Robots what sort of laws would you try to enact if you were president?

Robots what sort of laws would you try to enact if you were president?

A few of mine would be::
>Assign at least two police officers to work at every school in the event of a shooter
>Perform patdown procedures and schoolbag/purse checks (This one is a bit iffy since it IS a breech of privacy and there are laws against it)
>Murderers should be charged with death penalty since they took another life, unless in a case of self defense and/or the individual is proven insane/mentally handicapped and therefore should be placed in an asylum
>Child predators should either be faced with death penalty, life in prison or long prison time depending on the weight of their crime
>Bail should not be an option for certain high-tier criminals

(I apologize for frogposting too lazy to look up new image)

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Well. School shootings seem to be a terrorism people fear at least...

I'd get rid of any old stupid law that makes no sense. Legalise drugs. Make crap drugs obsoloete by making much better versions of them. etc.

Just the obvious any decent person would do if there was a way for people like that to make it as a leader of a country.

Truthfully I also think all drugs need to be legalized. What we need to do is offer more help for the people that want to get better. If someone wants to die from overdosing, then thats their terrible choice to make.

On a different note, I also believe the voting age should be raised to 25, since thats when a person becomes fully mature and alot of younger people don't look into or understand politics.

Anti-degeneracy laws
>all street drugs banned
>positive depictions of drugs punishable with prison and heavy fines
>benzos and opiods have to be administered at a pharmacy under a pharmacist's supervision
>no alcohol sales on Sundays
>beer can only come in six packs and is limited to one sale per person per day. similarly one bottle of booze
>sites like pornhub and xvideos banned completely
>porn companies taxed to shit
>nightclubs, strip clubs, raves and other degenerate venues taxed to shit and alcohol sales limited to 3 per person monitored with a scannable bracelet
>sodomy laws back in full effect
>adultery punishable with prison and restitution for the victim
>usury laws in full efect
>death penalty nationwide, no appeals
>speed limits removed. fuck the police

vocational schooling through high school

liberal faggot here, wouldnt measures to prevent bullying work better than increased security at schools?

Now what we have right here is a true murican

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>the last ones
lmao what did ya have a couple shots in the middle of writing that post?

>hurhurhur XD XD

I fucking hate trump

Thats a really good idea honestly. School isn't teaching kids anything they actually need to know. School should be a place that starts on the basics of careers and working their way up. This would let kids figure out what they like doing or what they're good at. It'll make a better, smarter work force

yes. and people in retirement age should not beable to vote either. It just leads to an unsustainable government pention plan and also boomers are dumb

There is no measure to prevent bullying. The best you can teach kids is that if someone hurts you, or is fucking with you to tell somebody or to hurt them back. There's also blackmail, which will keep kids from getting any help at all.

But, I do think bullying somebody should be cause for expelling. Might get parents to keep their kids in check, but not all of them obviously

I just think road pirates (highway patrol) are homos. If you can't drive fast, you shouldn't be on the highway. Take the sissy backroads

Thats the joke. I don't like him either. Nothing of merit has really been done since he's been in office.

>Boomers are dumb

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>ban drugs
hasnt worked so far
>ban porn
i have a vpn

Have you tried invoking Sharia law? That's basically the shit you're asking for.
Also you spund like an insecure virgin.

Yeah, as much as the oldies would hate it times change and their ideals likely won't fit the current economy. I agree with you completely. Also believe that elders shouldn't be able to drive after a certain point. There should be a service meant only for seniors to be driven where they need to be. Should be taken out of social security.

Shut the fuck up you stupid boomer

"Man, banning porn was such a good idea. Look at these good christian morals. Sure, rape crimes are at an all time high but at least jesus is happy"

He's a weak sissy trying to play hard. Glad I didn't vote for him or anyone else. Democracy is retarded.

Hasn't worked so hard because there's no hard punishment like death penalty for users and dealers like in Singapore.

>i have a vpn
How would you access porn sites that won't exist?

>being this much of a drama queen
You sound like a libertine degenerate.

Alright now little zoomer man, go back to playing that fortnite game you love so much. Dont forget to drink your onions and take your vitamins.

....can you not tell that the guy is obviously shitposting?

i would remove every law in existence and watch and laugh while the normies eat each other alive.

I can't tell anymore, I'd say half of those pathetic posts come from genuinely impotent toughguy-wannabes.

Yeah they might very well be. Or, could be some edgy 14 year old who thinks he's funny

>how would you access porn sites that won't exist?

Attached: look at this you dumb cunt.png (270x664, 23K)

Enjoy sparking a civil war

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>murder is death penalty but not if your mental
thats retarded, mentals should be put to death with priority if we make death penalty normal, just because they cant control themselves and are too dangerous