Do you think boomers had an easier life?

do you think boomers had an easier life?

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It's a quasi-object fact.

>lived the most prosperous childhood in the history of humanity
>grew up ultra rebellious, fucked around like idiots until their 30s
>"settled down" and "earned" a living while the global economy was just on the way out
>put their dress pants and nice shirts on
>squirted you out into the world
>"Just gotta hit those bricks, son."

Fucking undoubtedly. That pig on the left ruins the picture though.

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>that guy making out with the fat girl
Fucking based

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Life is ridiculously easy and that's why it's Hard

yep. my dad was doing bullshit mechanic jobs at a fucking gas station and he had a house before he turned 24.

why is wtc glowing red? is this some illuminati shit?

Fuck yes. I'd kill to be a boomer

Why is there garbage fucking everywhere? Nothing makes my blood boil faster than litterers.

No but they weren't pussies.

In America yes

Boomers here were scared to go outside because a bomb attack was being made every single week.

i was gonna say, she looks just like chris chan

this is why all boomers need to die

well the population rises on their generation so yeah those people love happily int their age.

what did anonbot mean by this

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Jesus Christ... Thank god I don't live in a shithole like that.

reminder that is what 95% of latina women look like. they're so gross

you're an utter moron

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Being a boomer, gas cost $1 /gallon.
You make minimum wage at $7 an hour and still have enough money to pay for a house, and go to college at the same time.

pedro, most of your women are disgustingly fat and gross.

Latina women are fertility goddesses and the most beautiful women on the face of the globe.

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wow look at this fertility goddess

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She probably has 12 kids.

they're all yours, paco

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Boomers lived in the most prosperous era there ever was, and fucked it all over for generations to come. That being said it mostly applies to American boomers.
Probably because the picture was taken late in the day when the sun was starting to set.

Why does the sun glow red when it's lower on the horizon?

because the sun is taking a shit on earth

god new york looks fucking gay now...

come to think of it, so does everywhere else


>god new york looks fucking gay now...

Name a better looking U.S city? Most US cities are carbon copies of each other. A cluster of skyscrapers downtown then the actual city sprawled out forever.

The Manhattan skyline is better looking than any other american city.

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A robot with his practice gf

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You can do the same thing or even better, Champ. All that's holding you back is you. And all it takes is walking in there, giving the manager a firm handshake, and refusing to let go until he tells you when you can start.

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The Northeast Asian countries look pretty great right now. Namely Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore, ethnically homogeneous, technologically advanced, clean, aesthetic.

Are there any pictures like this but in gigapixel resolution so you can glimpse into people's lives?

have fun

>come to think of it, so does everywhere else

the towers
I miss them

Boomers got paid $9 an hour to bag groceries, pump gas and flip burgers.
If you take inflation into account that is the equivalent of $58 an hour.

The outside frames were metallic, not concrete.

a part if this is the space debris which can cause sunsets to be more red.

The US used to be even more polluted than it is now. Sewage and chemicals straight into rivers, most large animals almost entirely wiped out. Ralph Nader and The Clean Water Act and the EPA helped stop that, but those are being dismantled these days.

Most boomers think this so I'd be fucking retarded not to.

Yes, 1950-2000 was unique period for the West, especially for the US and UK, which came out of WW2 relatively unscathed and were able to sell shit to the rest of the world

Now they are dealing with mass migrations, rising racism, middle class disappearing, massive national debts, entire segments of the population in crippling debt (eg student loan), huge increase in depression and anxiety rates and associated med prescriptions, whole bunch of other shit

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the boomers in the 70s probably had a simpler life than the boomers of the 2010s, but most 26 year olds i meet are lazy as shit.

Zoomers have youtube tutorials and internet for any hobby they may want to pick up. People are taking mental health more seriously.

I got cucked so hard even the year I was born.


up until the year 2012, people had life on easy mode.

Of course they did.

>quality of life increases exponentially
>vast populations able to do only what only the elite were able to do 50 years ago
>suicide for male (mostly weak pathetic transgenders) went from 0.0017% to 0.0022%

to be fair we had people in the 70s who were just as retarded. we need people like you to complain and help us improve.

