Post choons edition
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windy and raining outside, sort of comfy
>post choons
The Spartan philosophy was so different to that of every other people group on Earth. They saw themselves as foreign invaders, who oppressed the Greek (Helot) population to serve their own purpose.
None of that "this is our land, our people have lived here for generations" kind of thing.
I just thought that was cool. This made me think of it
*transforms you into a squirrel*
very relaxing tune
great game
whats your favourite comfy steam game for a rainy afternoon like this lads? ive been getting back into terraria recently
>Shippy with Moni
>Mayuri with Cola
>Andrew with HC
They all fucked up, but which one made the biggest mistake?
Let's look at the facts
>Shippy is a weird guy who spends all his time alone
>He probably looks at deviant pornography considering he's a Jow Forumsfag
>Amer is the closest he's come to a woman in years
>They have a mysterious alliance
>Shippy kissed an old homeless woman in Scarborough, it's a slippery slope to kissing Amer
>Shippy despises himself and would do anything to feel human just once
>Shippy has already said that Amer almost passes as a woman
>tfw no orc gf
heh, of course that wasn't original, never change robots
Shippy doesnt even refer to moni as female
Just got a three day ban from pol lol
any of you lads live by yourself in a flat? Is it comfy?
Did you say something non-racist?
That doesn't mean anything. Those are just words. He travels for miles to spend time with him. That counts more.
Shippy's proven he's able to compromise his hardline views before though, he even accepted a lift from a pakistani driver in Birmingham
>shippy accepted a lift from a pakistani driver in Birmingham
what a time to be alive
curry's on its way. One final feast before the starvation at university resumes.
Of course it's comfy. You can do anything you want. No one to hassle you about anything at all.
Not in a flat, got a 2 bed end of terrace 1. It's good but I'm not good at keeping the place clean and tidy. I need a housekeeper but they're hella expensive
does look nice and comfy but i torrented it to try it a while ago and it was too hard for a brainlet like me, my kerbals kept burning up on re-entry
>he even accepted a lift from a pakistani driver in Birmingham
Not that different from accepting a wank from a pakistani tranny in Rochdale
It was a taxi driver and I had no choice, I couldn't get a private hire, I had to take one from the rank
I wonder if Poley would permit his sister to date Shippy
If you meet up with someone you definately want to shag their arse
or do you want to be the shagee?
I'm meeting up with your dad later
>It was a tranny and I had no choice, I couldn't get a woman so I had to take one for a wank
I made a thread saying ">you're not racist are you, user?" with a picture of some latinas lol. I'm not bothered it's a shithole full of creeps.
It's comfy until the cowards of this country setup a building site next to you
Fucking creasing at this lad
Now now user, we've all considered it
It's the best user. After 30 years of living with people I can't recommend it enough.
Do you suppose Tim will try and settle the score with Sainsburys?
How do you know that taxi driver wasn't an honourary white?
ere y'ar
not my original choon, fanks to an anony for sharing it with me
I have spent around 3 grand on taxis and have only had 5 pakis in all that time. I only resort to such repulsive creatures in extreme circumstances. I'd never use one if any alternative was available. Even walking 4 miles to avoid using one a few weeks back
Thoughts lads?
I actually agree
Found it on lewronggeneration subreddit whilst looking for something else, which is funny because it has nothing to do with being in the wrong genration
ere y'ar
might have a few to post if ya dun't mind
He was wearing one of those green paki skirts, so obviously wasn't integrated into British fashion at all
>I have spent around 3 grand on taxis and have only had 5 pakis in all that time
Yeah but your sex life aside, how many paki taxi drivers have you had?
This is a no true scotsman
>policing music taste
Enjoy high school you dickhead
You can't criticise anyone's fashion mate, you're not exactly well dressed or pleasant to look at. You seem to dress exclusively in polyester and your head is the shape of a peanut.
ere y'ar
Not clicking on any of these lmao
When I'm unfortunate enough to be in that situation, I imagine that we are in the British Raj and he is a lowley chauffeur driving around his colonial overlord
wtf is a jfif file?
got a facemask from lush on, lads.
what's up, too musicy for ya
that throat singing 1 is god tier
>Sugar Hill Gang
>Public Enemy
All nice happy lads.
>I imagine that we are in the British Raj and he is a lowley chauffeur driving around his colonial overlord
It clearly is a culture, fans have their own social norms which he describes in that post.
It's not really like that though, considering the average taxi driver probably earns about double your wage.
How do people work hard and give a shit about stuff? Had a chat with a lass from this board today and she told me about her job and shit and how she worked while at university, did internships, etc. all at the same time. All that effort she puts in every day. Never put effort into anything in me entire life, me. How the fuck do people do it?
posting the britfeel party playlsit
>people be plonkers
because they work a 70 hour week
For them, the pain of being a loser is bigger than the pain of doing stuff.
