Are there any other robots here who aren't sociopaths, narcissists, or homosexuals? I just want to be around other losers, i dont want to have to deal with predators and insane people just to be able to talk to one or two robots every once in a while. I hate that there isnt a place for people like us, this site is just a hotspot for sociopaths basically.
Are there any other robots here who aren't sociopaths, narcissists, or homosexuals...
There are a lot. Myself included
I just am an autistic drunk. Definitely not any of those things on your list but why do you feel the need to talk to people? You'll just get bored of complaining about the same shit every day and eventually stop anyway.
I think I probably fit your specification but I'm one of those people who go out of their way to find people on Jow Forums to talk to and then ghost them. There's a lot of us like this. Mostly the gay ones. I don't know why we're like this or why we do it.
I hope you find people to talk to, OP.
Yes, I know exactly where you are coming from.
If you let the sociopaths get to you for too long and you become one of them.
But be in constant denial about how bad the world really is and/or vote Democrat or drink onions milk then you belong on Reddit.
But this place is where you can say anything. You can be free, even if it's the whole world holding us down.
Dont need to talk to people all the time, i just want a place for people like us. A home board/site basically, everyone has one except us.
So Jow Forums doesn't count anymore? It's not what it used to be but it's still something.
I get what you mean but reddit is mostly alt right these days. Progressivism is not popular anywhere outside of tumblr
>mostly alt right
Only ironically.
Not really imo. Like i said its a hotspot for sociopaths these days. Maybe it was that way all along, maybe it just got worse through the years. All i know is today its lik 40% sociopaths, 30% normies and other retards like homosexuals and maybe 30% losers.
Nah bro, reddit is full racist these days. Thats where the huge influx of politicsposters during the election came from, and they're all alt right. Not even just random right wingers, specifically alt right which is a reddit meme.
im here fren
Weird. I still would never actually use reddit, because it's full of moralizing hypocritical cancer people.
Like by sociopath do you mean "mean people"?
>tfw no gf who is kind of a loser but not mentally unstable or suicidally depressed
yes, plenty in fact, you just gotta look for them
I hope not
I can tell that im not
I prefer women 100% but would go for a male if they fit literally every single criteria I had for them to be sexually attractive to me which usually means them being very feminine
implying sexual degenerates arent losers
you think me being aroused by wearing womens othing has helped me fit into society? lmao
If it isn't you're doing something wrong, or at least your face is because trannies are pretty trendy these days.
I am neither of those. Unfortunately I am also a boring person with a decaying brain and chronic procastinator.
Don't lose hope though, one you'll find good friends in here but yeah it's going to be a difficult task considering the ridiculous amount of predators and homosexs.
>I hate that there isnt a place for people like us, this site is just a hotspot for sociopaths basically.
That's a downside thanks to the intrinsic nature of anonymous based communication.
Yeah, I've known a few. I'm not sure how common they are though. Most people like that probably just come here out of habit now since the board has degraded quite a bit. I don't care what anyone says but you could have some actual decent discussion pretty regularly pre-deletion.
That was so long ago though so maybe i'm not remembering it correctly.
yeah this site is full of raging narcissistic social outcasts. just plain loser neet here
disc: moldy#5490
What is a sociopath to you?
I don't see many here, more pathetic people than actual sociopath, like that guy that wants to make rage faces a thing.
A lot of women suck threads are so devoid of originality they are just failed attempts at memeing
That's the downside of being anonymous. Anyone can post here, sociopaths, narcissists, normies, women, homos, waifufags, 3rd world scum, all of them.
What's that? Forced tripfagging/accounts? Well now you have massive circlejerks and the death of free speech.
Pre Normie Nation attack, this board was even more slow and boring as hell. This board can barely even crack 200 replies in non-generals threads.
This board was like pre-contact America: you were just begging to be conquered by the superior Chad race.
Remember, if you want to keep out the normies, just post gore 24/7.
>You'll just get bored of complaining about the same shit every day and eventually stop anyway.
Pretty much this. You hikkis having your own board would be a waste of server space anyways considering how remote most of you are in the first place
>You hikkis
dont have to be a hikki to be a social outcast
what does that tell you about yourself when the only likeminded people that are around you are predators and insane people?
His point is that they are not likeminded
That's my fear about Jow Forums and meeting new people
I want to talk to people who share my experience of being an autistic loser with rapidly diminishing hope in life without having to find out they're an insane freak
Hopefully there's docile robots out there who mean no harm
Not that same fag but even if I have the looks to be fully bimbofied, I still have some problems robots do like the 9 to 5 (skilled work and intrusive relatives whom make some other income problematic)
and trans-women are dysphoric which is like depression and when you fall off grid you know the system leaves one behind
So more school is my last hope and I cannot just move in with some robot man anywhere
(but at least tele and some orbiters say nice things to me!)
I'm neither of those, but you seem very judgemental, so hard pass.
I know what you mean
Years of interacting with society, coupled with my time on internet forums led me to believe humans are inherently flawed and I'm above them.
I know I sound like the Elliot Rodger manifesto, but I'm not gonna genocide people or any gay shit like that. My judgement is perfect but I'm highly empathetic.
I'm not any of those three things, I'm just an obnoxious asshole. I don't see why being a homo matters as long as you ain't some fuckin pervert.
Theyre not actually sociopaths theyre you but edgy and retarded