Back in the 1960s my city was voted the cleanest in the us, and it had a haze of smog over it at the time.

you can see my apartment o_o

Adding on to that, for US boomers in specific, 1991 was the year both the USSR collapsed and Japan's economic bubble popped. So both the biggest military threat and biggest economic competitor went down in the same year, and it was clear sailing until 2001. Possibly a golden age. China wasn't really on the scene or considered a threat in any way, nobody knew what happened there and the concept of jobs being outsourced en masse wasn't on anyone's conscience, even though it was happening. Same with immigration from Mexico and white countries becoming non-white - nobody really knew, cared, or took this seriously, except for fringe groups who were considered lunatics. Compared to now, there was a lot less racism, and nobody really had a problem with mainstream culture (Top 40 radio or hollywood movies).

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>>quality of life increases exponentially

Life expectancy has actually dropped the last 3 years in a row. Something that hasn't happened for decades

Most people are also pissed at debts, minorities, and politics. I wouldn't say QoL or SoL has gone up.

Why bother playing a rigged game?

I made this, thanks for material

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They grew up in a post-WW2 economic boom, so yes. They really are delusional to think that hard work itself is what made them successful, which wasn't the case. You do that nowadays, and somebody is going to take advantage of you for it. Their life might have been a Cinderella story, but ours isn't because of what happened after the Counterculture ("do whatever you want") period.

I really would pay to see a show, where a baby boomer is dropped into a ghetto and told to earn back their fortune. Then they'll get it.

I'm being forced to play, but it doesn't mean I can't use cheat codes.

Oh hell yeah
If some wizard ever kicks in my door and asks me what year I want to be born again I'm gonna tell him 1965, I'd tear ass down to Florida and get in as close to the ground floor of my current workplace and coast my way through a career I know would have me retiring by now because the company has been decently successful and I'd be around for around 2 5:1 stock splits and a 10:1, I'd have paid sundays, all kinds of cool shit, and I'd have the easiest time in what I know what just one big fuckaround period because we made/make so much money out of florida its not even funny

>be boomer

>get part time job during high school, full time during summer
>can afford new car
>not just a low-end new car, a Mustang or Camaro w/ V8.
>in high school

>want to go to college
>work summer job
>have enough for tuition for entire year

>get a job
>pays great, great benefits and pension
>can support wife, kids with just you working
>can get a house and 2 cars too
>can also live comfortably

I do believe that hard work does pay off, but even if you "worked hard" in this day and age, it doesn't even come close to being able to live like they did.

I would choose 1925. That way, I'd be 18 in 1943, join the war, and use my earned money to buy a house. Then when I get a family, I'll make sure I teach my kids the proper life skills to make sure they can make their fortune as well. Not this bullshit about "durr apply urself, br0," or "stowp compwayning."

What do you guys think is gonna happen?
Will it become even harder to live a basic life or are we going to radically change the way we operate?

Yeah. I'd throw most Gen Xers in there too, at least the younger ones born like 1965-1975.
I think the rise in opiate-related deaths is proof of this. Look at the schools today, pill-popping is rampant compared to Boomer or even X schools.

im not from the us but the way i see the post ww2 economic boom was a really short period in history thats never gonna happen again. the past-boomer generation has a reason to be angry but in the end the economy will never return to that level and expecting that to happen is a delusion people should not buy into. in the end you can be angry all you want about how easy boomers had it but there is nothing that would reform the current economy to that level. the market is much more global now, everything is outsourced, cheap immigrants, women in the workforce, the list goes on and on. its not that one or two things changed people fucked up in the past, the entire world is different now

Similar situation here. Dad was a machinist his whole career. Worked for the same company too. Just retired this year as a millionaire.

If boomers had it so easy when it comes to money how is that there are people with really poor boomer parents?

Maybe we'll do something about it. We might see a rise of far left/right politics(Like actually taking government control, not just shitposting on the internet like now) similar to how we did post-WW1, with how humiliated Millenials and Zoomers feel after being increasingly cucked by Liberal/Conservative boomers in recent years.

I think a small handful of us will find a way to buckle down and make something out of the scraps we have. Not as elaborate as a boomer retirement, but enough to where we won't have to slave for the rest of our lives. Kind of like Gran Torino, but with a younger MC who doesn't get killed and more bad people.

Most of us will probably just fall deeper into the rabbit hole, thought, because impulsive behavior will grow exponentially over time, with some of us being wedged in the center of it. I can actually picture our society slowly becoming like Brazil or South Africa, unless some genius fugues out a level-headed way to gain influence over our entire nation (but not like Hitler, that's way too much radical politics), and turn our culture around in an extremely short time span. The biggest problem we have is the constant tug-of-war between people who want to do what is rational and utilitarian versus only doing things for their own selfish benefit. And unfortunately, the later is winning.

