>you will never have a girlfriend
>you will never be loved
>you will never have a girl be excited all day because she's going to see you later on
>you will never have a girl genuinely enjoy your company and be curious to learn more about you
>you will never make a girl feel happy, fulfilled and optimistic about your future together
>you will never hold a girl from behind in bed at night while a storm approaches outside
>you will never go on holiday with a girl and have her enjoy walking around the historic parts of the old cities and tasting local foods
>you will never have her sense that you are feeling down and tell you that she's there if you need to talk
>you will never feel comfortable being nude in the company of a girl without wanting to hide away or cringe
>you will never feel her hugging you tightly
>you will never smell her perfume, her shampoo, her clothing detergent, her lip balm, her soap, and her natural body odour
>you will never attend her cousin's wedding together and have her relatives jokingly ask you whether you'll be next and have her blush and apologize later on for the awkwardness
>you will never, ever, hear the words "I love you" from the mouth of the girl you love
You will never have a girlfriend
>when you finally get a gf you will realized that this is just a minimum requisite to be happpy,its not life changing
Don't really affect me. Post the teenager love/first bf/underaged pussy version
>tfw you don't like any woman enough to date her, so never having a gf is standard
Feels good
This is when you become a faggot, user
but you will always have internet access :3 op is gay. veeery gay.
>when you finally get a gf at the age of 25 and you lose her one week later because it's already too late
If you think that's your fate then the only thing to do is try to rise above, ascetic monk self-denial shit. Or you can habitually fantasize over women on the screen or grils you talk to online. But that only makes it worse.
I've had about 65% of that list multiple times. It's not that great user. Once you've been through it with about 4-9 girls in a serious relationship it becomes annoying.
>when you finally get a gf at the age of 25 and you lose her one week later because it's already too late
What do you mean exactly?
her gf license expired
>my live revolves around the idea of someone else accepting me rather than accepting myself
>>you will never attend her cousin's wedding together and have her relatives jokingly ask you whether you'll be next and have her blush and apologize later on for the awkwardness
For some reason this one especially gets to me. Not sure why.
...I don't get it
Fuck off with this pseudo-intellectual crap. Acceptance by others is an integral part of human happiness. You cannot be fully happy in yourself without it.
>accepting yourself, something literally every single person on the entire Earth recommends doing first and foremost in your life, is pseudo-intellectual crap
You watch too much anime. Girls being awkward/embarrassed in real life isn't nearly as cute.
>Match qt smart with job on bumble
>We hit off
>I ask her for date
>She cancels at last limit
>Book another date and get stood up
>Meet her in person weeks later at work event
>Super happy to see me and wants to meet up later that day to apologise for last time.
I shut her down in front of my coworkers with a simple no. I Could see the hurt in her eyes. Can't decide if that was the correct response but everyone thinks I'm gay now.
Fuck I wanted to make my own pathetic thread. Sorry
>letting your life's single purpose revolve around having a girl
never going to make it. If you can't find happiness with yourself first, don't even bother
Its alright im not here anymore anyways
>Itt:a bunch of blue pilled normies give their generic npc statement
When will you niggers learn were not searching for acceptance from others we just want to be loved and feel intimacy and have someone to talk to and trust like everyone else
>blue pilled normies give their generic npc statement
I hate nu-chan. Also I feel like you're posting a lot to night. Please stop.
Oh is this the part where you pretend to be an oldfag? This is the only thread im lurking in rn
I once heard the words "I love you" from a girl I love. Now I'm more despaired than all of you.
It's funny that you appeal to the idea of general consensus being more correct (and therefore accepted) than individual decision making while at the same time arguing for self-affirmation. It must be tough, refuting yourself all the time.
It's funny the lengths you'll go to remain a depressed worthless nigger while trying to pass the blame for your woes off on not having a relationship
Women don't like sour faggots to the point that even ugly fat poor Jews who barely get by can get a decent girlfriend by being funny and confident. You're neither.
Yeah whatever youre just a violent incel whos out to kill and rape women
Weak bait, i give it 2/10
It wasnt meant to be bait really. Whenever i see someone whos just lonely and sad i think of how people see them as violent now. Its just depressing
Change all that stuff to
>you will never be financially stable
>you will never have a job that matters
>you will never own nice things
>you will never travel the world
>you will never afford to have children
>you will never have autonomy in your work
>you will never own land
>you will always be looked down upon by the upper class
Im doing my best to learn to be happy with what Ive got, that I can walk and read and arent disfigured and can enjoy the simple pleasures like music and sunshine
Oh i misunderstood yuour post. I actually know thiis feel all to well
You did the right thing user
Oregon oregano oatmeal
Sure, some ugly, fat, poor people have relationships. Most are the alone, yellow toothed, partially balding guys you see stocking shelves in Walmart. It's possible to be happy when you're a miasma of bad genetics, but that doesn't it's likely. Stop shitting on the people who are already on the bottom part of the totem pole and leave us to our lamenting.
>you will never look out on the tree in your own front yard that you planted yourself
if she still wants to explain later, you let her
These concepts seem so alien to me that I can't even really feel emotions about them anymore.
>you will never go on holiday with a girl and have her enjoy walking around the historic parts of the old cities and tasting local foods
>you will never
Why not? I've had all of that except the part about the cousin's wedding because her cousin is a single mother lol.
Just go get a girlfriend, those are all common experiences you will get to share in a relationship.