Why does nobody say the word fag/faggot anymore?

Why does nobody say the word fag/faggot anymore?

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i do. its a good insult while also hating on gay people the same time.

People woke up and realized most guys are fucking faggots so it's too much of a broad brush to paint.

Normalfaggots don't. I say it just like most of the non homosexual people.

I still say it, just not around women and normalfags.

My manager does and I've told him I'm bi. Pretty based workplace.

normalfags still say it, even in california. You just have to search for the kind of people that would say that

calling someone a faggot is to degrade them in a way where they are not considered an equal. The LGBT have fought for their rights to overturn that attitude and be treated as an equal in this society.

Going against that is to be backwards. Similar to being a racist or something like that. It is no longer acceptable degrade members of the LGBT or anyone for that matter.

>neocons/alt right
angry closet fags
openly gay
>religious people
angry closet fags, also not human
>trap lovers, porn addicts
doesn't get any faggier
>guys who "want a family"
not fags, but almost always stupid and/or poor
>violent criminals in prison
almost 100% men and get really pissed off if you mention how he literally fucked another man the night before because he "can't help himself" aka is a fag
>literal homosexual man who makes six figures a year designing kitchens/weddings
less of a fag than everything else I mentioned

go back to the 80's if you want to act like 90% of humans don't get called fags at some point in their lives, not just LGBT snowflakes

>go back to the 80's if you want to act like 90% of humans don't get called fags at some point in their lives, not just LGBT snowflakes

If the LQBT were not being seeing as sub humans being called faggot would not be a thing. If you call a hetero male a faggot you are saying they are less than a man. They are an effeminate homosexual male.

not sure why i need to explain this

repulsion of homosexuals is natural, straight men see gay men kissing the same way they see maggots. its time to stop this homophobiaphobia, it is not taught - it is innate to our nature to be revolted by faggots.

you don't have to be effeminate or homosexual to be a fag, just stupid and annoying and projecting your gayness onto everybody like you just did.

see this motherfucker is gayer than a 2 dollar bill, he thinks about cock nonstop and I'd call him a fag 10 times faster than an actual homosexual who admits he's gay as all hell

this easiest way to explain what you did is my "gayness" is your way of seeing me as not some macho guy

I have not measured up to being masculine male therefore you would describe me in that way. ergo effeminate homosexual

I rest my case

>repulsion of homosexuals is natural, straight men see gay men kissing the same way they see maggots. its time to stop this homophobiaphobia, it is not taught - it is innate to our nature to be revolted by faggots.

If you were a child you would think the same thing of boy kissing a girl. At some point you have to realize its social thing. Same way you learn kissing girls is fine you will learn boys kissing boys is fine. It just depends on how whether or not you can accept everyone's sexuality.

>not sure why i need to explain this
It's basically a synonym for lame.

No, even as a child I recognized it was wrong.

I said it while drunk at a super bowl party and I was quoting something in the news at the time and people castigated me for it
I literally was quoting it because I was saying it's a terrible word, and people told me I was being homophobic, the world is insane

I used to call my teenage nephew a fag all the time and then he moved to california and became a tranny
Be careful, words have power anons

Normies can't do context. They learn shortcuts and then forget how. Until the early 00s, we could be sarcastic on Internet forums and everyone would understand.

Why is this thread full of gays trying to change the definition of the word and getting mad at straight people talking about gays?

I'll not sure why gays get butthurt over the word. Growing up, we never used is as a synonym for gay. If we wanted to use call someone gay as an insult, we'd just say they were gay. A faggot is different than being homosexual, but a homosexual can definitely be a faggot.

You can tell when someone is a normalfag or redditor when they refuse to it, especially on here saying normie.