That's actually true. Even in post World War 1, there wasn't as large of an economic boom because other European countries still had an intact manufacturing base. I think post WW2 really is a section of history that is extremely unorthodox, compared to the rest of our historical timeline.

The exception, and not the rule. Or they might have pissed away their fortune on loans, gambling, and booze.

you had to be incredibly stupid to fuck up the life they had. like 50iq tier retardation. every single boomer in my family worked what would be considered today a more or less bullshit job, and they lived a completely decent middle class life. the area i grew up in has shot up in value so much that i would not be able to afford it unless i made at least $100k a year.

Last year I had the 'privilege' of renting a room in a boomer's house. She had been a nurse, not super-high pay but was making about $48/h, before I moved in. She was laid off from that job for some murky reason she would never quite admit, although the other housemates and I were pretty sure it was because she was becoming a crazy old bat and probably had some malpractice issues, apart from just being annoying.

Her quest to find a new job was beautifully, justfully painful. She had to balance that boomer pride of """knowing""" she was worth 48/h with the realization that nobody would pay some senile old cat-lady much more than minimum wage. She was constantly broke and unable to even pay the utility bills at the end of the month, had to get advance rent from me on multiple occasions. However, she'd been in this artificial boomer-bubble so long she was strangely incapable of changing - she spent several hundred dollars on groceries every week, usually eating those designer frozen TV dinners that cost way too much for a single-serving box. Despite working at a hospital as a nurse, she was completely incapable of using a computer, and would frequently ask for help for things as simple as changing the open window - I mean she literally did not understand how to use alt-tab or the taskbar.
In the ~7 months I was there, she wired $35,000 to an Indian man who sent her an email saying "I am your best friend, haha yes remember me, now give me money for a very good business deal you will get double your money back within the week." She immediately did, raising the limit on her credit card to be able to send the full amount. Her reaction to finding out it was a scam was shock over how "there was no way to prevent this," that there was nothing she could have done differently to avoid this outcome. The notion of not wiring five figures to an overseas account because of an email was something so foreign to her it was like explaining astrophysics to an infant.

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That's kind of why I'm hoping that another blue wave happens in 2020, and Bernie gets the presidency. Out of all the Dems running, I feel like he has the most potential to enact a new deal 2.0

Oh, I should add, she bought her house for something around 23k in the early 80s. It is worth somewhere around 500k today. She bought her entire house for roughly the same as she collects in rent EVERY year from renting out the spare bedrooms - not even the entire house, just the spare bedrooms in it.

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>doing anything but giving free stuff to black people and raising taxes on everyone else
Remember this man is a millionaire who lives in a walled mansion. Remember this man is a figurehead of changing the liberal mindset from supporting the working class to supporting multimillionaires and giving those kept in artificial poverty just enough bread that they become artificially dependent on you. Remember that the DNC claims to champion workers and then proceeds to enact legislation that hurts American workers more than anyone while benefiting those who have never worked a day in their life or are professional criminals (drug dealers, organized crime, petty theft, etc.) Remember that the DNC works hard to decriminalize petty theft in all the cities it gains control over, which hurts the poor but not the rich as it's still illegal to steal expensive things, and that Bernie supports these policies under the guise of "anti-racism."
Remember that government is not a cooperation between a people and a government to achieve the greatest society for the people, but a struggle between a people and a government that will always by nature be hostile to the people as an establishment and that giving more power to the government and forcing the people to rely on the government for handouts takes every weapon out of the hands of the people. Remember that a government is a necessary evil that the people have decided to tolerate, not a greater good that the people must sacrifice for - one sacrifices for the PEOPLE of his community, not the government of his community.

Holy fuck. At least now I know that I actually am the better person. Thanks, m8

It's ironic, because I'm sure that they did have a better and easier life, but if I suddenly had to go from living the way we do now to the way they had to live then, I would probably hate it.
At least boomers had futures though.

Some Democrats are okay, but the problem in their ideology is that they focus too much on charity and not so much in creating a plan to actually get them to where they are able stand on their two feet. Also, it still wouldn't address the problem with superiors abusing their power, which is why a lot of decent people end up without work too.

things were better but the robots alive at the time would have probably had it harder than we do.
Atleast we got each other

Rayleigh scattering - light has to travel greater distance

Not sure why his wealth is really relevant. The guy has been talking about income inequality for years, if you were to read about his views on the subject, that would be obvious.
What specific policies are you talking about?
I think your views on government are a little outdated. Americans have always been fearful of the government, that's like the whole reason it even exists. But we live in a completely different world now. Our system of government was never meant to be static, and it's pretty clear that it can be vastly improved.