You racist shit heap
It's mental isn't it. I can barely do the minumum, most times when I leave a job it's because I can't face going in.
they have motivation user, they arent like us
Thinking of vacationing to Britain while im young. How do American anons like it there?
i mean it's awful but the shit is so much fun to play loud on a summer day, and that makes it worth it to me. i listen to like too short and he has some of the most reprehensible and infantile misogyny that it's hilarious. like "blowjob betty" about a woman that gives such good blowjobs that she ends up giving too short such a great one that he nuts so hard that she chokes to death
>It clearIy is a culture, fans have their own social norms which he describes in that post.
23 years old, 40,000 in the bank. Guess I'll buy a house right? Don't fancy a mortgage though
I agree with his critique, but I differ somewhat on saying it's not culture. It is culture, it's just that it's BLACK culture. He doesn't realise that that's just how blacks are, how they act and what they value. He's probably been raised on a fairly generic set of liberal values, the most important of which being 'one race, the human race' so he doesn't get that whites and blacks are inherently different on a fundamental level. He also rightly recognises that hip-hop "culture" is insane, violent, abusive etc. because he's at least putting a little critical thought into it.
He's white so he sees it as disgusting, violent, hedonistic, drug-pushing and senseless because it's not white culture. The problem is when jews push nigger culture so much that it starts to get ingrained in the heads of whites and they begin to idolise those who espouse nigger culture.
Personally I have no issue with blacks doing their thing, or any other race doing their thing, just so long as they aren't doing it in white countries. If blacks were confined to africa and muslims to the middle east and white had their countries to themselves then I say they can do whatever the fuck they want. However, when we are forced into close proximity we inevitably get into conflict, on levels as basic as culture.
Sounds mental. I want to get a job but I can't even be arsed to apply. I can't fathom how people wake up every day, get ready for work, work their assess off and do more shit when they get home. Is it depression or what?
How do we fix it? Can we even fix it? Feels like shit knowing someone has accomplished more in a month than I have in 25-odd years..
can we swap sandstorm for
It's still more than you mate.
>Thinking of vacationing to Britain while l'm young. How do American anons like it there?
40,000 deposit on a 100,000 house is good though
>I agree with his critique, but I differ somewhat on saying it's not culture
>This is a no true scotsman
at no point does he reference or deny any points to the contrary, you cant call it a true scotsman if there is no context to the post
>policing music taste
he didn't do that at any point
>Enjoy high school you dickhead
Swing and a miss. Sad that you resorted to this, really
congratulations, you just wrote out 4 lines of absolute nonsense lad
only know one song of their's off the top of my head, harder than you think, and surprise surprise, it has the lyrics asses and bitches in
He may be wrong there, but the point still stands that culture is a degenerate one
I'm on more than that, and I'd wager my job satisfaction is significantly higher. The food alone the company has paid for adds up to 125 in the past 6 weeks
>He's white so he sees it as disgusting, violent, hedonistic, drug-pushing and senseless because it's not white culture
From what I can tell the difference is that they drink 6 cups of coffee a day and are buzzing off that.
I don't even know what I would do.
>If blacks were confined to africa and muslims to the middle east and white had their countries to themselves then I say they can do whatever the fuck they want
Zone out whenever someone brings up the jews for no reason.
>looking at a property for sale
>Last sold for 80,000 in 2005
What the fuck is this, why are we so fucked? Boomers have it fucking laid out in life
live in the south east tho, shit is expensive
Mate I've downed 3 cans of that Monster Energy piss within 20 minutes of waking up before. It's not caffeine that lets them do it.
>If blacks were confined to africa and muslims to the middle east and white had their countries to themselves then I say they can do whatever the fuck they want
I agree, Americans/Canadians/Australians should come back to Europe
>what is inflation: zoomer edition
>the point still stands that culture is a degenerate one
so what, there are plenty of dodgy cultures. most rock gigs I go to stink of weed, that's not exactly positive.
The only people I know who own houses are women (who share mortgage with bf, obviously) and extreme betas with no gf and no friends because they have no social life AT ALL they've saved up tons and can afford a giant house to commit suicide in.
>not living at mummies and daddies and contributing to their mortgage to move into a rural castle at 40
>He's white so he sees it as disgusting, violent, hedonistic, drug-pushing and senseless because it's not white culture
this literally makes no fucking sense. None at all. I find it hard to believe this isn't some kind of satire
What the fuck are you saying
which rapper hates women the most then lads?
I'm just renting until mummy dies and I get her house. Feels a bit grim but it's the right move.
Opinions on Timmy's new jacket?
Had my jew landlord boasting about owning his first house at 19. It's so incredibly difficult for our generation and nobody seems to give a shit.
Wish it was the old days and rock music was prominent and edgy everyone thought it was literally Satanic
The Jews bring up being Jewish more than anyone
lmao the second one sounds like me. My parents are quite snobbish and always judged our relatives and friends on what they own. Kind of internalised that and just want a house. I look down on renting, parents railed it into me that renting is a waste of money
>so what, there are plenty of dodgy cultures. most rock gigs I go to stink of weed, that's not exactly positive.
You lads really are outdoing yourselves tonight. Totally irrelevant, I didn't say it was a unique problem at any point, you're just throwing that in because youve got nothing else to say
>so what
erm, it's not good to have degenerate cultures i general? Hth