Attached: fatso.webm (426x698, 1.46M)

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lol caIm down basedlord

im sorry basedboy

looks pretty based to me, faggot

manbun + onions beard

oh lawl

Hey opie whats the sauce of the clip? Is that a man or woman being btfo?

Fatboi Jow Forumstard

ok? context here? why is some manbun onions fag assaulting a fat person not fighting back?

aww, cute! Did someone add some meat to your onion shake today by accident?

Oh he deserved it then

He thought it was funny to say the nword and call me a basedboy so i went ahead and showed him what a basedboy really is.

What did he do and got btfo(except that he is a /poltard

nice larp nigger kike lover.

the manbun just fits

ok basedboy

Attached: tumblr_lyv2rk1Eat1qag6gfo1_400.gif (360x216, 988K)

assuming you're actually the guy assaulting you look like a queer and have a manbun. i'd have slapped the fag off your face if you had tried that shit with me. But hey good job assaulting someone night fighting back you're a "real man" now.
kek the stay of basedboys having to assault fatties to stand a chance at winning.
btw your arms are scrawny and you look like a bitch. go tuck queer

from what I remember of this first being posted: manbun is tired of his brother (fatty) sitting on his ass playing video games all day and decides to beat the shit out of him

manbun ended up getting arrested

"man" buns

I'd beat the shit out of you with my manbun fucking weakling. lol
>look at this tough guy

ah aight.. funny how that queer thinks it's his place to decide what his brother does with his life to the point of being a facist and attacking him for it. glad that psycho went to jail

kek sure you would tuck

No. Seriously you'd be dead meat in my hands. Most of men would be. There is no shame in admitting that. I don't blame you for bitching out.

why the fuck would you even do this
just asking to get your throat slit in your sleep later

>manbun ended up getting arrested

>my brother is wasting his life
>better humiliate him and videotape this for the whole world to see

what a piece of shit

uh huh... heard that before from onions boy tucks like yourself. keep thinking whatever helps you sleep at night nancy

Someone did this to me in college, random friend of friend got drunk and thought I was someone else sleeping on the couch. Started punching me and i shot them in the shoulder with a .357

I got charged for some shit but he ended up going to jail kek

I too learned to fight from anime, he would never stand a chance

You really fell for the weakest b8 didn't u

Mr. Manbun fights like a fucking nog. No honor being displayed there.

pretty sure they posted his mugshot after they shaved off his bun too lol

Why the fuck isn't that guy fighting back? It pisses me off so much. I would have at least tried to fuck that guy up.

unbased kikes
based kike-hater

Another explanation I saw (this kind of makes the video justified as bad as it looks) is that he was talking shit to his mother, and was lazy and never did anything or helped her with the chores so after he was smug about it the video happened. Not sure if that's the case though definitely do not quote me on it with certainty.

well hmm.. I dont agree with violence but if he's disrespecting his mom and being a lazy shit I can see his brother being upset but assault like that idk.. but without sound and hearing the guy going DONT DISRESPECT MOM LIKE THAT means idk.

interesting vid without context cuz it looks like a sissyboy tucker assauling someone not fighting back

I remember my brother trying to beat me too so I got up and started biting chunks out of him, chewing them up, then trying to vomit them out into his mouth

what a fucking tool this is why knives were invented fucking guys like this going to the gym thinking there some kind of weapon dont even know what there doing pumped up with muscles they didnt even do genuine work for probly dosnt even know what its like to be hit just getting a little roid boner about the idea of using his toy swol shit man the people need to be put in work camps and taught some fucking decency

Shit dude I gotta join a gym or something, take so combat sport. Wouldn't want to be in the shoes of that little fatty.

i don't know.
by the way for anyone who wants to know the story.
that epic gamer guy called manbun gay or something over social media and manbun didn't take to kindly too it.

Why is this basedboy attacking a 12 year old?

Also what's with the faggy beard and hair? Couldn't he just get an actual haircut?

he doesn't have the inate rage to swoop in and give him a fighting chance.
also it looks like he was asleep. That shit would be traumatizing.
the manbun guy is like an amature MMA fighter and i think he got charged for this.
not sure why the dude is just standing there filming but at least he got video evidence of this white nigger.

Pathetic cuck roidrages on some other pathetic cuck. A lot of pathetic going on in one webm.

What a basedboy faggot, he looks knackered after giving fatty a trashing but fatty isn't even bloodied or has a broken nose or anything. Pathetic.

what makes you think you wouldn't do exactly what he did?
if you get swole you will just be a swole pussy. If you learn how to fight your techniques will fail because you are a pussy.
i've lifted weights, done sports and martial arts and i'm no more courageous then i was prior.

if you are worried about something like this your fears are valid. That white nigger is one of billions who would like nothing more than to do the same to you. But it's not about being tough or scared it's about being wise. Get a security system, gun and don't sleep with the doors unlocked like that faggy fatass did and you will be more prepared then 80% of idiots. Who knows maybe he was just a little shit talking shit who needed an ass whooping anyway.

>he sleeps with a gun ready

You've already lost ponytailed faggot.

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The kid spilled manbun's red bull. He left then came back at 4am and woke him up with punches. He's a faggot of the lowest form.

>The kid spilled manbun's red bull.
lmao wtf fuckin basedboys