a causal relationship with anything

Weak men.
Weak men.
Weak men.
Through all of history women have been attracted to strong and wealthy men. They are biologically programmed to select the best mate possible to produce the best offspring possible. This isn't even confined to humans, it applies to all species to ever exist. Who has a better chance of producing healthy offspring; a physically fit man with enough strength to protect and wealth to support her and her children, or a skinnyfat beta capefag manchild who spends all day playing his switch?
Better yourself. Start working out and stop playing victim. You all have a chance but you're all crabs in a bucket. Don't let anyone drag you down with them.

nah i don't believe that it does, nor did i ever imply that!

i believe that genes has a causal relationship with many traits, and i believe that race is entirely determined by genes

it's a big difference. it's not "your race determines ____" it is "your genes largely determine ____ and also totally determine your race"

please try to keep up, the pathetic, easily debunked strawman arguments only make you look pathetic

Except women still have weak/faulty genes yet virtually all of them still get to reproduce, meaning this problem still persists.

And as long as you aren't a beta, that isn't your problem because you won't have to settle for a girl with shit genes.

>woman chasing is this important


>implying I intend to argue about basic science with some retard that uses antisemitic memes
Lol. Kid nobody cares about your crackpipe race theories

>crackpipe race theories
what are you talking about? please be specific, please. what did i say that was wrong? let me know

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Thank-you user, this is the screencap I was trying to find. OP, here's your answer.

Imagine being this autistic about race.

>hurr durr tell me where I'm wrong so I can post more pseudoscience and antisemitism
You're gonna have to bait harder than that

>Scientifically there's no such thing as race. The concept of race is a 17th century invention
did your roastie techer tell you that?

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>Online dating makes appearance matter more than it used to
>Social media and selfie-generation makes appearance matter more than it used to
>New generation of kids discovering that appearance matters to women as well
>Treat it like a conspiracy theory, thinking they are just more clever than others who don't "see it"
>call those who already knew for cucks
>others do what they've been doing for generations, compensating
>Instead of self-improvement, make fun of people who do by adding maxxing to it
>build a community and just bitch together

Incels are actual retards. Give me a poor, unemployed, ugly, socially anxty robot who thinks like the lyrics of a my chemical romance son any day.

>In the wild, the female wolves mate with the alpha male wolf
You don't know shit about wolves. One alpha male wolf and one alpha female wolf are the parents of the rest of the pack. The alpha (the father) makes the betas (the sons) leave the pack to fuck females of other packs to avoid inbreeding with their sisters and mothers. When these "betas" raise pups with their new she-wolves, they become the alpha of the pack.

>race realist
>oh no the goyim know shut the internet down!

The internet is doing to liberal PC culture what the 15th century printing press did to the Catholic Church

translation: nothing i said was wrong, but you're just gonna label it "psuedoscience" (even though it isn't, as you'd prove it if it was) and "antisemitism" (totally baseless)

don't you mean "correct"? yes, you do. you can't refute any of it.

imagine being so triggered you can only yell "autism" or "psuedoscience" or "racism" when confronted with true information you wish was false

>antisemitism (totally baseless)
Really, do care to tell what did you mean by
Or are you gonna keep pretending you're not see-through?

>race realist
only reatarded lefties and MAD non whites deny races, and they do in a contradictory way. Races are so real anyone can realize who belongs to each race. I.e everybody knows pic related is white.

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Black men. 20 years ago, black men were not allowed to date white women. Now that black men can date white women, white men cannot compete, which is why 80% of white men are incel losers that can barely get one girl to date them while black men have 12 baby mommas and date a white woman only to dump her ass while she's pregnant. There is no other explanation for this other than that black men are desired by all women the most and that women are happy sharing the same men. Black men are only 6% of the US population and yet all women have had sex with black men while 40% of white men in the 18-35 range are virgins.

>brown eyes
kike detected

>what did you mean by
it probably has something to do with the strong jewish identity of so many of the race-denialists, who literally believe what they are doing is good for jews


essentially, race denial was used as a tool to fight anti-semitism

so, the overwhelmingly disproportionate role of strongly self-identified jews in the race denial movement. that's what is meant

but keep acting as though pointing out that jews with strong jewish identities are involved in something is "antisemitism"

it's easier to call something "antisemitism" than refute it, after all =)

>20 years ago, black men were not allowed to date white women
brainlet detected

>Now that black men can date white women, white men cannot compete
except most white women date white men

>which is why 80% of white men are incel losers that can barely get one girl to date them
hello tenda spencer.
actually, the reason why YOU can't get laid is because you spend all of your free time shitposting interracial propaganda with made up (fake) statistics.

>Black men are only 6% of the US population and yet all women have had sex with black men
yawn, i don't know what's more pathetic. believing this, or not believing it but just posting it anyway

>40% of white men in the 18-35 range are virgins
[citation needed]

not that user but I have brown eyes from my polish grandma. my jewish childhood friend was the one with blue eyes and blond hair.

He's not wrong. Ethnicity is genetic. Race is a social construct.
Africans actually have more genetic diversity than the rest of the human race put together.

Nice cuck fantasy story

>cites Kevin MacDonald book
I see, so I should trust someone who's been known as a psuedoscientist and has endorsed white supremacy for decades?
That's the non-vias expert of race realism? A psychologist whose work hasn't been relevant in 40 years?

>slavic grandma
>thinks he's white
You're just a step above a kike lol

>Ethnicity is genetic. Race is a social construct.

ethnicity is also a social construct, as is species. that doesn't mean they aren't biologically valid categories.

race is 100% genetic, just like ethnicity. unless you fallaciously redefine "race" into absurdity

>Africans actually have more genetic diversity than the rest of the human race put together.
africans are not a race. there are multiple races in africa

also africans have homo erectus DNA

>We estimate that individuals in two African populations have 6-8% ancestry through admixture from an unidentified archaic population that diverged from the ancestors of modern humans 500 thousand years ago.


>I should trust someone
don't trust anyone ever. you should always do your research. he cites mostly jewish sources, but you don't care about facts, do you? nope

>known as a psuedoscientist
known by whom?
jews have been expelled from hundreds of countries, so they are "known as" parasitical terrorists. also they are "known as" ritual human sacrifices.

>endorsed white supremacy
please show me where he did this, please

>That's the non-vias expert of race realism?
um, no? the article was on "the boasian school of anthropology" please try again

>A psychologist whose work hasn't been relevant in 40 years?
how is it not relevant? be specific

sorry, but labeling someone a bunch of mean words doesn't refute them. you're resorting solely to fallacious arguments. why?

plenty of info here:

but you'll whine about the website it's on, despite being TOTALLY INCAPABLE OF REFUTING ANY OF IT

A hallmark of self-deceiving cowards is their acceptance of authority as their truth - rather than the truth as their authority.

her family was from silesia so I'm not sure she was slavic. what are slavs if they aren't white, anyways?