The reason why we Americans have a hard time trusting our government is because of our culture of always wanting instant gratification. And it rubs off on people in leadership too. So it's not that government is a bad thing, but more about the fact that there's too many people in power who only care about themselves, and have zero empathy for the people underneath them. Not just on the top leadership, but inside the elaborate net of bureaucracy too.

Where the FUCK do I find more pictures like the op and this?

Please somebody tell me please dear god

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I know many boomers that I've worked with in retail that had mediocre jobs before the 90s and made tons good livings but they blew it all on cocaine and fast cars and lawyers and divorces.

In the early 80s minimum wage was 3.15 an hour. Unemployment rate was 13% Interest rates for a house around 12%....Yeah it was fucking awesome.

This might be hard for a millennial to understand but boomers didn't take photos of everything

Big true. Campaign finance reform needs to happen before shit gets any better. Idk how we curb lobbying of already elected officials though.

all boomers have some kind of extreme narcissism. they basically saw their quality of life improve each year simply by existing. they genuinely believe they earned it all. I don't know a single boomer who is even remotely in touch with reality. My grandparents are nice loving people but they still live in a mental world where I'm a loser because I didn't shake the manager's hand and one day soon I'm going to get married. it's a complete dissonance with reality. and they all enable each other

This was 1970's NYC, it was very shitholish then.

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I think of it like a job interview prior to the actual election. Can the person actually fill the role of a leader?

As for already elected people, it would have to be like Stalin 1935, except without the killing and gulags. There would need to be a specific, non-biased criteria for what is considered "Abuse of Power" and every single person would need to be investigated by a neutral organization (Dead serious. Neutral and only devoted to the criteria in front of them). This includes politicians, all government workers, and certain members of private industry who control the actual effort.

If the criteria is met, they're out, blacklisted from any further government employment, and might also face federal charges depending on the severity of the offense. If they try and get power again, strip their citizenship and go straight to deportation.

And the third party investigative group would be like the Supreme Court, except with more strict qualifications to work there. Any hint of bias right or left, and the application is rejected. The intellectual and genuinely enlightened elite.

just a good wingman. His bro was tryna get laid but she wanted a double date and brought her fat friend

New York in the 80s was dirty as fuck

I have bad news for you OP, bommers had the exact same life as us. There were the jocks and the nerds: The jocks were popular, good looking and good at sports, they had sons and now tell their sons of how good "Tha eitees" were. The nerds on the other hand, didn't have anyone except for other nerds, and they eventually just neck themselves.
It has been like this for hundred if not thousands of years, and guess who are we in this time period's version of this...
We are going to be forgotten OP, just like everyone else before us.

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dont dead open inside original

>Why is some spot outside NYC in the late 1970s/1980s dirty?


This is not even a opinion but an objective fact.

Uni was way easier across all subjects
Getting a good paying job was easier
Money was worth more
No rapefugees
Non Chads got laid like crazy because way more women then men

I don't know if this girl is latina or not. She has an Arabic tattoo but I know Arabic tattoos are the new Chinese tattoos. But I would fuck this girl, she's cute enough and her body is ok.

In the hood yes.

My family on my mothers side is mostly poor and they are all self responsible for that.

>uncle is an alcoholic drug user
>aunt only clean houses
>every other poor family member is also a drug addict

Meanwhile most poor Millenials are poor because of shit out of there control, meaning too low of an IQ to get a college degree with a well paying (what was in boomer times standard earning) job in line or in general living in areas with shitty job perspectives and not enough money to look elsewhere.

If Boomer are poor, they are just retarded drug addicts, 100% of the time, no exceptions.

yeah they did. Median income in the U.S. hasnt changed since the 70s. Inflation has. An average loaf of bread has doubled since then. I always hear boomers say some shit like "I had nothing when I started" like yeah you started wealthier than a fifth of the current U.S. population. No debt or anything. Then you somehow lived off inexperienced labor. My dad has a story about how he moved to colorado on a couple hundred dollars and is proud of it. Unfortunately until they die off politicians will continue to pander to the majority of their demographic. Meanwhile education is absolute shit, but people affected can't vote.

obviously they could all buy brand new cars easy with min wage