Where do I get a 4 foot 11/149 cm gf at?

Where do I get a 4 foot 11/149 cm gf at?

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Right here. But only if you are 6 foot

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would a fembot accept a 6'3" guy like me even if that's the only good thing about me? I'm unfit and have a small dick, and I'm unattractive. Apparently, this board still considers me a chad though.

I could throw a rock and hit one right now. Are you blind?

Deal, I'm 6' and I have a huge cock, be my gf now

No, I just only go outside for work.

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is that the schierke clone from one punch

I never noticed how much they looked the same until now
>mfw 5 foot 6

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In Bolivia


If you don't fancy that on multiple south american countries there is a fair share of

Reporting but I have too many redflags. I'm hoping the small height carries me into a pity relationship eventually though.

Please be my girlfriend, I'll cherish you

List the flags

>Theres two type of guys in this world

Pick up both forms of English sign language and we have a deal.
Deafness and a form of chronic hand pain are enough, no need to get more personal.

>Deafness and a form of chronic hand pain are enough
Men are obsessed with fragility and vulnerability and will line up around the block to "protect" you. For proof, look at any Katawa Shoujo thread, or that guy on Jow Forums with the blind girlfriend.

Deal, I'll begin learning immediately

I just want a gf under 5'0". I'm 6'0" and enjoy the size difference too much for a taller girl.

>look at any Katawa Shoujo thread,
A thread full of people who have little to zero experience with disabled people. It's not cutesy,anime sol segments. Burn marks are repugnant to see in real life, dealing with blind/deaf people is painfully tedious. Imagine having to use your hands to communicate every tiny, insignificant thought for someone. Not as moe in practice.
As for the Jow Forums thing I haven't seen in but if it's in the same spirit as the /tv/ posts about a deaf gf it's just people that love anime larping.

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Maybe you just have low self-esteem and are ruining your chance of happiness out of a desire to marinate in loneliness, much like the males of Jow Forums.

I don't see it as marianting in loneliness to point out I know how disablement looks in daily practice compared to people who've got 40 hours in Kata Shoujo (that they can stop reading at anytime) and watched Koe no Katachi.

Is bullying them really the best way to get a deaf girl to love you?

This is now a legal loli thread. Any lurking chads have experience with super petite girls?

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in my eyes she isn't even loli material but just a flat thot which is too fuckable

Depends on how bad the burns actually were, and learning sign language might be a decent skill for socially retarded people to learn since then they don't have to actually speak, much like typing on a board for basket weaving in the mongolian tradition. But yes, for the most part I agree with this. If you guys think spoiled normie thots are bad, just WAIT til a cute disabled woman comes around, she's so fucking bad because she's literally been taken care of her entire life and told that her disability makes her SUPER SNOWFLAKE material and her entire life has literally been others catering to her on every single level of existence. In short, more spoiled, more needy, more demanding, more of everything that makes the average thot a vile person is at the least doubled in even a semi cute disabled girl. There are rare exceptions of course, there always are, but having been around and dealing with disabled people on a near daily basis the shit gets old real quick.

Pointing out reality is bullying now is it...

Shouldn't the midget invalid get to play the victim card. I'll be desperate and pandering to a kind patient man when I meet one, not someone who will get bored of it in practice after 3 months since it doesn't work like Kata Shoujo.

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Flat short neotenous thots are the best. You can pick em up and toss em around.

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what's her footgame like? original query

Some larping in this thread, but I think I could fall in love with a deaf girl. I like spending time with people without talking, but other people seem really uncomfortable with it. Sometimes just being around people is more than enough.

>Depends on how bad the burns actually were,
If it's prominent facial burn marks like Hanako it's always nasty irl.
>learning sign language might be a decent skill for socially retarded people to learn since then they don't have to actually speak, much like typing on a board for basket weaving in the mongolian tradition
It depends what you mean by 'socially retarded' I guess. If you mean awkward people who would rather not talk then certainly not. Nothing feels more unnatural than a novice having to move their hands around and sign in a place with others. You can't compare that to typing up a storm in solitude on your laptop.

Fair enough about the rest of your post though.


>he likes tiny feet
I see you too are an individual of exceptional taste and judgement.

I want a pair resting on my cheeks so I can die happy.

be my gf, i've spent so much time talking to people online that text-based communication barely feels different than talking to someone irl / via voice. i could also just learn sign language because it seems like an interesting skill

post discord pls

Made one, here.

I think was asking about methods to get a deaf girl to love him, not complaining that you were bullying him.

No shit it doesn't work like KS, but it's still better to be a disabled woman than to be a disabled man and it by no means makes you unwifeable, so get out there and find a bf.

>but it's still better to be a disabled woman than to be a disabled man
As you would say, no shit. You aren't deaf however, so get out there and find a gf.
Declined. Everyone can use the archive you know, stick to chasing german sluts who sucks tranny dick.

eat a dick fagshitter

>As you would say, no shit. You aren't deaf however, so get out there and find a gf.
I'm not an incel.